r-1- LEGAL NOTICES POSITIONS VACANT "Coviramin. MONEY, STOCKS AND SHARES APARTMENTS, BOARD FLATS TO LET HOLIDAY RESORTS cfc.vfkAL a-ArAaarvi School J2 Thi Svdniy Morning Henld, Wd, tug 17, 1977 32 SHARE ACCOMMODATION SHARE ACCOMMOOATION FLATS TO LET hoi lateau lay. or lua. Msl reuse, swim, pool, games. hard and sauna rms.
607 1121 (Svd (oaj) ti araa. HAWKF.SBl'RY LOW1R PORTLAND. Sglfcont. 2-benrm. Bungalows1 to lot.
For Intormatien, brochure and price li't Ring Lorraine kool tn 621 5911, during office hour! Or write to renmnua Bros. 129 kat Holm Rd, St METROPOLITAN BOND! NTM. Lux 2 end units, hoi perm. 371 8037. ILIIABETH BAVt Seauregarde LHABETH rati oeauregarae HarhnurfrOnl Touritt Hotel, i RVESI-MEADOWIANK 1-bf unrurn.
met. unit, rreenrv eece- rated. New nmil, close imell oxcsestlve.eiece tele car JLL. RANtrWICK. I tun.
Ret In prpsilas Biog gull, teiel. Kl. central ill lOM. rassp. etr.
Refs. tit. SIS pw, Pl ii ao RANOWICKi f.40 W. Unlurn. 2-tearn.
lorated, gd. cpnd. (XI, bllnol. piut flat, wall melt. Mr port tor eatro a iHENSTONI CHARLES.
ordt Junction, 67 2422. KANlSMlCRt Luvalv 2 Deorm. umurn. Hat. inoa.
ate Fr. Sb dall 3S8 4355 Suites, taia. I.nalna and Ruth MANkVi Superb ASSISTANT BRANCH MANAGERS ThtTAI. hat fwmlw verrat In its branches In Hit Sydney Metfopolii.n Ant. Outitt evatl involve atsottinf In list aanaral tTJPmlwrZ nd in prowiinQ I watt rtngt pf betting eeiost IT i 6 dey t-tta, Mtnday it tprih lundty duty.
Stirling times vety betyettn 1 1 m. end 2 am pit tvarage an tqutl -timber of I am, neon and 2 m. ee irttntr. A ctmrn-neing salary tr) UM per te. wet te) rsid.
Opponunitiet could trist lor later premonoa 10 W'JtrT lor epoeintment at an Agent si run tn Agency to I retamar mg aaats-sss. be aducaiad la It trd. be aged between 22 and 30 yean, snd ereferibly hat tirJJitfie tt eupervition. cath handling or clerical work. Appiicationi ihould be made on Iha lee-da "Applieailen ttr InsjtVtt men," lorm, obtamabia by laiephtnmg 211 0181.
or by wMnf, Totalizator Agency Board 411 Htrril ft, ULtlMO, 2007. Freshly pe.nted, new w.w. cpu.woilSTONICRAFTi Unlurn eat. also school hols. fr.
29 Aug TV. lawnt. car truce, clt. beach. Bower St.
area. 177 5716 Aaplyl i ii Cliff St. Manly. NEWPORT! Avail. Sept.
School HO s. Mod. a-o rami OS 1174. SYDNEY, Holiday Halt. S80 O.lord Waina St.
"brnl wer-Kiy OOUnie. noaiS TV a Ph. 26 S7S0. THE CECIL HOTEL. Vacenclet for tcnooi nois, neaieo pvui.
room, tennis court, good noma cooking. (047) 62 141 1. THE ENTRANCE! Beach Hpulf. flats. TV.
Aut. Holt. 644 1811. NORTH COAST holiday Flat ano nr.ean from 271877 to 10977 (066) 86 2912. POPSTER ABULUUS ruioiis.
CRYSTAL WATERS. First class accom. Ultra modern brick full SC. holiday flat. Central pot.
In the heart of For-iter, TV and bed linen supplied. tp cancellation, we new have and 2 bedroom flats available for August Aug. 27-Sept. 10. Phone Svdney S21 9679 or anant tan Pxvell Fpriier 2KT BnocTltt Antaluta answei araa araiau-a Lergest selection by lake and beacn.
Phone o' write to1 GEO. K. WORBOYS REAL ESTATE PTY. LTD 38 Wharf Fortter. Box 4 3.
Phone 117 t.n. 347. HAWKS NEST. BOUnO-0 OV Ocean, rn-i sawail Lakes snd rl-er Divert te en mil-s 0(1 hllhway and. soend nloht or extendi; honoav BIACn 21 of PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT Division of Cultural Activities State Library of Naw South Wales LIBRARY OFFICER GRADE 2 SALARY: 8918 rtngt 810.841 (868.80 bL QUALIFICATIONS: Itttntitl S.TZ Course Ottrrn-rr.
TteW tnd F-nt wulvtrtnt. eg. any si. (itpar. egitwori AHscistlon of Autttallai.
Appitrlaia mtturrly tnd tsperptnat. tM tvmf tne aSSVlt OT ina ESieica to wpervtia neti. DUTIES: IJbrary Omoers, Grade tional scale. Poarlitnt al tie) rape I iaraa, service areas in pom pa, INQUIRIES: Mn J. Jtnt.
rVtonnal CWs, Tereptwne 221 1188. Eat. 216. AFWCATI0N8 CLOSE: Stttt i lnaf tl outrle Street. SYDNEY.
2000, on Friday. 2nd 8aembar. 9if. POSITIONS VACANT Colleges, Diocese of Wollongong PRIMARY PRINCIPAL 1978 Applications ara Invited from Catholic teachers with proven prlrrat-i school esperienoe for the poaiiion ol principal of St Theresa Frimarf School. Wait Wialongong (enrolmeBl 434 February, 1SJ7).
Anpiicaiioni tn writing, citing. 3 rater aet, should be submritad by Monday, August 22 to: i MR WHITE. DIOCESAN DIRECTOR OF SCHOOLS, PO SOX 314, WOLLONGONG EAST, 2500. APT1R 14 davt from Hon of this notice an application for administration with thi uuhi Maiaa 1 Pih March 1913 nexed 01 tne estate 01 rwasranivv. IICI STANLEY KING lata el Marjlltan Pensioner will be made by Edward King a son or tne oecoeaoo.
niioa May King the Ixecutna nemed in the Will not having applied for Probate Of the Will. CrtJItO't are required to tend pertljuiari pt their claims upon his Estato to STANOER A CLARKE, Solicitors, 37 King Street, Nevcastie or their 1 1 r- a.aaAai a. ft atgeniB Wyavan inBnui a. w. Solicitors, 44 Hunter Street, Svd "'aftir 14 davt frem the publication of this notice tn aeon- ratiaa lav Prabala at the II djltd 11th Mav.
1972 of LESLIE JiNKINl lata of Parra. ha mane hv Sheldon Executrlces namedl quired to aend particulars ol their Claims upoa his Estate to ROBIL- LIAKCf ei KOBILLIARD, solicitors. George street, parramatta 21 SO OX. 8206 Parramatta 611 6666. ArTtfS 14 aavt trom puoiicaiion this notice an application tor Administration with the Will dated the 21rd day Ol February.
1966.1 annexed, of the Estate of GERALD RICHARD CROSIER, lata ei pei- mant. Fitter and Turner, will mane ba iris Eileen itooonson the sister of the deceased and the sole beneficiary under the laid Will. creditori are required to aeno particulars of their claims upon his Istatt to ARTHUR J. SCHO-SieiD A Snllcltars. of 672 Pacific Highway, Belmont; or their Agents, PANY, Canaw Pt tck s.
lis cum 2S0 Pitt Street, aifil 14 davi from the nub llcatlon ol this notice an spoil ration tor Probata of tha Will dated 21st August, 1974 and It thereto apian January, 1971 and Sin May, I respectively of I HEWSON late ol Auburn deceased will be made by truce yvanace Arnold Dickinson and Melville iraniaalrk Exa-utort nlmra the Mid Will and codicils. Credit-! Ql are reouireu to send particu. art or tnair claims upon mi e-irte to A. DICKINSON A SON. Solicitors, 19 Hunter Street, Sydney.
NOTICE Of Intended distribution of undermentioned Estates. Any person having any claim Iha undermentioned Estates must send particulars ot his vlaim to the PUBLIC TRUSTEE at the address appearing helcw pit or. before the expiration of a period ol two (2) calentiar months Irom Iha rtala of 11 -iliratiBB hereof. -nfie PUBLIC TRUSTEE will rls- hann raairri Anlv tB the Claims which al that date he has nallra HAROLD HERBERT BONA lala nl WentworthvillO. N.SW..
netired Poultry Farmer, died 20th June. 1977. Probate of the Will dated 14th September 1976 granted on lit August, 1977. LINDSAY THEDAL OUNkOP, late ol BeecroU, N.S.W Store-man, died 27th May. 1977.
An Election to administer with the Will dated 20th February, 1975 tha PUBLIC TRUSTEE being appointed sole Evecutor therein annexed, filed 9th August, 1977 C-EORtat wikklAWl Am-an. BALD JARROLO, late of Rydal. mere. N.S Retired Police Ser. oeant, died 4th June.
1977. P-o-bate of the Will dated 24th June. 1974 granted 9th August. 1977. r-ABi Kiintav ll MIC INS.
lata Northmead, S.W.. Reta-ed Ma'e Nurse, oiea otn jum, 1977, Intestate. An Election to administer filed litn August, CLARE IVtlEEN JOHNSTONE Lnnam a CLARE EVLLINE JOHNSTONE. late of west Granville. N.SW., Married Woman, died ntn juiw, "rr, Intestate.
Letters of Admmi. stration granted stn auousi, aaa laiilllAUS. lata Bf Eo Ping, N.SW.. Widow, died 24th Mav. 1077.
Intestate. Letters of Admlnlstrstion granted 9th BURTON WIND- Hi; al R.nkham Hills S.W.. Retired Bus Driver, died 10th June. 1977. An er.tlon to administer with the Will dated 26th S'Ptember, 195S the pub lic- TRUSTEE neing apw.u sole Executor annexed 1 wvf el.
late ol Rvoalmere. Pilot waster, died 27th MlY. Probate ol tne win oi' August, 1976 granted 9th Trust Office. Box 916. Post Office AFTER 14 davl Irom pub lc- Tr.r5b.
or'V'ira oK-tax Widow will be made by tne PUBLIC TRUSTEE. Creditors are required to tend of their claims upon the to GRANT. Branch Manager. Public Trust Olflce. Court House.
Aroent 'reot. Broken Mill. 28B0. AFTER 14 days from Publication of this notice on application, Probate of the Will dated 28th April. 1975 of PRf OFRICK ARNOLD GROSE late of broken Retired Labourer will be made by the PUBLIC TRUSTEE ara reouired to send particulars Of their Estate to 1 Pranch Manager.
Pi A. CHAN I ubllc Trust ot arssm airaai. Broken Hill. 28B0 (For continuation see index to a a.art's-mntJ MONEY. STOCKS AND SHARES 4.T-rriiJTiOM to Btaroeri ef fundi ranging ngm StO 010.
hvt lubstantittl mounts Of monev for term of 2-3 VV. I. a a. a 171. fir- fa 13-t D.C.
i Fjnds sdvan'erf onlv on the Mortoaati oer prootrtle, tn Ska IM A a PtrS A I i A PI Ttl NO oensst incurrtd unlcis tettlp FINANCE CQ.109 ritt Strttt. Svdnev. 233 2822. auaii All Ffnt mortOeQt tuntis irom id pt. income-proaucmg ui-ihAP pstf fop nth(r Drootrtv also now aviinble-.
Phont A ej 1.11 ilrln'inlll OnlV. SCl way Investments pi Oo'rt Fields House. Svdnev Cov. AVAILABLE. miH loans without tec*ntv.
same oar. rinw 780 ritr si -near lowr Hall 26 6187, 26 6186. tat A It IHt debts, refinance, purchase brids- Ina or nxen term. 154 Castlereagh Street, Phone 26 6S25. A.B.F.
(Finance) PTV. LTD York cp vrt 21 SSB6 available, MOfpie. Buflne. Prtvite Lon. FIXED SARIF rvl.rtlfi 11, J.
LONu TERM S2O.CO0 tr, tea aju.uuw S68 p.w.. also Personal and busmfss loans. THE FINANCE ADVISOR P. 175 Pitt JI 7C1 1QQ3. 6S5 3401.
I IMPORTER and Manufacturer re- nu res imBBri nnania w.a sold goods. Please ring 51 2688, IFIC CORPORATION PTY. LTD. aune jdio t.cYt.1. Australia Sq.
Tower. See us for ALL TYPES finance. Home Loans. 25 yrs. req.
1st and 2nd Mtgs. Bridging. Personal loans, debt cons. Commercial1 fin. Any amount.
5IMs, Leasing. Lease-back, olnt Vents. 0 seas. Fndg. full Merchant Bkg.
Serv Tel. 27 1974. A.H. 92 5367 MORTGAGES sought, first mort ma ntM- cent, tecond mort gages, 24 per cent, 29 3923. a.h.
92 3413. mart A AGES. Finance readily avaiianie tor iviQriBagr. onnH- no Finance. Plant and iquip mcnt.
fvortgages purchased Financial Guarantees. MIDLAND INVESTMENTS 7 20 Georje St, Sydney. Teiconone a.i i uqbb. M.H.L.F. Nos.
2094, 6. Loan 16.000. Sell at I4aiau o.n.a. rn on alien IT Aft BOWKETT, United loan or shares WANTED, as 1674. STARR BOWKETT.
Loan No 9. 50 snart-S luiiy pam u. Anrii a Ln.n tsooo interest- free now overdue. Offers, Box 22 Wemworthvillco 635 3374. WANTED.
1st MORTGAGE $125,000. Will pay 13'a per cent, Tanya, 29 ssbo. POSITIONS ai at i of vVJlNtrcY S40.000 TT 1" mm lii. Bar 1111. kauaa al.
160 00 WANTBDi ttooo by trading company for to otvt tniy. wir jonn. one two. fuDY the values In Hguiet. Flats, Ofllctt, Workshops and Factories, as advertised In the H.r.in riasiitrao cnUmn; PUBLIC NOTICES MOTar iOBeK PTY.
IIMITIB- announces that tne winner or mi f'win a week1! Iree accent-modatlon tor two at eny Country Comfort Motel1' petitlpn It P. Raynard. Cabra- uu RIPATRIATION ACT 1 920.1 74 Re: KIITH F.AMILTON RAWNILEV CALVERT lormrriy Pla 71S A.I.Bn.. tiereai-- who died bn 23th IBIS Any p-rson helnq a "memher iha famila" of the above- named defeated within the! meaning of that expression in Section at the above Act ar any Perten being or having been any Vime. uepaaoaai may apply to be considered In lution of.
or payment an allowance Irom, the pen sion reteined dv me neoaina- tlon Commission tinder Section eg or tne aci. aooncation should be lodged with The Deputy Commissioner for New South Wales at 77 York Street, Sydney, within thrity days from the date hereot. Dated this seventeenth day of August. 197.J wMW00Bi Deputy Corr.mlisioner. QUEYN3 PARK SOCCijl CLUB guessing competition.
2403 V. Harrll, 13S4 P. Well, 1237, G. Iloan, $793 H. Hedlev 2S07 I.
rve, 1 ericKton, aecrviarr REPATRIATION ACT, 1120- StCTION 49(6). Re: JAMES WATSON former. ly aaua. aan. ceased, who died an 19th July, Q77 Any penon being a "member of the family" of the above-named deceased within the meaning of that expression in Section 23 the aoove Act or any person being or having been at any time, dependent on him.
may apply IP be considered- In the distribution ot. or oavment of an allowance from, the pen sion retaineo oy tne nspurn-tion Commission under Section 4 0 of the Act. To ensure consideration, the application should he lodged with The Deputy Commissioner far New South Wales at 77 York Street, Sydney, within tn-rtv davs from the date he.eoi. Dated this seventeenth day 1 077. J.
TIN PLACE. SYDNEY, herebv In tanrit ib aoolv to tha Registrar, Travel Agents Registration Board after a period ol seven days for the grant of a licence to carrr on tne butiness ol a travel agent tn the name of CLUB MEO TRAVEL PTY. at GROUND FLOOR, 38-40 MARIIN PL A AC jYUNCr. J. P.
LTD. (the licensee) ol GRD. FLOOR. 38 40 MARTIN PLACE, SYDNEY, hirebv Intend(s) to spply te the Registrar. Travel Agents Registration Board alter a period ol seven davs lor the grant of a licence nominating KEITH MARTIN HAYES ol 23, GILWINGA DRIVE, BAYVIEW HEIGHTS as tne person In charge ol the licensee's place ot 6uslness in the name of CLUB MEO TRAVEL PTY.
LTD. located at GRO. FLOOR, 38-40, MARTIN PLACE. SYDNEY. J.
P. YOUNGM AN, DIRECTOR. THE following men called hv registered number are required to attend tht Seamen Engagement Centret touar: SVDNEV AT 10.30 A.M. A.B. 4983 4877 4429 253 SOS 5518 828 658 086 6486 4905 802 018 SS12 3692.
O.S. 5359. C.A. 54 234 6049. R.
4404 2288 5507 6311 535 2017 6804 4S16 2412 PORT KEMBLA AT 10 00 A.M. A.I. S33S 5407 60S3 7020 575ft ER, 2209 6392 4608 3260 33SVDNEV AT 11.30 A.M. STEWARDS 26214 26453 26622 26307 26440 26171 26158 26422 260SI 26264. SYDNEY AT 11.40 AM COOKS 40280B 401S0C am BUL TAKE NOTICE that aopncation hat been made to me corpuraia Affairs Commission to Change the name of Macar Ptv.
Limi'd to McNAIR ANDERSON ASSOCIATES' PTY. LIMITED consequent upon the chanse of name of the company presently called Mcnair Anderson aia Ptv Limited to LOUETTA PTY. LIMITED. The reaspni for the proposed change of name end registration are that the proerletorshlp of the company Formerly known al McNair An. derson Associates Ptv.
Limited hat changed and thui the bun ness in that company and all other contacts and agreemens have been transferred to Mrcar Pty. Limited, a company owned by the same former proprietors of M'Nalr Anderson Associates Ptv. Limited and so that Mecar Pty Limited will now be known as MCNair Anoerson Associates Ptv Llailted. WE. Geoffrey C.
K. Rowntrae and Leonaro B. RaisoecK ano reter H. Saver wish to advise the loss of Certificate No 2263 for 3800 units in General Property Trust and that after a lapse of 14 davs we will request G.P T. to issue a replacement certill r.te WOULD anybody who witnesses an accident at approximately 3 30 p.m on Monday, 1st August.
1977, it the Inter, section of Queen St. and Car. rinqton St. Revesby. Involving a motor cycle, reg.
No. N2S13 aaa an iiniriaatlllaif vehicle. COn. tact Mr Lawson of Melzer A Hinch. Solicitors.
Ph. 231 2903 (Continued on Page 21) STAMPS AND COINS WANTED: Australian stamps. All types. private tonctior. v.01 TQao A H.
308 10H a DENTAL NOTICES ACRYLIC TECH. Is reoulred nrottntlw hv North Oueen.iand LaWatorv- Wages negotiable. Please rino ''OB 1 260. moav, hgfwgpn 7 0 a m. tj DENTAL Technician for New castle Citv position.
Must be capable of high clss acrylic work. Ceramics not tisentlal but would add to renH'nrati'n S-Hary 'n vicinity of $250 per week. Replies in confidence P.O. Box S161C, Newcastle West or rhr- Pf '0ii DENTAL practice tor sale. Newly Brie.
In modern Nth. Svd. office block. Imnressive gross for 1st 12 nuns, pn. ib vioz a.n EASTERN SUBURBS DENTAL OROUP, Notice or Annual General Meeting on Monday, 22nd August, 1977, at the Ha- KOr.ri taiua, i nan Bond), 7 p.m., for drinks, 7.30 p.m.
for dinner, uu-; to postal delavs. please contact Or Ptter saptr, en. ouja at i NT ro ara ft-uturlno a com pnrenensivt aispiav or ismvu equipment and handpiece In tholr ihowroomi diirino tne week of August 15 This Includes kavu cnair mountao unii 1023. KAVO Est cart and other concents. You are invited to rnntirt Mr Kith Vauohan.
On Wednesday and Thursday afternoon Mr Roaer p*rney win conduct demonstrations of the new KAVO Bella-Toroue min- lattire turbine vind answer all technical qtiestons concerning the KAVO range. RUDOLF GUNZ 63-73 Ann St, Surry Hills, Phone 211 3155. PROFUSIONS, TRADES. ETC. LEGAL.
Old Cltv practice for sale! SUIt 2 or souciiori, or imiiB Terms avail. Replies to: No. 23877 Herald. SIGN WRITING anv area. Rlno now tor fret quotes ana get 29 p.C.
discount. 708 1517- WANTED: Accty. group of Clients. refer or citv. Talrl, Practice or North Short, No 27034, VACANT Personnel Clerk, Etatt Library of Svdnav.
2000. on Friday. SeDtambar A REIPF.NCE TO I I Unl il I 1'iA 1 ar 'b'fasl lai gent 'lean cejmi, IT 1T11 HURtTVILLl. loard. Unlit.
Share gents, ag yvoniora no luRITVILL. Full Respectable Guy E'ceil. toad, trie nttly atmas. 50 4324. uiaiAiaiiiii amaia aarv.
roams Irnm til w. Mod. TV ranai mint, tarry and tut as Carabolla St. 0 atiNfii Potts Pt. 2) Chains Ave, cose Lnevrun nwh lura Wart, clean tfb eg.
n.w cook. tac. tacn rm gulet. TV avail SS7 1289, Fiatetta i Aita 1 bedraom, use kitchen 110. SS9 8764 ISWISHAM, fiatetta, 120.
F.I.. w.w., awn sop. srean. near station, suit lent SSI gi19. LEWIlHAMl Acc.
W.W, carpet. parking, cipse bus gndl wav. 17 tta iwav ice. MAROUBRA. Nice lairge room with all convt.
51 Storey St. MOSMANCREVORNE; Smg'a and double tiatertes rompriainu bed sittmo rooms own kit, h.ih.a tarllltiaa. Furn. all In good clean condit. Singitj 117-122 PW.
Doublet S22-S38 P.W. P. BUlllKA 'r Military Rd. Motnsan. OKA 11171 N1UTRA'.
BAY serviced tt Ilnglt and twin, cook from til Oft 717. NEWTOWN, rooms, oulet clean place, all use at kitchen $11. Active pensioners welcome, 12 Uralla St. 11 1317. NEUTRAL BAY.
Dblt. and Sale. Well furn. ttrv. ckg.
lar.ua. Harb views, cis. rgrrv ityy Thrupp tt, 90 1704 -(fl 7461 a awn Plata I rm Own kit but. couplt. 90t 2940 NORTH SH.
SYD. Sm. $TJ SO inci. ck. tacn.
ir NEUT. BAY. 90 4683. brd single, dble. rmt.
Kurrabt Rd. N. Sv. Irge f. all com.
Gent only. S26. ii ioa NEUTRAL BAY. 178 Kurraba fid. Immac.
lettes Own cook, rloe. Suit 2. 90 5267. NEUTRAL BAYl Serviced tgle. or twin accomm.
ar anericvva wo. Ph. 901 16S4. NEWTOWN. Clean mod.
lurn. rooms, tingle git, twin tao. rn. S19 5549. 0 NEUTRAL BAY.
WATERFRONT Single end double serv. rooms end fiatettet. Close 90 5231. 6) ORIENTAL PRIVATE HOTEL. tl Mlktajrv no, CREMORNE.
Pnone 90 2563 Eniov our homely atmosphere and levelv harbcur views (overlooking the Iridge and Opera House). 10 minutes by ferry to City, colour TV, pool table and first-class meals. Tariff Including breakfast and dinner from S3S p.w. single and SSO p.w. double.
Inquiries welcome PElCRaHAM. Large Cole aid sgie. riatetto. own sep. gas and light inci.
Take child. 16 New Canterbury Rd. $69 1398. POTT1 PT.I F.F., large, tgle. ette, S47.
Garden view, pnone. W. math 1SS 46S8. PRIVATI and cooklno facllltlei. tv.
weexiy term, amgie irom $43. doublet trom sss. lido MOTEL. 2 Roslyn Street, Kings Cross. 358 4844.
PARRAMATTA. 1 b.r. flat, un- (II SB PamKartna POTT. PoiNi, 'dble. ettes.
$30. sis, neiore la noun. 141a Victoria St. 366 PETERSHAM. Fattea.
aole. and cooking utensnt and linen aiiaanaa Nina ana A PADDINGTONDARLINGHURST. Hignt at transoort, ciean rooms and flatettcs, $19 weekly. Phone 31 a333. PITSBSHAM.
Rooms, kit. 2 mlns. bus, trsin. i risner pt. ROSE BAYVAUCLUtt: rurn.
garden ette. also single rmt. ir. $19. TV Inge.
10 Ray Ave. 36 5846. a h. 371 6825. iicuruTTIRt RAY.
I'ette cnarming peaceiui terrece. amuia $25.50. For private ckg. and washing lac. Linen supplied.
Ad-lacent park, trans, 10 mln. cltv. inspect 31 Waratah St 11 2580 alter 11am ftANOWltk: Rm. to let. lhare kit ANDWICK: Rm.
to let. snare n.l and bathrm. 91 Avoca St. Good condition. IHODES.
Guest House, meall. RHODES. youngeats.rajseoe. asviasn arnfatilBnal woman visit. no Australia ror a aw, wishes small living space lower Nortn pnore.
preiereoiy in private home. Phone 960 2667- RESIDENTIAL for lease. 306 Aber. crombia SI. cnippenaeie.
a-ttorev noute, dining-room, lounge, toilet! and oathroomt, 14 large double and ilngie bedroomt. laundry partly turnithed Pood yard quiet ttreet. near ooo. park, newly painted, ex. lease to be negotiated, ring John.
80 4013 aft. 7 p.m. for aoBrtlnt. RANDWICK. Flatette.
tingle. rurnitneo. uwn xnenen. use all com. 56 Avoca St.
198 S493. randwick. Motel ttvle iccom. TV. parking, coov.
tac. err-eeaa- nn ra-rs. IS 1462. SERVICED rooms to lot lor men pniv, irom sis p.w. appit a-a Hughes St, Potts Pt.
,0) SERVICED Bachelors- Apart ments. Color TV, wnekly from HAMPTON COURT HOTEL. 9 Baytwaler Rd. Kings Cross. 3S7 2711.
SOUTH COOGEEl Fully turn. room, witn tun use ot rwina laHw. RAS S979 v.uuASI P'aitaa. sole. and cooking utensnt eno unrn tupo ed.
Ring too rasa apply Flat 1116 North Stanmora. 4 SUMMER HILL. F'ettet, selg. and cooicing utensns i- SiiPPIlea. King sig rasa aoly 70 Hanson St, Summer Hill.
STANMORI! Clsan flatstts, own use aiu.a. tuppneO. 17.PU. aingie rwnia S14.50- Cipse station, Bruce St. No.
i STRATHFIELD: Private rr-nk farll. 764 4632. WAVERTON. Serviced rooml. own tv, triage, ttation.
quiet houte, 43 lav R' di ntan WOOLAHRA. Furn. room, free H.W.S. Laundry. CRAIG MILLER PTY IT 283 llliahetr, St.
26 tt' WOLLSTONECRAPT. 1 1 Furn. sale cptd. room, suit bus. oent, 2 mlns.
stn. HARRje MURR8LL, 439 2233. SnaaaaaaaLaaaaaaaaaAa-ai APARTMENTS, BOARD RESIDENCE WANTED Zcc6hfa'6bATl6N required close ta transport and airport for vnung business gentleman. Phone 232 6044, Contact Mr Simpson, bus, hrs. WANTED! Full loard tor country girl, 44, witn lamnr of iiwriT couple, to $30.
Eastern Suburbs ar-a aff.7 3W.0 WW1 MOTELS ARRANGE booklnns thrnunh Bkluna.iu Merlin ri. aaa NOW open. Beeeroft West Motel. 643 pennant nms noao, cininv ford 2118. Tel.
No. 671 aoa. vaa miALITV MOTEL. FAR NORTH lUAl. Pnanlar and well known tOWR en way te Gold Coatt.
Modern 21 Unit Motei. o. sop.uou. dalliaa tss.000. oivlno aoprox.
15 return on purchaie price or tzza.oou. a o.ir., a.ic own- ara. nuartera Included In Price. All hguret available. This Is genuine and a lure fire seller tt 1449, ouu.
KATOOMIAt At GOVOER BROS. clean tiatt, saiorai court. Reat. rentt. List tent.
Box 34. (047) 82 2122. CENTRAL COAST AT The Entrance. Mod. Flats.
Cottage and Home Unltt to let. Phone or write The Entrance Es tate Agency, 100 Main Rd, The Entrance. luaai 31 aaaa. a AT THI ENTRANCE BEACH. acc.
e. vac. now on so t04i, $30 p.w, AVOCA BEACH! Large comfort. aDie opp, oeacn, aeptic, n.w.s. Accom.
o-io persons, rest, rentals, Avail. Aug. -Sept. Hols, and Xmal-Jan. Holt.
COPA CABANA REAL ESTATE. Del Monte Place. Copacabana. (043) 82 1162. COPACABANA ultra mod.
1 B.R. cott. extensive views or beach avail. Aug. -Sept.
holt. and Amas-jan. nois. ano in oetween. COPACABANA REAL ESTTI, Del Monte Place, Copacabana, 10431 82 1167 A BTTALONOI Ml vlodern.
all.elerl. holiday accom. H.W.S., septic. Ettalong Real Estate Agency 201 Memorial. Avenue, Ct- wua.
MOLLYMOOK right an PATONOA. Beachfront cottage, scnast noia. siiibdi. Avail. Aug.
nois. age P33B. PATONGA. BEACH, hoi. cott.
ac com, n.w., septic, ige. $60 p.w. Vac. now, school fioli, and later. (043) 79 1111.
tOUKLtY, FAMlLV with' riding scnooi win take children between 9-12 veari to live-In for ichool Impaction Invited. (043) 96 4174. THE ENTRANCE, Long Jetty. Toowoon Bay, Bateau Bay. Waterfront unitt, pooll, modern halt and cottages.
C. D. McLACHLAN, 4S7 Entrance Rd, Long Jetty. Goitord (043) 32 118ST TIRRIGAL. Ideewitor.
ell- elect, ux. a.c, nor. unni at beach, shoos, f.f. for $, Sun bale, garage, H.W., lep. tv, linen avail.
Ideal honeymoon. Broch. Box 4884, G.P.O. 29 4034. a.h.
48 $486. MIMA REACH. a.h.r. rah accom. 4 near beach and ihopi not Amis, tst, 9302407, noeTrjir in uu, m.w..
unmrn twm Inge Idinlnf, with harbour vipwt, latai, value. WOOLLAHRA. I br with Inge dmlng, tSB ttudv. unlwn KM ond. U.C JOHN HAWKINS I P.I..
wooilanra. St 944 UMIl'PlArT La. 1 kdrm taml, furn, unit, as mmmn bIMk. Ph. StU.
4S47M. attar 4 pm. WBaTMlAD. 110 P.W, SparlOUS -paprm. rrasnly out.
w. cptt bilnds. talc, tap (l-st kiAPPK PARK. 640 Lot. 2-bedrm.
In hdy. Diinoi, iigni on-ai R. ANDREW 133 Church St. Pwpmattt. 63S I486 6R.
unit right at gtatipn. Older style but in gpod ardar, 160 MacOIARMIO A CO. PL. Lane coe. Lane Cora.
S74S WW 'I ARK: 200 metres Stat. or. unt gro. nr, tar kit car tpaca. own wry S40 Lammev PrL.
IB Nr.rlh Pda, Camptla. 71 4231- WIST RVDI. MOO. 1 D.r. unturn.
nai, per wan. walk In roba. auto, indry. J4. Includ.
parking. stiphVn" co, rut St Sydney, isa ntaa. WOLLITAMICRAPY. in prest, ouiiq. wnn garvvni, i r.
unturn flat, bale, w. rarp, and para, firi, own Indry. III. Apply into triage pna .4 nv STIPHIN A CO. P.
Pitt St 5vdnv 22 WrVKLAHPAi 171 W. unrurn. M. Dvarm. mavvm unit, lounge with balcony, awn ingry.
I. u. gar. -ise tmpt. Norrian mini a s.o.
Rri-a Ray '71 4111. WAYahi-aY: Ooi. room, all con- van T.i IK 4. 620 W. WOLLSTON1CRA1T.
aurn nanantar nr. new ma car facllltlei. dote to CUV trains. atr. 146 SO p.w.
In. Ipertlon by arrangement. Phone 417 662 wavbrtom. 1 b.r din fully 27 tails Head i WAMROfaNCA 1 unlurn. lata.
at iis fa. ano one at tta ow lSMS WALTFOS. 4a1H WAVERLEY. unlurn. mod.
car tpa b. tap Kear new 2 bedrm. unfuri Ocean viewt. car tPtcp. 169 HELPRIN REAL 1ST ATI.
IQNUI JIIMCTIQ.I t-K 444. WOOLLAHRA. Fully turn. Ixecu tive apartment to let an long tease. Situated In Exclusive tree- lined AV.
AND COMPRISING SEP. SUNRM. 2 Bed rooms. L.U. garage.
RENTAL $110 P.W. 0 SCOTT PTY. IOGECLIFFI. 32 1241 WOLLaiONSLRAFT, ClOSO Crows Nest, sunny, 2 b.r. unit, own car space.
SiS p.w. 239 2271 b.h.. 90 3186 an WILEY PARK, 2 bed. unfurn unit. 11a.
WATKK1 LAsrtn TER. 112 South Pde. Auburn. 049 O.B. WAVERTON $70 p.w U.F.
2 bed. unit. Quiet block, share laundry, nr. station and shops. 5,1 IDKIFV RAPFR fCALESl 25 Albany St.
Crowt Ntlt. S99v. WOOLLAHRA. tunrm. S41 new ic.
jbh yaae. ree, WILEY PARK, 2 b.r., unturn. carpeted unit. First-data block. own off.atraat nnrklna Close to station and thopt.
149 7J "35. SHARE ACCOMMODATION ATTENTION: LOOK ING TO SHAPES fave time, money and avoid hassles, come and tee ut, the only agency apeciausing on tne North Shore, we've lots of flats a few we list below: Cremorne. $30 Mosman, 130. Neut. Bay, $37.
Waverton, $33. Cammerav, $30. Chats-wood, $10. Collarov, $21. Dee rrnv, tie.
ureenwicn, tar. Chiswlck, $30. Lane Cove, $30. Klllara. $2S.
Rosevllle. $30. Wahroonga, $30. Seaterth, $30. Narraber-n.
$27. Manly, $28. Avalon, S29. Many more avail. Phone 412 3811 SKYE FLAT SHARING, 389 Victoria Ave, CHATSWOOO.
ARTISTIC line crelt people, to anare irienoiy nouse nice oarovn. own to 001100-mooloo. 158 3714. handy position for Cltv worker. own room, tv, stereo, mins.
to $20 p.w. Ph. 59 3496, ask for Peter. ARTARMON. Girl lhare lge.
unit. a uuvx. own laroa nourtia im, room, fully furnished, vlewa Blue Mountains, on trans. 123 a week all Inclusive. Phone 418 2471 batwaan a aad It a a.
BIRCHGROVE. guy around 30. to snare turn, uppe- duplex witn 2 girls, harb. views, 'lose to nata rm. Hi 4on9 IELLEVU1 HILL, guy to there wnn two gins, own room, sis p.w., bond.
Phone Carol. 410 sit mi IBONDI JUNCTION broadmlnded aur snare noute witn 4 otnert, own room. $25 p.w., BALGOWLAH. Girl guy, share iui. f.t.
2-oath town house. Own dble. Inc. ater- eo coi. iv.
wasn. macn. onone. etc. Clttt shops, trans, and "iter.
jjo plst Bond. 949 4962 BONDI, Girl or guy furn. Flat, own az2 p.w no eono 262 Warnrrs Ave. A BOM0I JN. Cole there lge.
hse. jtu rm. witn nreniar.e. tai oacn. Prefer vegetarians.
Ph. 389 76S1 afar 5 a.m. CPLE. Share lee. hse.
Bondl Jn. wnn a oinpra, igo, room, azi aarh 1NO 7RSS altar It BALMAIN. Girl, reliable. T5 olut, to snare large nouse. own room.
e.7n alaaaaa BALMAIhi. Person to share house, own room Tal miy ISIS IILIVUI HILL. Guy or girl to snare wnn guy large comioriaoie ultk I II hdrcom. $30 p.w. ihone jo rjDa aaTare in a.m.
bvviwi. anara nuuiv, a rovmi, I large, i smaller avaiienie. Across rrom oeacn, wnn ppoi. B.P.q., s'-a-e with lour others. $21 p.w.
$30 bond. Is Brook St, vTpq. COUNTRY Rao. wishes shr. do- ngntui, vauciuse mod.
euiet unit anoxner pus. worn, non smoke own rm. 4S1 0027. ah 117 ana. CRONULLA.
girl guy 20. is share moo. a o.r. unit, own room, bond. $31 p.w.
Phong $21 1743 after 1 a.m. CANTERBURY, tidy person to snare new nome. own room, parking, close to shoos and transport, nine rteign 9 a.m. -4 CHIFPENDALI. Girl or auv Share terrace bouse with I others, minutes to Iroadwav and university, szg.
p.w. own room rn. pea an 7, evening or week- end. A vvwaa. bin guy mere 3-0 room turn, Flat, near beach, shoos, with quiet guv.
$24. 1227 Ardant. aftar S. CRONULLA. woman 40a.
ahara run rurn. cott. near beach, child oo ooi. rrot, man. t.ic.
pox 259. Cronulla. CHATSWOOO, 2 persons. 25-35 maietemaie share good part furn. home, 2 spare Iwth yaung working mother nd 8-yr daughter, $30 each.
410 lata a CAMMIRAY. Guv-glrl. 21 end ovar, snarw rial, own nnrfl, CREMORNICAMMERAV. Ma cure guy to mare partly Turn tsneo 2-oparm. unit, own room close shoos, transport, p.w.
Ph. 909 3397, l.h, eoor.lt. Girl. mld-twentles. inare garden rut witn guv ano con, own unturnisneo room, $22 SO o.w.
Bond, IBS 8584 after 6 p.m. DOVER HTS, Guvfglrl thire haute. 7 athert. own ream. Ocean view, nice yard.
Close nnt. i7B. 371 iner s. DOUBLE BAY. Waterfront.
or ouv to lhare beaut. 2 bedrm. apartment, own rm. Newly Bunted, new w. to w.
cots, sau, lust ba able to move In Imme dlately. Ph. Alex 32 0719 after 6 A DOUBLl BAV. Urge 2-bed room Fiat to inare, male or temaie. own room.
2 mini, walk to but and snooping facilities, $40 p.w. TOI. 36 2221 B.h., 3it 174 ah. IAST ROSEVILLI. Share houte witn 2 gins euo quv.
uwi rm. $20 p.w. Bui to city, trains, off-air, oarkinp. nraat nasltion 408 4027. Sun.
ar aft. p.m. weexoeve. or PRI1 rent and board offered to eatv going person In return for evening dbdt lining, wwn rm. i itaa PLATMAT.
Ta ahare Town House, Ntn. witn woman ano 4 young scnooi ennuren. uwn young woman ei middle-aged lady or gent, wel-roma. 92 a 2780. aftar f.
PRII heme to woman. In return tor little noute Keeping tot i man. nsooern nome an convvn- lancea. own room. Merrvlands Far partlculari phpne 32 8641 after 8 p.m.
ATMATIS, lhare home, own rooms. Apply 14 Old South tiesa noao- nay, GIRLS, Bondl. Share house own 27 FlOOd St. 317 3064. GIRL, thare house, all mod.
colour tv, own room, "hone 108 308S. GIRL or Guy to there 2-bedrm. Fiat with tingle mi. own room 115 p.w. Eddoecllff.
128 6505. A uu" 25, iook to snare grno. n. accom. win.
anore area, access- Ibte and conv. for wheelchair. JRGENT. Ring David. B.H.
467 2444, A.H 439 0) GUY, GIRL, 25-30. inaclous Town House, tp ina re 2 ethers, auta mu, tit Please phone 90( 3279, after m' room. ire haute, awn raam. aihaM. TV.
dishwaaner near transport. 110. Ring 196 2010 attar a a m. RESPONSIBLE Young guy t' snare, 1 ptnpr, comrortania rao. dington awn largo bed re with garoan, no bang 32 3137.
RESP1NSIBLI girl ta share bout' at v-emmajrey wnn rflV lye lully 125 a Pieaso ring a.b, 122 1147, bh. 452 1171 Vlnca. ROM BAVt Girl to share with I others. 3-bedroom Heuto. 121 mci, tv, an moo.
XTt 6102 iURRV'HiUI. Pi 'erson to anarg 111 p.w. nouaa in a athert. II B-aVaa tt. aain raoaa lURRr Girl i guy there oeautltui tuny ranwvaiau i'n.
terrace houtt. Own room, pick- iard. very close bum and train mint. city. S2S p.w.
Bond. a ti turn Hllla. a VAUcluSl. Guy-g rl counle, thgre nouae. own rm.
jr, uaua. VAuCLUtl: Girl guy. lata 0t sharp large flet. all mod. tl a 11T 2B1T.
WANTEOi Male. mld-20i. share renovated terrece, McMghont Point, own large room, 120 pw 911 7463 alter 1 am. WOOLLAHRAi Girl i guy to share eemi witn 9 diners, awn roam, rlaaa Ihanl and Irana. 389 1011, VaANTlDl Olrl wantt to thart accom.
with student or proms in HUH District. Praf, with acre II 1621. waysaraasfTi 2 vaung Guys reoulred ta there large Newport Home, el' farinriaa aalth a others, bask auaal.ad. Phone 111,. aa a.
ar OO 1147 WOLLSTONICRAFT. Guytlrl over thare large bedroom part-furn. mod. apartment, own roean. 2 bathrooms, close stn.
$33. $0. 901 1999 029 34S7 a h. WOLLSTONICRAFTt Gentleman read, to enare auracii.a aanlhar week. ROlS, ra-d Phone ayanlnn 922 3614.
I YOUNO Laov. ip-aa, aa'a house, tarn poor riown. a a O.n rm. Phon 046 2fJl24j. FITS WANTED GENT IS5 teekt small unlurn.
It. ties. n.rllnnhiirst. 1010 APARTMENTS, BOARD, RESIDENCE TO LET OLCUMMOOATION FfiendlietJ LOdoe in tvorvav, aim ra. and best Slower Toilet eech room TV.
room Share Irom S3 60 per day aervlce. S-dev week. Some WALKER LODGE, 132 Walker St, Nth Sydney. Phone 129 2917 ACCOMMODATION. MARRICK- VILLt, irom p.u.
aa -aw SSO 7304. ASHFIILD. Large room, wen furnisneo. a modern convenienceg. phone, heater" colour TV.
hoi water, handy transport, $28. 797 1195. ACC. City. nr.
Central Rtvry. i63 'it. Cnr. AW'GVnV. m-.
TV. X. iY 19 Arcadia Rd. Glebe Pt. ACC.
londl. Sail. rmt. All tons. ACCOMi.
Cremorne Pt. okhara Prlv. Hotel. 41 Crtmorne Rd. 2 mean.
Viewt of Harbour. 6 mlns. City by. terry. Form.
$38 to $40 wkiv. cesuan pr.ou oanv. 90 7121. 90 1436" ASHPIILOt Accom. and breakfatt.
1 or 7 man. 796 5717. ACCOM. Neut. lev.
Supprlor tingle ana twin rim, uaaa lar TV cooking two excel. meals dally. No bond. Rates fr $28 wkly. S6.S0 casua Will-eringa Ave.
Ph. 90 $021. modatlon with good food and beautiful Harbour views? Then a lar alnale and lhare ac-ommodation. 2 excell. meelt dallv.
Sundays. roast dinner, room service dally, bul service at door, 1 mm. to rerrv. mma. to City.
Facilities: TV pool table, guest auto. wash, own carpk. Rates from S14 0W Ph. 008 1239. ACC.
Doyle Pte. Htl. 11 Regent ritu. sa db a. di aivi.
a. ACCOM. Ladles $14. Broadway. TV.
linen, oop Grace Bros SI City Rd. 699 4762. ACCOM. Gould. 700 George St.
City sgie coie. uaiiy, ml ta.hr aarv 211 1930. ACC. HOTEL. 236 Ell.
CITY: 207 Cleveland Street 699 40S1. NORWOOD: 61 Klrrlbllll Ave. Klrribllll. B2 1021. WYLOM1I: combo Road 90 21 lower Wy-Neutral Bay MALVERN: 2 Malvern Ave, Croydon.
747 4S04. IOGICLIFF- 27 Nelson St, Woollahra. 32 5968 AT CIleTllAt VONY only SS.90 par day. Permanenta $25. pw.
MANSION HOySI PRIVATI HOTIU 171 lilrabeth St, Sydney. 2000 rnonp ii'i'ia BONDI BCH. Nice, sige all cons, 81 Roscoe St. 10 1306. BEXLEY.
Full board tor men at 502 rorest no. rn. au nainl IllkirTIOM. oent. tun ooara, gooo meais.
i-a-. wash. mach. $24. p.w.
27 Paul St. 3B7 2102 or sstaaai. Bunvi ma. JSTI Sat, free gat, iv. an vv.
BONDI. Clean, mod. furn. new $2.6. rooms, single tie, twin 367 1651.
BELLIVUI HILL. Girl to Share large house, own room, an moo-ern facilities. Phone 36 4241. BONDI. SHARON GUEST HOUSE raa aarm b.
and twin. fam. rmt. 284 Bondi HQ. ju iaa3.
BONOI JCT: Large, cleat tgle. services deny, quiet nome. 20 Aliens Pde. BONOI, dble. ell CI.
snops, opp. rra- verley oval. 4 Park Pde. BONOI JCT. 1 Furn.
sgie with ck. fact. 12 Flood St. Lindsay A Craig. 36 3848.
BONOI, attr. ette. own at tpt 387 2913. ruiaSUDaLE Laroa furn. room.
Cooking lacllltles. fridge. $20 CRAIG MILIR PTY. eii-anath at 29 6614. CREMORNI, tingle and double furnished terviceo rooms, newir decorated from $20 Including TV.
electricity, etc. 11 Bertha Rd. Ring 90 or call any time 10m Central. Sole, rmt JTTsgle, sictlQ linen supplied, men only. Mr Hn mas.
zact El IX. jl. CROWS NEST. Nice bul. 82 CITY in.
all cone. a aincipir c. 1303. as V. Comfy welUfurn.
flltette. cooking, privacy, $28 p.w. 389 5687. a.h. 337 4247.
roor.lr $20 p.w. Large fulll. rurn. naietie ciosv oeacn. snops.
Appiy uvlthaa. raivjat. aftar m. CHEAPEST rooms, the heart of the city, sio-ia. cnr.
wsan -onGl GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL rr. ae IS nil, all mama, fr doa. 665 6301 COOGEE, tingle. $14 P.w. All siiiwia.
rnnvt 77 Mount St. DOUBLE BAYl Furn. tingle rm wicn ca. lacs. aa s.vuuvr a.
DARLINOHURST. Accommodation runv renovaieo rooms, wnn w.w, mi, furnished, madam bain. rooms and kitchen, swimming pool and barbecue areas, single ano oouoie. pio-aav par am, G. Laiarus.
RE. 31 4640 DARLING dble. f'ette tiu. jij Morn, and evening! 36 4S71. DOUBLl BAYl Dble.
all fr. $20 p.w. 32 1130. DARLINCHURST. F'ettes.
agio. and cooking urentnt ano linen tupplled. Ring $60 7592 or apply riat sieo rnnoerp at, Dar manures. Liz abf Tta AAV. Varv clean.
tuny rurn, tingin teste, uwn P9SlIlon. rag Dann ana nv iaaa, StO B.w. 371 6013. ELIZ. IAV.
Furn. f'ette. $22. 42 "osiyn GaVdens 358 5417. p.T;JddJ2iBM4' 328 6234.
ERSKINEVILLE. Good, clean room. SIS, Ph. tl 2214, f) PRE I rent Iree and nominal wage in return lor person to manage 40 naceiies, in vie-toria Patta Point. Duties In elude, maintaining of books, show no vacant nata as thev fa due, end light cleaning.
Does not require full time Job. but would be an advantage. Ring Roger kearmont t4 ejjt. fOktsT lODtal. JmaTi clean f'ette, $11 p.w.
Own stove, link, etc. Linen supplied. Men only, 124 wigrem GLERa. 10 Wlaran Rd. Clean sgie.
tit, ient. Ait. 10 a.m. UIRS, a 1 9, l.r, D.s.r, itn. city area, an conva, wan, ette.
Free gas. 27 27Bt. GLADESV1LLE! Permanent accommooation, oougie ano tingle rooml, from $30 per All facllltlei ter cooking, laundry, carpark, etc. 1S7 Victoria Rd, Phone 1291. GRANVILLE matta: TV.
luM board, wash, Iron. 637 2Z3S. GLCOE. Dble. Single Rooms, from S4b.
triages, nnen, uent, cook, 2 parsons. S3 extra. Caretaker new building, 262 Glebe P'. Id, 660 6279. HOMIIUSH.
Full Board, clean, exc. meals. Friendly atmospnaro. TV, etc, Close station. 71 5603.
nw mm Mia), hat man ff.10. IP ana re ruiiy rurn. lerrara iww PapainolPA, pwn oearm. nvn, band rap. Phone 12 4Fhr dlRL or guv.
HA. tuny furnisneo nai, wirw svr own 20 159 iwn rumttnea rp, wnj w. Ring 44rie, a 2666. Rlai Iuh flat with buy, Ik. Iif aan vli own rwi.
liiAil lata ana. to eharo wltb athars. lilrabeth lay. Hat wn room S7 191S, Or 111 1101. 4lte altar la na.
GIRL, share flat, Nartb Own Ryoa. room GUV, aver 21, to there with twa pint, teactous net. own room, S21 P.w. Inc. colour TV.
Ph. 901 1671, 5UV 20-30. Phong, awn roam. ClOSe 10 awnya Iturg welcome. Call an Wednet-day.
6-1 m. Flat 1. 11 Pre-miar St. NE utral lav. laroe 4-badrm flat, own room, aau w.
rnwa wavgney, pop atar, anar GIRLGUY mid 20'L 1o thargl friendly house In Crowt Nest with 2 athars. own urge, room, garden S21.I0 p.w. tU 3497 altpr p.m. uiaatarf sharp unit with other otris, awn room, cium moot, etc, vrt. tel.
rend. Pngng A.H. 43 S799. Neutral lay. with mixed young group of fun loving pro.
festionais. ill. Own rm. Ph 922 1169 with 3 otheril. J10 P.w.
Own rm. 117 3101. DOUlll BAV, Girl to share beaut, tree-iurrounded Apartment with ene othr room garden, all "none, close to transport. 140 ling 31 47S6, artar Tom. GIRL or thtrg large house.
Sieiie- own ar Phone 36 4241 GIRL ta there beaut, large mixed heme on 1 acres, West Fennant Hills, twn rtem. Please phone 71SSBU GUY wanted enart unit ciose city and transport. Phone 929 7S36 alt. g.jo p.m. Pand extra.
114 Orme'nd Bondl, alter 7 p.m. GIRL, for renovated 4 bedroom terrace, saieoe. r.nura. cons, own room. $20 p.w.
860 0116 after 9 GUVGIRL. 201. Share ttrtt nOUSP. rao, man, wnn a Ing guvs, own rm, S3S w. plus hi long, rn.
wore yaa eaaa a Iw a aaa halrdraaalna talon, teeKt nice eccom. a i unit or bouse with happy and norther girls. Anywhere froml luntert Hill to.Ptrrtmatlt. Ring David, 433 1672 bus. hrt.
GIRL to there large house tt Ranitwlck. Own room. Robert. 124 0411, eat. 20S In business hours.
GIRLGUY. Share House, Bright. 25 yrs. and over. $24 p.w.
Includes elee, own room. Garage. Would suit airline personnel. Tel. S99 2891, 9 a.m.-1 P.m.
a-- a all 1 tarn ah A Pea lYtOfl. 2M(1. Bondl Fiat with 1 Other. Good turn tiinnv nr. thoo's and person only.
S28 0 WK CUV GIRL to share betutlfullv ate tat rawS Terr2.tft. Ver mOfl. off-street parking. Own room. $22.
Plus bond. Fiat with one other. $14 w. No bond. Up to 35.
1144 Bovce St. Glebe, env tin OIRLGUY, mature, share with 8UV, mOO. aa wn turn. rm. Close trans S87S501.
GIRL to share tpac. 'i houtr. owi room, all lacllltles. oool etc. $30 plus bond.
BELLEVUE uii I is a770 cuv girl. 25-35. Coooee. to Share flat, 1 Other. Own room Transport at door.
$20 p.w. aaa ll kalara 1 10 B.av GIRL Guy 'to there large house. North svoner. ywn Waverlev, own room. irwuai sdeck, colour TV.
S40 ow Bond. 389 1902 after 7 p.m GIRL, lata 20-t early so to snare wnn pur ana bedroom, penthouse style unit. lower North Shore. Phone Peter 117 iim noma, ijiiroi avin. GIRL to Share well furnished 3 bedroom noute, wnn or at week-ends.
Surry Hint. $30. Own room. Phone 198 6916 alter 6 a.m. GIRL-Guv.
201, there mod. t.t. 3 bedrm. unit, in Asrmriu. 2 others, own room.
S20. bond, ring Molra 232 6311 work. 707 7can a GIRL Guy lhare luxury apartment. I Pt. Piper, tuny own rourn.
$40 p.w. Phone b.h. 27 4S40. IS aeaa GIRL required to thart large furn. house, in Maniy.
wnn a giro, mid iO't, children. Own room. No obloctlon 1 child. Good ar- ranaaataafr SaT BaaalanBr Or WOrk- Ing mother. Close proximity to oeacn, snopa.
sransaoii, 077 teas. GIRL share bouse with two guys, own room, Bondl Junction. $33 p.w. sag oooa. GUYGIrl to lhare North Sydney flat witn 2 Otners.
uwn lurn. room. 120 o.w. 920 1237. GIRL GUY to lhare Castlecrag noma, own rmsurajrDi csfl a a.
Rlna Hurka 211 2577. GIRL to share lurnlshed flat. Own room, pnone. coi. iv.
nose io Shops and transport. Ring Kerry 1 0626. sat. 171. $20 P.w.
GUYGIrl to there furnished. renovateo terrece ranoinuion. all modern amenities, own room with tunny veranda, phone' 11 3Q37 PI GIRLGUY to there luxury furn ished Unit cronuna. wwn room. Sol TV, washing machine, tt nnan artar a m.
HAPPY Girl Guy there beautiful fully renovateo turn, terrace houte. Own room, backyard, very closa husaa and train. mint. Cltv. S25 P.w.
Bond. Apply a cn.ru Carrv sail la a UUUTSRS SllLL. Girl or guv snare turnisneo um wnn ihiiim teacher own room, au pw-mfi 1 1 13. KENSINGTON. Quiet.
friendly Slrl, to snare nai wnn amn ut. girl. Call Miss J. Francis, can STit LANE COVE. Girl 24-35.
Large. moo. t.r. unit, urfli i. room.
aa. mllin aft. 6 o.m. LINDFIELD. Girl guy.
large house. own room. tao-ao. nine ina Tn aa7 9-7n MOSMAN, couple of Interesting people reouirea tor isrge. oio style flat, with views, near ferry.
Most amenities. 120 each. Ph. 419 S377 Glands wk. MOSMAN.
Couple or girl to share comfortebie turnisneo nouse wnn two others, onire expenses, rn 960 7876, MALI. 2S-35, share modern house with Dullness isov. uwn room, al Icons, Rett req. North Rvde. $20 d.w.
687 1936. MOTHER and child, wanted. 26- yr-oid wnn ooy i 's, is i-wms for similar to ihire house. $30 Bw. mtv be $20.
Ring aather. OB 1062. bus. hours. 74 Grotvenor St, Neutral Bay junction NORTI HBRIDSI.
GIRLSGUYS. 19 vrt. plus. 2 lee. rooml In lge.
mod. houte. fully sir water views, close bus, share with tctlve workers, rent $30 P.w., small bond, own room. phone Doug. home 95 5510.
or wtrk 922 6339. NARIMBURN. Cple. to lhare house, with couple. 2 cats.
2 Suarry St, before 12 m.d. or ter 1.30 p.m. $32. SO. NEUTRAL BAY.
Girl mid 20'l to share witn 2 otnert, own turn, room. Clote transport. $20 P.w. Phone 909 1602. 6) NEUTRAL BAY, girt over 29 share mod.
tuny turn, unit overlooking harbour, Own room, tram, at door. 406 $666, ext. NORTH RVDE. Clrl. 24 'to 30.
wanted to share nouse. 2 airier air a. wbb room. S27 a.w. Ph.
88 4437. NEUTRAL BAY, Girl, 23-27, to ahare top storey house with girl and guv. own room. $29 p.w. Jim, at work.
638 4661, PROFESSIONAL person to lhare half fully furnished house In Maintain, $36 p.w. own room, el. 642 1484 after 4.30 p.m. PADOINGTON. girl plus, to lhare large terrace houte.
twn room, furn. or all household c. TV, close to rent $35, bond $S0, Ph. 389 0406, ask for Peter. PARRAMATTA.
Girl, guv. cplp. Own $30, 639 3323. PENTHOUSE WATERFRONT. a unique ano quiet situation for a mature person (over 30).
Ever- luxury, colour TV. hl-fl. own dble. room, inorm. private roof hamtgate Avenue, londl leach.
PAOOINGTON. ouv 26 plus 17 furn, terrace, own room, $40 p.w. oono ttjg, 33 0714. t) PAOblNGTON. Business ilrT.
fully terrace, thare, 2 otneri. own urge room, it 47,1. a PAODINOTON. 1 Persons ihire; S2i. Ph.
11 1S00.1 PADDlNtaTON. Terrace, in telllgent, civ list lhare. 32 B424. 3UIET girl to shl Randwlck trot, $21 p.w., telligent, civilised person to hare unit (20-301. own vunv 440 9477 txt.
611 laNBWICK. Girl, rail. tidy, to thart furn. Duplex. Own: large room.
$21 piut 13 gn. Rlna Suaan. 667 1232. or 66S 93. any time.
RANDWICK. Responsible Suyglrl 2D-jg mere nouse near trans. Own room. p.w. lend, ROll BAY, girl to ihire with 2 guvs, magnii.
nouse, ovvriooaing harbour. Own room, $30. Phone $71 8492 ROSI BAY, Girl Guy, lhare mixed riat, t49. own room, fully furnished. Close ta trans- nnrt.
A.H. 36 4498. ROSE BAY. Guv wanted to lhare t.r. lias wnn gin, co move In bvfon Sat.
S35. View, tunny. ciote to irans. ana sngpv 371 Mil, between 4 and 8 p.m. RYDI, Guv to share 2-bedroom unit, awn room.
S4t p.w., own all mod. cant. Ring after 6 p.m., eu asai. I FLATS TO LET rt NTHOUH. WATERFRONT a.
uauua altuatban SB. a KM' tajro MM IMI SO). Inerm. private roof Mroon, rv. tit p.w.Teo ehtro Actons MRAMATTACRANVIllI from 641 P.W.
LATS TO 11T, S3SS1SS PARRAMATTA. Prom S46 t.w. A NEW EXPERIENCE. Prettily painted 2 baaw" apartment In refined twlldlne with ward wlnplna lawni and terpens. Living irta pes loti ol loacp to spread out Automatic laundry lacllltles.
Phone Inspect. til 1155. GRANVILLI. MO P.W. SPICK AND I AN.
In tattatul decor. king-Used carpeted 1 bedroom apartment that's entertainment elan. ik. ini aaeat flat currently avallablt Sara with ipacioul tun balcony. tiamoroul ihsh.
Livt in oulet. 6JSS1.S D. P. JOHNSON MANAGEMENT PTY. It Argyll It.
'errimatta. 63S31SS. M6S1IS OMN MONDAY TO SATURDAY PETERSHAM) Ilrte dble aaara bio 2 mini. ihops. Irani.
122 Phone 449 4617. tom fOINT. luxury, new J-bed Turnlihelf unit, kalcony. park ing, pheno. Excel.
170 p.w. KCto H.a 12 441. Woollahra. PAOOINOTONi Laree modern bachelor unit, (ally furnished, tarpat. handy all traniport REGINALD DEAN 244 n.ia.a 11 4211.
44bMMc.tON': Spac. 1 badrn lurn. flat. Ut. Sharp bathrm.
tieti. iee. S40 p.w. Apply all oay ae mend St. S2I p.w.
lease, puna. Sometime P.L., 4 Hercules Aihllfld. 7QT "7T t200 P.W Tuaury taitalully hadrm. watatlront unit. taM araa, baiiony.
Q. fooT. lu. P'l" "Vanaa ALLAN OA" i 50 fAOOINOHUHST.D'MUJST: taut. dacoratad ad-Slttino.
with hupa, draam kit. and bathrm. Wafh n.rh ntarcom. ij.w- fAOOlNOVOhT 9 lounga, kit bath. w.
cpti. Watar viawa. LILY IELD 1ST AGE NCY IP 163 Norton St, Itkhhardl MB 4661. i ia furn. Unit.
iat-in ltchan. Fully earfet-d Inci. 2 bad! toiiat. CH. IP anopplnp and main CRAY MULP.ONEV 40 Ocean St 326 1922.
OTTl l0lNT. Laroa oaen. tuily turn. Ixceli. loc.
Irom S2S "eRAlO MILLER PTY. 21J Elllabath St. 26 6616. PADO. Nlcp ciaan I tap.
kit. S2S. 181 Paddlngton St. tr: Ave. PADD.
Mod. turn, unit, S32. A. Alharl. city.
Pi bZu7. Immac. I.I. con.am. SIS.
12 1S94. PvJTii r. Vicwa. 2 b.r.. S42.HarrllR.EIJU54.
POTTS POINT. 1 b.r. with 'oVrtly raw w.w. tpt. ano anop, tor Inaoactlon today.
S.J0 to 4 p.m., 6l9 Greenknowa "ina V. C. CALS A SONS. SI Pitt St, 27S125. POTTTl POINT Furn.
bach, flat In auiat wan-run cloia to city but. X. Shopt. Fr hot watar. Inapact after 1 P.m.
59-11 St. Nrot Ave (retldent mnaraii). POTTS POINT S47 m. Fully turn. 1 bedrm.
unit with quality taiteful decor. Quiet, well-run building In excellent poiltlon. 356 6SS8. REEVE A COCHRANE 1 Barncleuth So. Pottt Pt.
PETERSHAM: rully lurn. bed-tittlng S1 ttclualye. 107 Brighton St. Phone hM 6B59. POTTS POINT.
FLATS. Comiortabie turnlihed and lu iy tell-contalned at cony, location near Wayside Chapel. BACHELOR S32 p.w. 2-BIDRM. S4S p.w.
auii Phone 412 2177 or tall Flat 10. 13-17 Hughet GILBERT. KEMP PTY, LTD. PENRITH. 1 b.r.
with carport. Mint. Itn. Furn. or unturn.
Iinlf i at 26 Un on Rd .047) 11 6217. a) POTTS PT furn Bachelor ette, Martpaw St H. apd C. water, IhVwl? kit. weekly.
POTTS POINT. 117. Victoria. St. Bright mod tpac.
S4S. 358 644, 356 366. POTTS PT. Lux. PenlhouM.
Furn, Mas. Harb view. Off. park S100 pw. 356 6447, 358 36S7 RANOWICK.
Modern 1 and 2-bedrm. unturn. Unltl. twlrn pool. From S49 and SS8 P.
399 6224 or oil. hn. 26 MSI or Imped Caretaker Oltlce. Wastbourne Towner, Coryu Gardens. 69 St Markt Road.
ROSE BAY! unturnlshed. 4 ped-rooms. carpets and Venetians, view. U.C. parking.
S5S p.w 137 6016. 8 u.ua.,1 4 Ka miwfarn SV.nWHba I spacious "at, new carpets and panic, nenuv port, S42 P.w. Ph. 691 1171, or a h. 7S0 6S29.
Sail aiAvi dean. 2-bed. Unit. I.U, garage, pleasant 165 p.w. J7i 721 RANDWICK.
IIS. Lee. mod. 2 b.r. unturn.
unit, bale, car space RYDI, unfurnished bachelor unit, In close proximity to thopt and transport. Long Lone lease avail, able tt 132 p.w. Apply 1244 outtalo Rd, Kyoe. RYDI PLIAS. OUTLOOK.
Mod. 2 b.r. unturn. rial, pare vtn. own Indry S4S, Includ.
parking. A.H, in, ilia STIPHIN A CO. P.L., II PIH St. Sydney. 2t eoaa.
AMfiWICK. Mod, 1 b.r, unfurn, Bat, own parq. yen. bale, parking, close all gmenl- TlCt, P49, APPIV eioi waul- worth St 11-2 p.m. STIPHIN A CO.
P. II Pitt St. Sydney. 232 1122. ROSI BAY.
Spac. 2 b.r. unfurn. flat In heart of Rose lay, w.w. carp.
SS2. STIPHIN A CO. P.L., II Pitt St. Sydney. 2321622.
RYDI. 151 p.W. Unfurn. 1 b.r. unit with built.
Ins In malR L-ahaped lux, Kit. ano awn plenty of storege, I.u. garage, oual. Inclusions, bend and rets. tit.
IPPINO REAL ISTATI P.L., 21 High Street, EpcHng. 161 7386 all hours. RVOS WIST. MtAOOWBANK. umurn.
oacneior unit. taj. Unlurn. 2 bed. S43-ej Furn.
1 bed. gar. 149.10, ARNOLD WHITE REAL 1004 Victoria Rd, West Rvde 8S6 1122. tit 1122. ROSI lAYi Furn.
23 Pt city ferry and but. Suit a-e eouits, oa. FRANKLIN VAN WHYI P.L., aoe pey pt, ueuoie pev. 31 9121. A.H.
11 8474 ROSI BAVt Mad. turn. 1 -bedrm Hat, balcony, carport. $51 RWB BAT! MOO- I furn. 2-bedrm.
flat, Mod. aunnv un oaicony, ohone. carport. 110. ROSE BAYl Panoramic vlewa.
furn, bedrm. flat, sep, lounge env oiriing, lua. sunroom, launafm. aarana. 116.
H. A G. T. co*ckS. art rov7 $18 Old $th.
Hd. Rd, Rose Bay. ROSI BAYl $70 P.w, LP' Hand Lovely ndv fa unfurn. flak. ITY.
Tl 'ark Drive Realty, 371 0886. A.H. 30 fH3, ROSI BAVt Furn. flat, suit genu, phone, $40, at but, 31 1740, RANOWICKi Luxury ultra mod. 2-bedrm.
flat, l.U, oar. $60. ARNOLD CAIN. 97 lelmore Rd. R'WICK.
191 4051, RANOWICK. Well presented, SHI turn aaaw, annviu lAin. 97 pel mm Rd, R'wlck. 391 4011. ROSI BAY, Flat, own U.C.
parking. Unlurn. $55 p.w. M. C.
tern. hardt. 36 1021, ROSI BAY. $41 p.w. Spacious, 1 -bedrm.
Flet. with eat-in kit. Ideal position. Norman Mills and Rose Bay. 371 4311.
RYDI 1. 2 b.r. Plat, brand naa. Unf, W.W. Cots.
Van. Own laun-l dry, L.U. Gar, Close tramp, and JOIHN KUCERA R.I, 43 lop ol tht pert proaa- ttreiot aral rteatpr bbrerl- aaal a Schools, etc. POSITIONS VACANT Hospital and Medical AU5T. RED CROSS SOCIETY.
traincu nuhsi or titiers required by RED CROStS hom*o, North Svdnev, for evening ahift. 12.30-9 p.m. Phone Matron 29 3122. ANAESTHETIC AND OPERA TINt THtATKl ftt.nrill.IAri. Applications are Invited frem persons possessing the Diploma from the Australian Society of Anaesthetic and Operating Tech nlclans for the above position al thll 4-bed hospital.
Hours of duty 7.30 t.fn. to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday. Salary and conditions In accordanco wilh the Public Hospital Im. plovers' (State) Award. For appointment phone Mrs B.
Miller. Pentnnal Officer, 70 0444. BANKSTOWN HOSPITAL. Eldrldte Rd, Btnkttown. e) AUBURN DISTRICT HOSPITAL.
2. are the Centrally located, ow TISt 11 londl. 10 1043. RANOWICKi S42 w. Unturn.
1 lounge, ttc, RANDWICK. SS Un. furn lounge, 2 bedrms, plus sp. dining room, tunny flat, frtfftlilw aamtaaf RANOWICK SSO aw lurn. 4 lounge, nitcn.
aic laooq rertirances aiscniiai KAUTER AMOUR RANDWICK. ROil BAY! 1 only superior f-oeorm. ana unrurn. let, toac. Inge, anal mod.
kit. and new w.w. cat. gar. S6S p.w.
WILLS PROS Way 369 1S11 RSI BAY. urnlshed house. aw p.w. reforpneet roouirpg. Arthur Cooper A Co.
P.I., RANOWICK. b.r hom*o unit, kids O.K., vaiuo at too p.w. RINT1K. 369 9444 Fat. RYOE.
Mod. 1 b.r. unlurn. flat, nanny nov i j. nywr- SON ANO 174 Darling St, Baitnain, ei mi ROIEVILLI.
Avail, now, 2 unturn, unit, new tpac, II. Ina araa. ITS p.w. KILLARA. Garden Pat.
1 good IPC. 6V4II A 174 Paclhc Hwv. Llndheld. 467 1400. 467 1400.
ROSI BAY. Top oual. It, b.r eat-In w.w. coH SSI ST. PAULS REAL ESTATE P.L., DOUBLE BAY.
36 3449 RANDWICK. S41 p.w Lgt. 2 bad. flat. tea.
living dining and open bale, handy position. WELCOME HOMES R.I. 46 St. Paul St, Randwlck. 1S0 61S4 ISP.
RUSHCUTTERl BAY. bright un. w.w. nr. now peim.
tap. BERGER E. PL. 31 7011. 249 Darlinghurlt Rd.
O'hurtt. Modern i bodroom unltt, carpeted, soma with garage, gome orana new, par-tou A. W. HAMILL REAL ESTATE 14A Church Street. Rvde.
B07 1667. 607 2611 ec! app. Goii course, tot p.w. FRANKLIN VAN WHYf P.L, 16A Bay St. Double Rav.
32 9621. a h. 31 6474. RYDI AREA: ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED Sunny, tpaclout 1-bed. luxury unit In well keot tdultl only near ttation, overroou park, set.
64 3391 lany tlmei. RANDWICK. SSS. Lua. 1 bed.
unlurn. unit, bale, good views car space. RANOWICK. 23 b.r. duplex, w.w.
H.W.S.. 16,5 oar wk. G. Laaarut R.I. 31 4640.
31 7532. ROSE RAY. 170. Laroa IS bed t. lurn.
net, carpets, suit a '4 sharers INDEPENDENT PROPS. 369 1461, 369 1471. RANOWICK. Vary clean 2 brm. and tunrm, untura.
unit in oulet block, w.w. I.u. 2 mins. walk shop! and trans. S55 p.w.
ROSE BAYl 1120. fully Turnisneo house. Huge Backyard. Quiet area. Best veiue tor lamuy.
JOHN HAWKINS E. P.I... DARLING POINT. 32 9944 RUSHCUTTERS BAYl S35 Largo bachelor unit, trantport. Quiet area.
near JOHN HAWKINS R.I. P.I.. DARLING POINT 32 9944. ROSE BAYl S75 40. completely remodelled.
Brand new cerpet. Balcony. Fireplace. Sports field and park at back door. JOHN HAWKINS I.
PL. DARLING POINT. 32 9944. i bed. unlurn.
unit, S40. WATERS A CARPENTER, 112 South Pde. Auburn. 649 0238. ROSEVILLI ROSEVILLI.
Outstanding nr. new unlurn. unit. 2 oarage, taste- luiiy decorated. Suit older cple.
tb p.w. L. J. HOOKER. ST.
IVES. 449 62SS 44t 629S. ROSI BAVt unf. hat. surnv.
u.m. aosi poor, RANDWICK. Ill 1 -bedroom. with caroaiaa throuohout. GRrHAM PRICE A ASSOCI ATES, 51 Pitt St, 27 2934, t.n 730 5981.
RANDWICK -CENTENNIAL PK. Spac, giiirt 2-- hadrm. Flat fully lurn. S55, 369 9085. Prlv, SUMMER HILL.
638 to S44. large, unfurn. 1 and 2 bedrm. Units, close to an ame. nines.
Call 2040 Junction Ro. Ph. 798 8453; t) sllkiMkR HILL. Clean, unfur- nisnco. sen-coniaineo nai, an floor coverings, 5 minutes from station, own telephone, accom.
nurses, S39 p.w. Telephone 'after 9 a.m. piease. nr anac. STANMORI.
Large furn. rms. w.w. frig. Handy tpt, tll w.
7T cianmora Rd STANMORI. Mod. 2 D.r. unturn. nai, w.w yen.
2 own Indry. S47. Includ. UC. parking A 00 IA10 STEPHEN A CO.
68 Pitt St. aVOneV- ZJa QUI. SURRY HILLt. run. lurn.
moo. oacn. Tin, larking, bale, Indry. 121. TEPHEN A CO.
'L II Pitt Sydney. Z32 pbzz. SURRY HILLS. MOO. furn.
oacn. flat. w.w. park, and indry. facilities S33.
STEPHEN A CO. P.L.. Pitt 5t. Svdnev. Z3Z B6ZZ.
SURRY HILLS. Close Central. bedrooms, lounge, dining, carpeted, furnished. Phone 189 32BT, SUMMER HILLl Lge. 2-bedrm, unit, nlceiv decorated, unlurn.
w.w. S4S o.w. TURTLI A CALOIR (O'hurtt) 403a Liverpool 31 416S. ITRATHPIELOt 1 and 1 bedroom unfurnished older ttyle flats, $11 p.w. and tag p.w PROSPBI ERO 80 2320 SUMMER HILL.
Furn. gar. dan flat just renov. CI. Trinity Grammar, nr.
out. no carway. ISO p.w. Bond S250. CHAP MAN IV1CMDHET Pi CO.
P.k-Rurwood. 74 2118. STANMORE, Fully tell-contalned 2 bedrms, 138 p.w. Apply IURRV HILLl. 1 b.r.
a.e. f.f. net, ciosp tnept. city, suit cole, i.u d.w. aan aau.
SUMMER HILL. Furn. unit. c. park, 4 mlns.
Itn. 144. 798 0018. anytime. SELECTION of mod.
1 bdr. fully turn, fiats, tootiets. immac, Joma with L.U, Bar. ew left. Inspect now.
JOSEPH D. cehn p.k.. 477 rerramatta no Lelchhardt. 1101711. 1601442 a SUMMER HILL.
2 had. furn. unit close to ttation ano gnops. tea p.w Lease. Bond.
J. A. Somer vllie 4 Hercules St. Aalt- II. Id 707 077.
SUMMER HILL, 2 bed. unfurn. old style flat, carpets, handy position. $40 p.w. Loate.
Bond. A. somervtne r.k.. a nercuiea AfhTltld. 79T P777.
1TRATHPIILD. unit 2 b.r. Inea uc cp ciote ttation. mops. S50 p.w, Pywlch Hi" 522 M'viite vuiwicn nin, 560 8844.
1UMMIR HILL. 2 bedroom flat fully close trans, and; shoos. 74 2289 1TRATHFIELD SOUTH 151 p.w. Clean. 2 b.r.
part furn. unit with w.w. cptt. car tpaca, lull m.c, L. I.
HOOKER LTD. Strathnelri. 76 0501 STANMORE. Net lived In since renovated, new carpeil( n.vv.a., open balcony plus enclosed naiconr. central poaiiion.
un. $35 p.w. J. H. CALLAGHER A 33 Parramtttt Ro.
Annandale 69 4229. A.H. 514611. IURRY HILLS. S6S p.w.
Liivurw B.r. tuiiv Turn. unir. Security building. Htndy to shops fno irang.
R01IRT IDWAROS R.I. lendl Jet. 389 .6953, TURRAMURRA. Close itn. Urge.
IE TURRAMURRA, luxury fully furn. nr-arms. lis, ee Ivor, laharl barlraam unit. Tel. laundry, SSS p.w.
Walk to train and thopt. Ring owner tag i4B a.n. mmv inu. VAUCLUSIt STSl.w. Rite), unit f.
2 3 o.r.. taiconv, raroort. Gray Bay. 371 77TT. Mulroney, Rote VAUCLUtft $6S-S70.
un- patio, cart. Spacious. P. FLANNERt ASSOC, P.L., Bondl. '4T- i fAUCLUBI.
S3P a w. Cosy unturn. 1 b.r. mod. unit, Inge.
prklng. VAUClUSE. S65 P.w. Sunny unfurn. 2 b.r.
unit In small mod. block, parking. S7SPW. Fully furn. 2-3 b.r.
mod. unit. now car mace, blac, ph. L. J.
HOOKER LIMITED, 101 New South Head Rrl. Vtucluie, 317 P011. 2 b.r. VAUCLUSIl Mod. unfurn I InHv II urb CK I p.w.
118 Diamond Bay Rd. or "7 M6S a 4 A PART-TIME TEACHERS. SYDNEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE. Applications ara invited from persons desirous of being considered for inclusion on an eligibility kit at a Part-time Teacher of the fealowinf subiectt SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Computer Control Svttemi (Higher Certificate Course).
In Chargo Hourly Rait of Pay. S1642. QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants should possess a degree Chemical andor Electrical Engineering with a bias towirds Computer Control and have eilenarve as. perienoe the application of computer! to procest control. SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Medicine IStage If Attocnte Diplom, Coursa ChiropodyPodiatry).
In Charge Hourty Rate of Pay $20 89 QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants so be -registered Medical Practitioners preferably with some teaching experience tor DAY TIME attendance. SCHOOL OF RURAL STUDIES AGRICULTURE CERTIFICATE COURSE. Agricultural Botany. Sal Science or Agronomy I snd II. hvCharge Hourly Rata of Pay: S12 76.
QUALIFICATIONS: A degree in Agiiculture together with appropriate field espenenct. SCHOOL OF AUTOMOTIVE AND AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING. Teacher of Small Motor Maintenance (Firm Technology Courae). Ie Charga Hourly Rata of Pay: S9 72 QUALIFICATIONS: Trade Certificate in Automotive Engineering or nsmberthip of In. ttitute of Motor Engineers.
Applicants should have a tuitebie background involving industrial experience. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ANO ADMINISTRATIVE STUDIES Computers in Bunnell (Commercul Programming Course). QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants should possess relovsnt tertiary nullifications and have) experience sn the use of computer beted systems Preference will bo given to applicants in a management position providing consultancy roes who have had programming andor lyttem inafytle experience Financial Accounting and Accounting Concepts I-QUALIFICATIONS A degree or diploma qualifying applicant for memberihio of the appropriate profeational body. Applicants mutt be prepared to leech between the hourt of 9 am to 6 pm In Charge Hourly Rite of Pay. 812 76.
Applications may be obtained by telephoning 2 0922. eat. 2226. Cloaing date 31st August. 1977.
unni Iraattna Iha BUrfinO brach In a oulet location, Brau-s, .,,..1 ul.a, Irom th tOD tiOOr family and sell-contain-d1 Phone 97 0324. (ST1 PORT ITIPHENI WONDER- For'vour best holiday ever, beautiful beaches, lakes, all wlnavards. warm climate, book clean comfortable cottage or luxury unit now from Harris A Nelson Bat (049) 1S77. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m..
Men. to Sat. Vacancies now and Atroiist nonrays. a PORT MACOUARII. Moderate neia na home unitt.
Some vacanrlet for holidays, A. THOMAS A quality SONS L.R.E A. P.O. Box 21. Port Mscoualre, Phone 83 1466, 13 2497 Arnmmodatlon.
ISO Flats. Com. Ocean viewt. Scott Smith A Sullivan rL. rn as 1400.
Svd. 827 1701 vaMBA. Seatorav Motel. Ocean vw ck. b.
b. Ph. (066) 46 2306. Svd. 827 1701 nt, SNOWY MOUNTAINS FARM HOUSE Accommodation, aaarrf ar rent only.
Sx resort stop over. Close to Klandra. Jmdabvne. etc. Set on property with 4'j miles ol Mur- Di.ar ahundant Wl runiumvaa life and farm activities.
Ring (0648) 4 2219 for bookings 5 TZZ a nana JlNOABYNt. iux Ape 'It avail, from 18th Sept onwards. book now lor Spring tkilnj. Snow will there 546 6063. SOUTH COAST CUNJURONO POINT.
Ocean front, comi. a-r. ito avail. ichotH htli. $50.
ti evaT SUSSEX INLIT: Flat accom. 4, avail. Auguii nom. i SOUTHERN HIGHLANDS ARRANGE vour Monday et I or GU ST HOUSESi HO MOTELS. Including CRAIGIEBUP.N HOTEL.
10 Martin Place. 231 2027. INTERSTATE QUEENSLAND GOLD COAST: The HEART OF THE GOLD COAST. HOLIDAY Molael ANO FLATS. All prices and positions lu'.
ri i Aasnts. sSaLIS and PURCELL, Burleign Heads. JOSA HEADS. Top St ct 76 uilM TnB ssnt. ouai Write Noosa Kit Estate.
lot 34 Noosa Heads. 4567. Phong 107 1 aatSTSL and Ser- V4 h.n," aoartment. Directly Twin Towert n' mm. drive to Tweed Hds-C gatta r.olf Club I hone (STD 0751 -TV traa bro- chure ovlng all ring raraoe.
SUHFERS-AAAOISt. modern August holt. Irom $120 1 j-. Baal Batata. 93165 rV-id roast Hlohway.
Surfers; Paradise. Phone (075) 31 4988. WEST AUSTRALIA PERTH! Accommodation for visitors to Perth, S.C, Motel Flats. S70 p.w. "Mount-Mount St.
Perthu Adl. river, 36 71 8307 FURNITURE REMOV-ALISTS, TRANSPORT AIICO TAXI TRUCKS. Anything Furniture removals and stor-age also Caravan towing. Flrst-ciasi lob at tsntlbie PrlC- Phone. 631 1600.
AMOS SERVICE: FOR THOSE WHO CARE, PACKAGING AND SHIPPING TO ALL WORLO ARIAS. Direct removal weekly to: Britbane. Melbourne, Adelaide. Perth and Hobart. Regular service te all N.S.W.
Phone 969 MM. AMOS PTV. LTD. 600 Military Rd, Moimafl. DRIVE YOURSILF.
CAM a. I nuwa.a. OHlVt YOURSELF bKIVER and truck. I alt tray. anything moveo, tio Per nour, Dh 111 9t6Q.
fsiaiNBo nnivEts with 12 ton table top lined with gates end tarpt. Apply lor permanenti worn, ST or. IT lu. sausiuiu. Ring Gotlord (043) 25 1812 or 7d truck rnwmA si tens, avail able tor weeaeng removals au cartage.
Ring 789 3110 alter 6. SO p.m. weekdays. MAN and 30cwt Pantec avail able for local removals and odd lobs. Cheap rates, 'lease rlno 31 laoi.
eyipinQ. ann mni. LEGAL NOTICES In the supreme Court of New South Wales, Probate Civilian, APTfflt 14 davs from oubllc. atlon ol this notice sn application lor prooate Ol tne win oaieu am July 1974 Of RICHARD BEEN STANNARD late of Islmoral Beach Retired captain, ROyai Nev Rtservt will ba made by the liiiLir TRUS.TEI. Creditors are required to send particulars of ineir cims upwn m.
LETTs, Brancn Manager ruuni, nil Mttrrantlie Mutual iiiriiina. 13 Sorlno Street. Chatswood. 2067. AFTCK 1 oavi Trom tne puo' iifitinp hl net lc an aoD ration for Probata of the Will rf.t.Pt IQth Anrll.
1961. of VIN CENT EDWARD COGAN lata pt Kurrajong Keiirea oeHwu wm ba made by Gladvs Christina rnriin tha tvarutrlaf named In the said Will. Creditors ara required to sand particulars of their claims upon his Estate to JOHN J. PAINE ROSS ft SoMcllori. cnr, George and Kabla Streets, WlKritnr.
57 5B fD.X. B2Q Svdnev). after 11 davt from dudI lea nt Ion ot this notice an apciicanon for Probata of tha LWlU dated yrrrt I una. 1977 of AGNES MARGARET PENNIMENT lata Of nrnirain Mill Mar rart Woman will ba made by tha public TRUSTEE. Creditors ara required to send particulars of their claims upon tha Estate to t.
A. GRANT, Branch Manager, Public Trust Of fice, court MOimti, r)Tni aurtitit, Broken Hill. zobu. AFTER 14 davs from tha oubll-l a-ttPinn nl thin nntlcm an aonllratlon for Probata of the Will dated 6th September 1962 of JOHN ROSS HARVEY late of "Oreva," Oberon. will be made ov Anne narvey.
Creditors are required to send particulars of their claims upon his fc State JO Messri KBranr, SPRING BIRD, Solicitors, ot 121 Now Irk Street. Bathursfe (D.X. 4 Bl la.l. A aaamatka, tVjl ate) I J'UJIi LPT limn patajtoriija, r-iej j.i as a-sts illltl taiei etAkl a-1 i ri itVi.tJh sTtraat Svdney (D.X. 709).
of Hill A lor Hill the AV ANCIENT HISTORY TIACHER (part time) required for Term 3, 1977. Please phone Frlncl-pal. 3B9 8458" 1 CHILD CARE: Night duty. Two positions involving supervision pt deaf children. between 10 o'clock p.m.
and 6.30 a.m. Sun day to Thursday and Friday te caioraav Hnlidavs are aligned with tchool vtcationi. Minimum ase JS years. Phone 171 1233 between 9 and S. Men.
to Frl. for further information. CHILDCARE HOUSEPARENTS. A challenging position, work. Ing with deaf Bovt at the Deaf North Thll ll, a live-In position, witn aureture accommodation, and holldavi are aligned with ichool vacations.
Certificate Training Ceurse in Child Care must Be undertaken on lob commencement. Minimum 12SS between I a.m. and Mondiv to Friday, for further Inlormatlon. HOUItl MISTRESS required for tatnOMC UiriS Boaramv a- Pre'eribly with some teaching ta IrTg reterencel to The Principal. NO.
isaeee neraio. a. K.NOIROARTIN () UNION OF pre-school Teacher. Trained, required lor Liverpool area. Term 3.
Inquiries, 29 4981. MUSIC TEACHER required. Abll- thlrd term. Possibly, permanent I Brlaalaal BriSE. intra term.
r.i,,ui, position. AbpIv Principal. ROSE. BANK COLLEGE. Five Deck 713 4205.
SCIENCE TEACHER required tor third term 1977. Pleaie phone "In-lnal. TPg 6451 IANTA SABINA COLLEGE. STBATHFIELD, Invites application! for a French and Latin Teacher, reoulred to teach Senior French and Junior French tnd Latin, jro term 1977. Please sppIy tht Prlnclpel, office houn.
phone 7s 2104. teachers required far Catholic raorvai si, Auourn, TRAINED NURSE. Applications are Invited Irom registered D.C. Nurtet with on perience for tht following poll tm' CHARGE SISTER. Ganeral ward! 30 bedl.
Accommodation available required. For further Information plena contact Mill J. Poole, Director of Nursing. 149 021 1. eat.
203. REVENUE OFFICER. 6RA0I IV. The succeiiful applicant will be responsible fori (a) The follow-up of all out-itandlng In-patlenti and out patlenti fees. (b Day to day lueervlilon of a imill number of admlniitrativa currently 8191.40 tt) 8201.20.
Conditions In tccerdanco with the Hospital trnelpyees Administrative and Clerical (Stttt) tppilcttltna to) tho Chief Executive OPicer, Mr C. T. Meys, Inquiries to tht Person, nei Officer, 140211, out. SIS. Application! close Wednesday August 24.
1977. Government Appointments PREMIER'S DEPARTMENT Division of Cultural Activities State Library of New South Wales LIBRARIAN BlACKTOWNwTAL PISTRJCT SPECIALISE IN Girls' College to commsncei MEDICAL SOCIAL WORK. Would you like to In Medkel Social warkj Are you a professionally qualified Social Worker? If it, then, thfp, could be your opportunity tt loin the Social work department of, th BUcktown District HoiPlttl. a 357-bed hospital with 'lurelcal. Orthopaedic, Medical.
PaedTatrlr! and Obstetric ward. In tht instance, you would werh In tne Surgical and Orthopaedic wards, however, opportunity will he given for the developing of spinal Interests. For further Informstltn, or to arrange a visit to the depart-ment. contact Mr W. Humph rays.
SocTal Workar-ln-Charge, on 622 1111. eat. 353. jj Written applications addressed to Chief Executive OHicer. BUcktown District Hospital, P.O.
Box 105. BUcktown. .218. will he received until August 31, 177. Term J.
1977. 1. Sanlar secondirv Mathlr Science (Chemistry) preferably with R.E. 2. Jun'or tacondirv Maths.
Science, Preferably with R.6. Aboiv In wrltlna ttatlno auallflca. Horn, experience and encleiino is, ina Vlncent't College, Rockwall pottt roint. 2011, tt TEACHER: CHILD CARE CENTRE, VACANCIES. Please see our ad.
under the SECOND HEADING In tht Women tnd Girls columns this PENRITH CITY COUNCIL. SALARY: 19472 rtngt $12,654 ($66 80 wb.J. QUALIFICATIONS: Esstntisl: Eligible for professional membership of the Library Aisoeistion of Australia. Desirable: An appropriate degree. DUTIES: Opportunities euiet for experience In a variety ol professions! duties, including reader services INQUIRIES: Mrs Judy Jane.
Telephone 22 1 1388. est. 2 1 B. APPLICATIONS: Clott with tht Naw South Wale a Maoauaria Street. 2, 1977.
(Continued on Ntxt Pagt) i ft li -Tr i -ast Pa. at. aaaael at, ate, ae 4taattaatyptXaea.s Latasatta at. afaVaattatV.