Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety (2024)


Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR), also known as Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Report,Meteorological Terminal Air Report or Meteorological Airfield Report is a format for reporting weather information.

The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) describes METAR as the aerodrome routine meteorological report.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the UK Met Office all describe a METAR as aviation weather report.


The elements of these messages are normally given in the order below. Some elements or groups may be omitted when they are not needed or do not apply:

Code Name

The indicator group e.g. METAR, SPECI, or TREND as appropriate. Where a number of METARs are issued in the same bulletin, this, along with a date time group may be in the bulletin header.


The ICAO indicator of the reporting station eg. EGLL.

Date/Time of Report

The day of the month and the time of the observation in hours and minutes UTC e.g. 191350Z.


The optional code word AUTO indicates that the report has been generated using data from anautomated observing system.

Surface Wind

The mean wind direction in degrees true to the nearest 10 degrees, from which the wind is blowing and the mean wind speed in knots over the 10 minute period immediately preceding the observation e.g. 35015KT = 350 degrees true/15 kts; VRB05KT = variable/5 kts; 00000 = CALM. If gusts exceed the mean wind speed by 10kts or more in the 10 minutes preceding the time of the report, a letterGand 2 more figures are added to indicate the maximum wind speed e.g. 23018G30KT = 230 degrees true/18 ktsgusting to a maximum of30 kts. Reports may express wind speed in metres per second ('MPS) or Kilometres per hour (KPH). Winds greater than100 ktsor more shall be preceded by the letterPand reported as P99KT or P99MPS or P199KPH.


Reported in a four figure group (e.g. 0400 = 400 metres; 8000 = 8 km) up to but excluding 10 km; 9999 = 10km or more; 0000 = less than 50 metres visibility.

Runway Visual Range (RVR)

  • Aerodromes may include a letter indicatorRfollowed by the runway designator, a"/" and the touchdown zone RVR in metres, e.g. R06/0400. If the RVR is assessed on 2 or more runways simultaneously then the RVR group will be repeated.
  • Parallel runways will haveL,C, orRadded to the runway designator e.g. R24L/1100.
  • If the RVR is greater than the maximum value that can be measured,Pwill precede this value e.g. R24L/P1500.
  • If the RVR is less than the minimum value that can be measured ,Mwill precede this value e.g. R24L/M0050.
  • If RVR trends can be measured thenU,D, orNwill follow the RVR value to indicate increasing, decreasing or no change respectively.


Weather is indicated by up to 3 groups comprising symbols and letters from the following:

-= slight+= HeavyBC= PatchesBL= Blowing
BR= MistDR= Low DriftingDS= Dust StormDU= Widespread Dust
DZ= DrizzleFG= FogFC= Funnel Cloud (e.g. Tornado)FU= Smoke
FZ= FreezingGR= HailGS= Small HailHZ= Haze
IC= Ice CrystalsMI= ShallowPL= Ice PelletsPO= Dust Devils
RA= RainSA= SandSG= Snow GrainsSH= Shower
SN= SnowSQ= SquallSS= SandstormTS= Thunderstorm
VA= Volcanic AshVC= In the vicinity (nearby)UP= Unidentified PrecipitationRE= Recent

e.g- FZDZ= Slight FreezingDrizzle;+ SHRASN= Heavy Shower ofRainandSnow;REUP= Recent UnidentifiedPrecipitation.


Cloudamount is reported asFEW= few (1-2 oktas),SCT= scattered (3-4 oktas),BKN= broken (5-7 oktas) orOVC= overcast (8 oktas), followed by the height of the cloud base in hundreds of feet above aerodrome elevation e.g. SCT018 = scattered clouds at 1800 ft.

Selection of cloud layers reported is made as follows:

  • The lowest Layer;
  • The next lowest layer ofSCTor more;
  • The next higher layer ofBKNor more;
  • Significant convective cloud (CBorTCU) if not already reported.

Sky obscured is given asVVfollowed by the vertical visibility in hundreds of feet. When the vertical visibility has not been measured, the group will beVV///.

When there are no clouds of operational significance to report, noCBorTCUandCAVOKis not appropriate, the abbreviationNSC(No Significant Cloud) is used.

Note: In GAMET forecasts, heights can also be specified AMSL.


The Visibility, Cloud, and Weather groups are replaced by the termCAVOK(cloud and visibility OK) when the following conditions exist simultaneously:

  • Visibility is 10km or more.
  • No CB or TCU and no cloud below 5000 feet orMinimum Sector Altitude (MSA)(whichever is the greater).
  • No significant weather at or in the vicinity of the aerodrome.


Air temperatureanddewpointare reported in whole degrees Celsius, e.g. 10/07 = Temperature10°C/ Dew point7°C.


QNHis stated to the nearest whole hectopascal (equivalent to a millibar) rounded down and preceded by the letterQe.g. Q1013 = QNH 1013 Hectopascals.

Recent Weather

Significant recent weather observed in the period since the last routine observation will be reported by using the code letters for weather preceded by the lettersREe.g. RETS = RecentThunderstorm.

Wind Shear

In a METAR, civil aerodromes may includewind shearif reported along the take off or approach paths in the lowest 1600 ft with reference to the runway.WSis used to begin the group, e.g. WS TKOF RWY20. If the wind shear is affecting all runways, WS ALL RWY is reported.

Aerodrome Colour State

UK military and USAFE aerodromes will include the abbreviated colour state at the end of the message and ad the forecast colour state after the TREND.

Runway State Group (RSG)

NOTE: The RSG is omited from the METAR since the introduction of the new SNOWTAM format in 2021. However, this information is still included in some states (e.g. Russia).

An 8-figure group which may be added to METAR from civil aerodromes.

  • Runway designator (first two digits)
27 = Rwy 27 or 27L77 = Rwy 27R (50 added to the designator for "right" runway)88 = All runways99 = repetition of the last message as no new information received.
  • Runway Deposits (third digit)
0 = Clear and dry1 = Damp2 = Wet or water patches3 = Rime or frost covered (depth normally less than 1mm)4 = Dry snow5 = Wet snow6 = Slush7 = Ice8 = compacted or rolled snow9 = frozen ruts or ridges/ = type of deposit not reported (e.g. due to rwy clearance in progress)
  • Extent of runway contamination (fourth digit)
1 = 10% or less2 = 11% to 25%5 = 26% to 50%9 = 51% to 100%/ = not reported (e.g. due to rwy clearance in progress)
  • Depth of Deposit

the quoted depth is the mean of a number of readings or, if operationally significant, the greatest depth measured.

00 = less than 1mm01 = 1mm etcto90 = 90mm91 = not used92 = 10cm93 = 15cm94 = 20cm95 = 25cm96 = 30cm97 = 35cm98 = 40cm or more99 = Rwy(s) non-operational due to snow, slush, ice, large drifts or runway clearance, but depth not reported.// = depth of deposit operationally not significant or measurable.
  • Friction Coefficient or Braking Action (seventh and eighth digits)

The mean value is transmitted or, if operationally significant, the lowest value, e.g.:

28 = friction coefficient 0.2838 = friction coefficient 0.38or91 = Braking action: Poor92 = Braking action: Medium/Poor93 = Braking action: Medium94 = Braking action: Medium/Good95 = Braking action: Good99 = Figures unreliable (e.g. if equipment has been used which does not measure satisfactorily in slush or snow.)// = Braking action not reported (e.g. runway not operational; aerodrome closed; etc.)

Note: If contamination conditions cease to exist, the abbreviationCLRDis used, e.g.

24CLRD93 = Rwy 24 cleared; Braking action: Medium/Good88CLRD95 = All rwys cleared; Braking Action: Good


TREND forecasts are indicated byBECMG(Becoming) orTEMPO(temporary) which may be followed by a time group (hours and minutes UTC) preceded by one of the letter indicatedFM(from),TL(until),AT(at)

e.g. BECMG FM1030 TL1130

NOSIG replaces the TREND group when no significant changes are forecast to occur during the 2 hour forecast period.

To indicate the end of significant weather the abbreviationNSW(No Significant Weather) is used.

Only those elements for which a significant change is expected should be included in a TREND.

Further Reading

  • AC 00-45H - Aviation Weather Services, FAA, 14 Nov 2016.
Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety (2024)


Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR) | SKYbrary Aviation Safety? ›


METAR is also known as Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Report or Meteorological Aerodrome Report. › wiki › METAR
reports provide measurements to help pilots gauge visibility levels during taxiing, approach, and landing procedures, especially in adverse weather conditions such as fog, rain, or snow.

What is the METAR meteorological aerodrome report? ›

What is a METAR? A METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report) is an observation and provides information about the current weather. A TAF (Terminal Area Forecast) provides a forecast for a longer period, for example 8, 24 or 36 hours. Both are prepared for aviation and contain weather information that pilots need.

What is METAR aviation routine weather report? ›

METAR is a format for reporting weather information. A METAR weather report is predominantly used by aircraft pilots, and by meteorologists, who use aggregated METAR information to assist in weather forecasting. Today, according to the advancement of technology in civil aviation, the METAR is sent as IWXXM model.

What does a Metar report? ›

Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR), also known as Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Report, Meteorological Terminal Air Report or Meteorological Airfield Report is a format for reporting weather information.

What is the difference between TAF and Metar report? ›

The important distinction between them is that a TAF is just a forecast. It predicts future weather. METARs, on the other hand, are issued to advise pilots of current real-time weather conditions. METARs communicate actual weather, not predictions.

What is the METAR code in aviation? ›

A METAR is a coded weather bulletin of the observed weather at a specific location or Aerodrome and which is done at regular, routine times. SPECI - Special Aeronautical Report. This is coded exactly as a METAR, BUT is sent immediately whenever specific criteria has been observed. TAF - Terminal Aerodrome Forecast.

What 7 basic items of information does a METAR contain? ›

These reports are issued at each reporting location every hour and are considered valid weather information for 1 hour. Each METAR includes the airport identifier, time of observation, wind, visibility, runway visual range, present weather phenomena, sky conditions, temperature, dew point, and altimeter setting.

What are the 4 types of routine meteorological observations? ›

There are four types of weather observations: surface, upper air, radar, and satellite. Surface aviation weather observations (METARs) are a compilation of elements of the current weather at individual ground stations across the United States.

What are the three types of aviation weather reports? ›

Each report provides current information that is updated at different times. Some typical reports are aviation routine weather reports (METAR), pilot weather reports (PIREPs), and radar weather reports (SDs).

Why is METAR important? ›

The following METAR block provides a Q code which indicates the pressure at the airport, measured in hectopascals. This data is essential to figure out the aeroplane's altimeter and therefore, be able to establish the approach minimums.

Does a METAR weather report have a validity period? ›

A METAR is a report of conditions at a specific time, so it's only valid when it's issued. It's not a forecast, the weather could be different 5 minutes later. TAFs are forecasts that have a time range, they are valid during that time range.

How would blowing be reported in a METAR? ›

The descriptors DR (drifting) and BL (blowing) are used only in combination with SN (snow), DU (dust) and SA (sand). Drifting is used if the snow, dust or sand is raised less than two metres above ground; if two metres or more, blowing is used.

What are the two types of METARs? ›


METAR is the scheduled observation taken at the end of each hour. SPECI is an observation taken at an unscheduled time due to certain criteria that is met such as low visibility, low clouds, frozen precipitation, or thunderstorms.

How far does a METAR cover? ›

Practically speaking if the weather station is positioned well a METAR (like a TAF) is probably fairly representative of conditions within 5 miles, assuming there are no geographic features such as mountains which may mess with the weather.

Where does METAR data come from? ›

The METAR always refers to a specific airport and is obtained right then and there. That is at the airport. It is a report of current conditions, usually hourly. In the US, the FAA polls all systems remotely and disseminates the reports in METAR format.

What is an aerodrome warning? ›

Aerodrome Warnings. Aerodrome warnings are issued to provide operators, aerodrome services and others with concise information on meteorological conditions that could adversely affect the aerodrome's facilities and services, and aircraft on the ground, including parked aircraft.

What is METAR number? ›

METAR (Meteorological Terminal Air Report) is the international standard code for hourly and special weather observations (AMS Glossary).

What is a METAR in the FAA? ›

13-6. Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR) A METAR is an observation of current surface weather reported in a standard international format. While the METAR code has been adopted worldwide, each country is allowed to make modifications to the code.

Is a METAR a report that is issued? ›

METAR is a format for weather reporting that is predominately used for pilots and meteorologists. These reports are issued at each reporting location every hour and are considered valid weather information for 1 hour.


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