The Standard Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)



(CopjrricM. 1J97.J i HEALTH CALENDAR. IN THE HOlftf IS HEALTH IN THE NATION. J. A If you are ill you need a doctor in whom you hava If you need a remedy you "want one that has been tested If or years; not ari obscure, un- Itried.

thing that is urged upon' I youV or on which you save a few cents that is no consideration as against health. 'For wasting in children adults, Scott's Emulsion( of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo-; phosphites has the recognized remedy for twenty-five years. 50c and $1.00, ail druggist. SCOTT BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Kane Creek was a railroad crossing on the S.

and C. C. Railroad, about two miles 'from the division terminal at Mercer. It was in the midst of a scrubby pine forest, with a sandy road crooking out from the trees on one side and Into the trees en tire other. There only two or three houses, a little general store with a porch like the visor of a military cap and a achoolhouse, all arranged In a scraggy row along tlie railroad track.

The dusty red depot was an oasis in the midst of a cinder desert, with a great many telegraph wires liiging overhead. A dozen trains whirled through Kane every day with only a shriek of greeting and a whipping wake of fine and. Only two of. them, paid the slightest attention to the girl in a blue gingham dress who stood in the little observation window. One of them was the way freight, which stopped at Kane every time it came along while the conductor handed the girl a bundle of yellow papers and received another like it in return.

The other was the night express, westward bound from St. Paul, and running at '-forty miles an hour. It was a splendid train ten cars with the finest engine on the road, big No. 606. As its glaring eye flashed around the bend in the direction of Mercer the girl in the gingham dress often thought of the great train as a powerful and ferocious beast snorting and roaring westward on at race with the sun.

It was a beast, hut It was well trained, and she knew- the Jiand that trained It. When the train was a ml.e away, there were always two blasts of the whistle. Every one in Kane thought they meant simply, "Wake up, look out!" for that is what all locomotives say at every crossing, but the girl In the gingham dress heard "Hello, Polly!" and darted out on the platform and waved her handkerchief. As the great train tendered nearer a hand was- thrust from" the engineer's window, and. although it was usually dark, she could see the flutter of something white, and oftentimes as the engine darted past the station ahe heard the blurred sound of a voice and caught a glimpse of a grimy face and a blue jean Jacket, and then she went back to her place in the little Station with a nigh of deep contentment.

For it was a moment of great joy to Folly Marshall when her father's engine went, through. Polly was the station agent at Kane Creek. Any one could have told that a woman presided in the little depot, for. was there not always a bouquet in the window and dainty pic tures surrounding the grimy time-tables on the walls and a kitten curling upon the doorstep? At 17 Polly had gone in as assistant to learn and when Clark, the agent, was called to Mercer the company had left the Independent girl in charge. She and, her father lived in one of the wooden houses a stone's throw back from the depot, and since Polly's mother died they had been everything to each other.

Engineer Marshall was a big. silent man. and his companions, some of them, thought him giufl and ill-tempered, but to Polly he was always tender as a kitten. Often when she was a little girl he took her down with him to Mercer on his engine, and while she sat on his black leather seat at the cab window, clinging on with both hands, he explained to her bow the big black creature under them was started and topped, what this brass crank wap for, and how, when the engine squeaked here or squealed there, a little oil was needed in this cup or in that crevice, and Polly had learned to know an engine as welL as she knew the neat little pantry In the house at home. Indeed, she had mere than once managed the levers and the throttle, although It was very heavy work for a girl to do.

It was one night late In the fall that Polly Marshall had need of all her knowledge of engines. She was sitting at her desk in the little observation window, a shaded light throwing its rays down on her telegraph instruments and the sounder clicking sleepily. Suddenly she was startled by the call of her number. Instantly her fingers sought the keys, and she gave the answer that signified that she was all attention. "Look out for" flicked' the sounder, and then it suddenly ceased, and try as she would Polly could get no further communication with the station next to the eastward.

What-could-the, trouble be? What was she to look out" for? Polly sprang to her feet, remembering that the rtirv pi wnien ner iainer was en- for MEiiwa8 the next train due. Could JSpji Jv jthing be the matter? She ran out on ni- dask platform to see that her lights AMtftlCA'S CREATltT RAII.ROA&. NEWYOEK Central V-fc HUDSON RIVER R. R. THE FOUR-TRACK TRUNK LINE DIRECT LIMB TO SlAUAHA PALUk All tarsucb train sop at Aiuoy.

few oussfc UnriBiiislsi and HiilTsis. i Trains leave Grand central au.Uan. tta Street and Fourth Avenu. a. fallows: Of.

A. M- Dalljr, ezaept Tl EHUU tfTATK tXliliri. UVUTMU. Fastest train th. world.

Lhie Buffalo P. Nlasarav Fall. :6 P. Toronto. P.

M. This train Is limited te Its seatlnc ca- peeltr. Connects at Utloa tor Adirondack Mountains and Montreal. XII A. M.

FAST MAIL Daily For Fmb- keemle. Albany, Utlca. Syracuse. Rocn- ester. Nlasara Falls and Cleveland, in (tn M.

NORTH BHORB LIMITED, Dallr tt-hour train to Chicao, Michigan Central Rootav Du. Buffalo i P. Niagara Falls J. P. Cblcac M.

Carrie. ausd drawinc room cars only. lO 3C A- nt DAT EXPRESS, except day. For MUbrooa. Catsklll Mountains and all Important New Tork State points.

I.OO HIUTUWESTERN LIMITED. Daily For Columbus. Cincinnati. Indl- 1 ana polls and St. Louis.

Stops at t-ouchkaepsle. p- CHICAGO SPECIAL. Dally For Detroit, Cleveland. Toledo and chlcaio. mop.

at Pouarhlnepst. and Schenectady. 3'itt THOI AND ALBAMX C1AL. Bunoay or tiarrtsoa (West Point). Pouahkeepsle.

Albany and Troy K. ft 1. M. LAKE SHORE LIMsTUD. H-bour train to Cmcaao.

via rout. Dm CksTalaad 1:11 A. xaieae A. Chicago in P. M.

This train connects at Cleveland or Cincinnati, du. 4: P. and at tor St. Louie, du. P.

M- du. K.nsu City next marnins. Car-tie, aleeplcc.and drawing room cars only. 6n P. M.

WESTERN EXPRESS, dally For NlsW FaJls. Cleveland. Toledo, Detroit, CblcaeOCIiKtnnatl and St. 'joU. 6 0 P.

RH EXPRESS. for Troy. Plattsburzh. Burllnston. Montreal, and.

except Saturday nishta. Ottawa. 7 'it P- M. BlIFFALfT (SPECIAL. DallT Fr Adirondack Mountain points and Mon- treal via UUca.

Rochester. Buffalo. Niagara Fails. Toronto. Cleveland.

Indianapolis, tot. Louia and Chicago. 9. ,4, P. LIMITED MAIL, Daily isleepinc car caasenaers only), tor Pnta on Fall Rrco*k RaUway.

via Lyons, and lor Rochester. Buffalo. Cleveland, lndlanapoli. 0 EXPRESS. Dally-For VmXO Syracuse.

Oweo. Waterlown. Osdens- bur. Buffalo. Nlaaara Falls.

Cleveland, Toledo. Chicago and. except Saturdays, lor cap. Vincent and Auburn road. Ill Nlht-MIDSIGHT EXPRESS.

Thesi. JLeSeXU tr. train tor Chlcaio and principal points th. Mow Tork Central every night Sunday nights. Sunday nights.

Chicago Sleepers leave on uain. 1 A. and P. M. Daily, except Sunday, to Plttsileld, via Harlem Division.

fM M. Sundays only, to Plttafleld and the Berkshire Hills, via ths Harlem Ulvlslon. AU. NlOnr- TRAINS TO YONKERS. "AU night" trains run between lteth street and points en th.

Putnam Division as ar as Yonkera, in connection with tb. elevated road. nj line running "all nlghf trslm. out of New lorn. Wagner Palace Car.

on ali through trains. Trains illuminated with Plntscb. Light. Ticket, and Wagner offices at Grand Central Station, lis. Ml.

415 Broadway, a East 14th st tt Broadwsy. BS Columbus SI West IStn n. snd Utth St. station. New York: Fulton St.

and lot Broadway. E. I)-. Brooklyn. Baggage checked from hotel or residence by We.tcott Ktjrm Ompsnv JOHN TOCCSTT.

(5KOROB H. DANIELS, O-nersl Wwixi WEST HO RD R.FL Trains leave W. St. Station. N.

as follows, and 15 m. earlier from foot Franklin A. M. Dally, for Albany. Utlca, Syracuse.

Rochester. Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Fort VS ayne, Toledo, Cleveland and Chicago. 6:00 P. M.

Dally, for Albany. Montreal. Ltlca. Syracuse, Rochester. Buffslo.

Niagara Falls. Toronto. Detroit. Cleveland. Chicago and St.

Louis. 7:45 P. M. Daily, except Sunday, for Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo. 8:115 P.

M. Dally, for Albany, rtiea. Syracuse. Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara.

Falls. Toronto, Detroit. Cleveland, Chicago and ft. Louis. Time tables at principal hotels and offices.

C. E. LAMBERT. General Passenger Agent, 5 Vanderbilt New ork. LONG ISLAND RAILROAD Trains leave Flatbush Ave.

Station week days for Greenport. :25 A. 1:55 P. M. Sundays, A.

M. Montauk, Amagansett, the Hamptons. Sag Harbor. 8:25 A. 3:25 P.

M. Sundays. :25 A. Patchogue. 7:07.

10:52 A. 1:54. 3:26. 4:30 5:29 P. M.

(12:05 Saturday nights only). Sundays. 9:25 A. 1:23 P. M.

Babylon. 7:07. 7:55, 8:25, 10:52 A. 1:34. 2:55, 3:25.

3:55, 4:30, 4:57 5:29. 5:56. :58. 8:05. 10:05 P.

M. (12:05 night. Weds, and Bats. only). Sundaya.

8:64. 9:25 A. M-, 1-23 6:24. 9:43 P. M.

Wading River, 8:65 A 4:22 P. M. Sundays. 8:54 A. M.

Port Jefferson Northport (East Station). Huntington. Cold Spring. 8:56. 10:52 A.

4:22. 5:29 P. ML. Sundays, 8:54 A. M.

Additional trains week days for Northport. Huntington, Cold Spring, 6:40 A. M. P. 12:05 night.

Sat. only. Sunday, 10:00 A M. 6:24 P. M.

Oyster Bay. Qlen Cove, Sea din. :40, 8:55. 10:52 A. 1:54.

3-25 4:22 5:20, 6:33. 10:05 P. M. (12:06 night, Wed and Sat. only)- Sunday, 9:04.

10:00 A. 6:24 P. M. Par Roekaway, Arverne. Arverne (Stralton ave), 6:07, 7:07.

10:51 A. 3:35, 4:57. 6:23. 8:58, 8:05. 10:05 P.

M. 12:05 night. Sundays' 8:64, A. 1:59. 7:3, 9:43.

'Far Roekaway onjy. Via" N. Y. and R. 8:14 A.

1:36. 3:23, 4:30. 5:29. P. M.

Sundays. 10 00 A M. Hempstead, 6:40, 7:55, 9:20, 10:52 A 1:54, 3:23. 4:22. 5:20.

5:56. 6:23. 6:58. 5:03. lo'Oo M.

12:05 night. Sundays, 9:04, 11:22 A. M. 1:59. 6:24, 10:06 P.

M. Gsrden City. 7:55, 9-20 10:52 A. 1:54, 3:25, 4:22. 5:20, 5:56.

6:23, 8:05. 10:05 P. 12:05 night. Sundays. 9:04, 10 00 11:22 A 1:59.

6:24. 10:03 P. M. Gar-Jen City, Hempstead crossing, 6:07, 6:40, 10:00 A. 4:30, 4:57 P.

ERIE RAILROAD. Ttaouffti trains leave New Tork, foot of Cham-b as foiwws, and five minutes earlier from West Twenty-third j-OO a. Vestibuled Express, dally, for Blng-hamton Waverly. Eimlra. Buffalo, Bradford.

Arrivea" Buffalo P. M. Parlor car to Buffalo. I m. Vestibule Limited Past Mall.

Daily. olld "train to Chicago via Chautauqua Lake. Arrive Cleveland 7:40 A. Chicago 5 P. M.

Sleepers to Chicago. Cleveland and Cincinnati. Dining SO Buffalo and Cleveland Vestibuled Ex-nress dally. Arrives Buffalo 7:05 A. Bradford 717 A.

Jamestdtvn 7:00 A. Cleveland 12:39 I. H. Sleepers to nuua.u v-1- ciuiiu, direct connection for Detroit. Chicago and the W85 P.

M- Via Chautauqua Lake and Niagara Falls dally. Solid train to Chicago. Sleepers to HornellsvlUe, and Cincinnati. Dining car. Ticket Offices 111.

113. 381. 401 and 957 Broadway, Chambers and Twenty-third st. ferries. New York; T2fl and SJKl Fulton lOO Brooklyn.

Wertcott Express calls for and checks baggage from tvrtels and rMn to destination. BALTIMORE OHIO. New York. Whitehall Terminal, daily. CHICAGO 1:55 P.

M. and 12:10 night. PITTSBURG. 3:25. ex.

ntsnt. CINCINNATT. ST. LOUIS. 9:53 A.

4:55 P.M. WASHINGTON. BALTIMORE. 7:53. 9:55 (Dfning Car).

11:25 A. M. (Dining Car). 1:55. 3:25 (Dining Car).

4:55 (Dining Car). 5:55 P. 12:10 night. Sunday 9:1.5 (Dining Car). 11:23 A.

M. (Dining Car). 1:55 (Dining Car), 4:55 (Dining Car), 5:55 P. M-. 12:10 night.

NORFOLK. 11:23 A. M. daily. NEW ORLEANS (through sleeper).

4:53 P. M. dally. Trains leave foot Liberty st. 5 minutes later.

All trains are illuminated with Plntsch Light. Offices: 153. 172. 261. 434.

1140 Broadway. 31 E. J4th 127 Bowerv, N. T. 339.

344 FuTton Brooklyn. and Whitehall Terminal. Batrgage checked from hotel nr rMnc tn destination. CORPORATION NOTICES. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Brooklyn do decide and ordain as follows, viz.

That It Is necessary to cause the sidewalks In front of lots fronting upon west side of Sixth avenue between Garfield place and First street, known as lots Nos, 85. 36, 37 and 70, Block 31, Twenty-second Ward Map. to be flagged with bluestone flagging where not already done, to tha width of five (5) feet, for the purpose of abating; a nuisance, of which the present condition of ths said sidewalk Is the cause. And they hereby ordain that said sidewalk co flagged at the expense of the owner or owners thereof, and the Department of City Works is hereby directed to advertise for proposals for doing such work. The foregoing; decision and ordinance were adopted by the said Common Council by a two-thirds vote this 2iFt day of June.

1897. 10-25-10t JOSEPH BENJAMIN, City Clerk. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Brooklyn do decide and ordain as follows, That It is necessary to cause the sidewalks in front of lot fronting txpon easterly side of Hamburg avenue between DeKalb avenue and Hart street, known as lot No. 10, Block 78, Twenty-seventh Ward Map, to be flagged with bluestone flagging where not already done, to the width of five (5) feet, for the purpose of abating a nuisance, of which the present condition of the said sidewalk Is the cause. And they hereby ordain that said sidewalk be so flagged at the expense of the owner or owners and the Department of City Works Is hereby directed to advertise for proposals for do-ins; such work.

The foregoing decision jfnd mrdlnance were adopted by the said Common (ouncll by a two-thirds vote this 21st day of Jusje, 1897. 10-25-10t JOSUPH BENJAMIN. City Clerk. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Brooklyn do decide and ordain as follows, vlz.z That it Is necessary to cause the sidewalks in front of lot fronting upon nortb side of Prospect avenue between Seventh avenue and Kfghth ave nue, known as lot No. 23.

Block 144, Twenty-second Ward Map, to be flagged with bluestone flag ging where not already done, to the width of five (5) feet, for the purpose of abating a nuisance, of which the present condition of the said sidewalk is the causa. And they hereby ordain that said sidewalk be so flagged at the expense of the owner or owners thereof, and the Department ot City Works is hereby directed to advertise for proposals for doing such work. The foregoing decision and ordinance were adopted by the said Common Council by a two-thirds vote this 2l9t day of June, 1897. 10-25-lOt THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE City of Brooklyn do decide and ordain aa follows, That it Is necessary to cause the sidewalks in front of lots fronting upon the south side of Myrtle avenue between Harman street and Greene avenue, known as lots Nos. 10.

11, 12 and 13, Block 58, Twenty-eighth Ward Map, to be flagged and reflagged with bluestone flagging, where not already done, to the width of Ave (5) feet, for the purpose of abating a. nuisance, of which the present condition of the said sidewalks is the cause. And they hereby ordain that said sidewalks oe so. flagged and reflagged at the expense of the owner or owners there of, and the Department of City Works ii tij A j. is hereby dlrectea to advertise for pro- posais I or auius tsu-ii wuik.

The toregolnK decision and ordinance were adopted by the aaid Common Council by a two-third vote this 21st day of June. 1897. -v JOSEPH BENJAMIN, City Clerk. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. TATIOX toot rullon StrMt.

A. M. FAST MAIL. Pullman Buffet Parlor Car Naw York t. Pittsburg-.

Blwptnf Car Pitts-' ours; to ChJcsro. No coaches to Piusbura-. A. SI. FAST acd elm.

A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED. Pull. man Compart msirt' Dining, Smokin and Observation Cars.

For Chicaso, Clerelantl, Toledo. Cincinnati. Indianapolis, 1:49 P. M. CHTCAOO AND ST.

LOCIS ItX. PRESS. For Nashvlll. (na Cincinnati). Cbieaso.


For Ctesn-land. Chlcasro. For Toledo, except Saturday. P. M.

SOUTHWESTERN EXPRESS. For Ptttaburr. Cinclnnstf. Indianapolis, St. Lout.

P. M. PACIFIC EXPRESS For PltMbor and Chlcaro dallr Connects far Cleveland ana Tolsdo except Saturdsy. P. M.

HAIL AND EXPRESS. Pullman i Buffet Sleeping Cr New York to Altoona. East Liberty. Plttsburs; nd points West, dallr, except Sunday. No coaches.

WAtHHGTOM AMD THB fOTTR. 1.17. t. fDlnlng- Car). 10: A.

1SS "Coniresslonal all Parlor and Dinlns; Cars). 4:17 (Dining Car). 4:17 tDlnlnc Car), 1:43 and 11:06 P. M. Sunday, f.n.

9:11 10:4 A. II. iM al! Par-Iir and Dinlnir Cars). 4:17 'Dining- Csr, 4J7 (Dining Car). 145 snd 11:05 P.

M. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Express, 4:17 snd 11:0 P. M. dally.

ATLANTIC COAST IJNE. Exprsn. A. li and 1:45 p. M.


M. week-dsys and 7:41 P. M. dally. ATLANTIC CITY.

Exnress. P. M. CAPS MAT Express P. M.

week-day Long Branch, Asbury Pari: (InterTaken. Suidarsi. Ocean Grove and Point Pheasant. 11:7 A. -M 3:20.

P. M. Sundays. A. 4:45 P.

M. FOR PHILADELPHM. M. 7:15. 7:40.

:17. 3:45. :0 (:45 Pennsylnnls Limited). :57 Cur). 10:44.

11:46 A. 1:41. 2:45, 4:17, 4:17 (Dining Cart 4:7 (Dining Car), 5:47, 7:15. 7:41. :46.

and 11: T- M. Sundays, 7:40, 8:17. 8:45. :08. :45 (9:45 Limited).

A. M. 1:44 (Dining Car). 1-41. 4:17 (Dining Car).

4:17 (Dining Car), 5:47 (Dining Car). 7:. 7:41. 1:45. 11:05 P.

M. Ticket Offices: No. 4 Court street. Broadway, 846 Fulton st. and Brooklyn Annex Brooklyn.

The New York Transfer Company will call for and check hagxia. from hotel, aag residences throurb to destiuatlou. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J.

R. WOOD. OeiMM-al Manager. General Passer Agent, Central Railroad of New Jersey. Anthracite coal used exclusively.

Four tracks. Automstic Block Stan! On and after October IS, 187. Stations in New York foot of Liberty and Whitehall Terminal. Trains leave foot of Liberty St. For Eastern, Bethlehem, Ailentown.

Mauch Chunk. Ac. 4:30, 1:15. 9:10 A. M.

M. to Easton), 1:10, 1:30. 4:15 to Easton). 5:45. (7:3 to Ailentown) P.

M. Sundays 4:50 CM to Easton) A. 1:00. 5:30. 8:00 P.

if. For Wllkesbarre. Plttston, snd Scranton, A. 1:10. 1:30.

4:15 P. M. Sundays. 4:30 A. M.

For Reading and Harrisburg at 4:30. 8:00. 00:00 to Reading). 11:30 A. 1:10.

1:302:00. 4:0 to 5:45 (9:00 to Reading1) P. 12:15 night. Sundays, 4:30 A. 1:00 (2:00.

to Reading). 5:30. 6:00 P. 12:15 night. For Sunbury.

Lewlsburg sn4 WUllamsport at 4:30. 8:00. 9:10 A. 1:10. 1:30.

9:00 P. M. Snn- days. 4:30 A. P.


Long Branch. Asbury Ocean Grove, and points south to Point Pleasant, 4:30, 8:30. 11:30 A. 1:30, 1:45. 4:15.

4:40. 5:3, 8:15 P. M. Sundays, (stops at Interlaken for As bury Park and Ocean Grove). 9:00, (10:15.

Ren Bank only) A. 4:00 P. M. FOR LAKE WOOD. 4:30, 8:30 A.

1:15. 4:40 I'. M. Sundays, A. M.

For Farmlngdale. Toms River, Barnegat Park, and Barnegat. 4:30. 8:30 A. M-, 1:46, 4:40 P.

M. Sundays. 10:15 A. M. For Atlantic City.

Vineland, and Bridge ton. 4:30 A. 1:45 P. M. For Monmouth Beach.

Seabrlght, and Highlands of Naveslnk. 11:30 A. 3:45. 4:15. 4:40.

5:38 P. M. Sundaya, 9:0 A. 4:00 P. M.

BOATS LEAVE WHITEHALL TERMINAL. Week days, 7:00. 7:55. 8:23. 8:55, 9:18, 9:35.

10:25. 10:33. 10:55. 11:23. 11:55 A.

12:45, 1:00, 1:25. 1:55. 2:23. 3:25. 3:55 4:55.

5:25. 5:55. 4:25, :55, TA. 8:25, 9:10, 10:55 P. 11:14 night.

Sundays. 7:00. 8:55. 9:55. 11:25 A.

13:00 1755. 1:55. 2:30. 3:00. 3:55.

4:20. 4:55. 5:25. 8:00. 6:55.

7:25. 8:25. 9:20. :50. 10:15.


From Whitehall Terminal (South Ferry). Week days, 7:55. 9:50. 11:25 (Dining Car) A. 1:55, 3:25, 4:55 (Dining Car).

6:56 P. 12:10 mdt. Sundays. 9:65. 11:25 (Dining Car) A.

1:55. 4:55 (Dining Car), 5:55 P. 12:10 mdt. Additional trains for Philadelphia, from Whitehall week days. 8:55 A.

1:25, 2:55. 4:25, 4:55, 8:85 P. M. Sundays. 8:55 A.

3:55 p. M. from Liberty 4:30 A. M. dally, and 7:30 and 9:00 P.

M. week From FOOT LIBERTY STREET minutes Tickets and parlor car seats at foot of Liberty Whitehall 113. 172. 261. 434.

944. 1140. 1323 Broadway. 737 6th 31 East 14th 153 East 125th st 273 West 125th 251 Columbus New York: 4 Court 860 Fulton Brooklyn: 98 Broadway. Williamsburg.

The N. Y. Transfer Co. call for and check baggage from noteis or residences to destination. Lehigh Valley System.

LEAVE FOOT FULTON BKLYN ANNEX. 6:05 A. M. week-days (7:00 A. M.

from New York Sundays), for MAUCH CHUNK and intermediate stations. 7:55 A. M. dally for Wllkesbarre. Scranton (week-days).


NIAGARA FALLS and the West and principal local points; dining car and chair car to Buffalo. 10:15 A. M. Sundays only for Bound Brook ana Intermedlste stations. 10:30 A.

M. daily, except Sundays, fcr MAUIH CHUNK and Intermediate points. 11 :45 A. M. dally, except "BLACK DIAMOND EXPRESS" arrives Buffalo 9:55 P.

M. Pullman Vestibuled Day Coaches and Parlor Cars. Dining Car service. Mesls a la carte. Connects at Buffalo witll thrcugh sleepers to Detroit and Chicago.

12:18 P. M. daily, except Sunday, for Maucn Chunk and intermediate points. 1:00 P. Sunday only, for Easton, Maucn Chunk and coal branches.

1:28 P. M. daily, except Sunday, for Wllkes-barre. Pittston. Scranton and principal Intermediate stations.

Connects for points in coal regions. Chair car to Wllkesbarre. 3:46 P. M. daily, except Sunday, for Wllkesbarre, Pittston, Scranton and principal Intermediate stations.

Connects for all points in coai regions. Pullman buffet parlor car to Wllkesbarre. 5:04 P. M. dally for EASTON and intermediate stations.

5:47 P. M. dally, exempt Sunday, express f' Slstington and principal Intermediate stations. Connection for Reading and Harrisbursr. Cttatf car to Slatlngton.

6:45 P. M. (Sundays 6:33 P. dally, for BUFFALO. NIAGARA FALLS and all points West: Pullman sleeper, veBtibuled train.

New York to Chicago; sleepers to Buffalo and Toronto. 8:15 P. M. dailv. except Sunday, stopping only at South Plalnfle'ld.

Easton. Bethlehem. Mauch Chunk. L. B.

Junction. Sayre. Geneva. Roch-s. ester.

Batavla and Buffalo. Pullman sleeper for Ruffalo. None but sleeping car passengers ried. No baggage 8:45 P. M.

dI1v for ITHACA. GENEVA, ROCHESTER. BUFFALO. NIAGARA FALLS snd points West; Pullman Sleepers to vVUkea-barre and Ithaca. Additional Local Trains, dally, except Sunday.

for BOUND BROOK and intermediate points leav. as follows: 8:45 A. 2:1. 3:46 and 6:07 P. M.

Tickets and Pullman accommodations at 113. 241. 273, 355. 944 and 13:3 BroRd-ary. 31 East Fourteenth 156 East 125th 127 Bowery.

New York; 8 4 Court 98 Broadway and Brooklyn Annex. Brooklyn. N. Y. The N.

Y. Transfer Co. will call for and check nssrenr: from hotel, nr to destination. CORPORATION XOTICES. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF Brooklyn do decide and ordatn as follows, That It is necessary to cause the side walks tn front of lots frAnting upon southwest aide of Central avenue between Ralph street and Grove street, known at lots Nos.

38 and S9, Block tt. Twenty -el srhth Ward Map. to be flagged -wita bluestone flag-ring where not already done, to th width of Ave 5 feet, for the purpose of abating-a nuisance, of which the present condition of thF eaid sidewalk Is the cause. And they hereby ordain that said sidewalk tr so flagged at the expense of the owner or oniwt thereof, and the Dfpartment of City Worki i hereby directed to advertise for proposal Icr doing: such work. The foregoing decision and ordinance were adopted by the said Common Council by a two-thirds vote this Tlst day of June.

1897. 10-25-lt JOSEPH UENJAMIX, City CterV. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITT OK Brooklyn do decide mid ordain as follows, vix: That it is necessary to cause the lots frontline upon the north id- of Hull street. ier (Stone avenue, known as lots Nos. 15, 37 and 1.

Flocit 122, Twenty-fifth Ward Map. to be fenced with a board fence, where not already done, to the height of six t) feet, for the purpoee of abating; a nuisance, of which the present condition of the said lotF is the caue. And they hereby ordain that fa 10 -lots fenced at the expend of the owner or cTfm thereof, and the Iepartment of City Works hereby directed to advertise for proposals for doing such work. The foreyoinje decision anu ordinance were adopted by the said Common Council by a two-thirds vote this 21t dav ot J'Jne. 1W.

10- 25-lOt JOSEPH AM IN City Clerk. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THEV CITT Brooklyn do decide and orda In as oil owi. viz Thai it Is necrstarj to caue tiie lots fronting upon the north side of Putr.ama-enue, between Central avenue Hamburg aVnue, known a lots Nos. 40. 41.

42A. 4X 4-. 44. 2. 73.

Block Twenty-eighth Ward Map. to be lanced with a close board fence, where not alreadvdone. to the heifEh: of six t) feet, tor the purpose of abatina a nuisance, of which the present condition of tlie eaid lots in. the cause. And they hereby ordain that said lota be so fenced at the expense of the owner or and the Department cT City Works hereby directed to advertise for pror-oaaia for de-ing- such work.

The foregoing decision and ordinance were adopted by the said Common Council by a two- thirds vote this day of June. 197. JOSEPH BENJAMIN. City Cierft. MAYORS OFFICE, BROOKLYN.

OCTOBER IS. 1537. Proposals. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M. on the tth day of November.

1S97, for the entire work and material required for the Thirteenth RecimenK Armory Building in the city of Brooklyn. Amount of deposit per cent, cn estimated cast. Amoent of surety (to be furnished or. award of contract) for the amount of contract. Each proxpoaal must be accompanied by a deposit in money or by a certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of the city of Brooklyn, In the um aboTe epeci-fled.

Specifications and plans tnay be eeen ana form of proposals procured on application te the architect. Mr. Charles Werner, at his office. Room 103. Garfield Building.

Prono-nls must be en-k riorsed "To the Thirtee nth Rcclmant ArmarvVT Tive said proposal wiijr be publicly opened and gwinnouncefl on tne nrtiii aay or 1S7. lt the hour of- 12 o'ejaj-k provided that the Commission or a ma.orltv of tha present otherwise, on the first Cay tktereaXler when they may be convened. The Commission reserves the right te reject mar and all btda. 7 w' FREDERICK w. WTJR3TER.

Mate, Otairmatt OI UJITiiniliaiDU. I I Atteat: DA XL B. MH.LTPS, fterretary. Brooklyn Trust Company. Cor.

Hostavas tat Clinton St. CAPITAL snUrely Invnsted In U. S. 4 per cent. bond, at par.

.181.000,000. OO Undivided I'ronta. (actually earned.) l.MO.nBJH INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Which may be mad. subject to check at slant or returnable at fixed datea.

Checks pass tbrouch New Tork Clarln Hons-, is a sar. depository tor (noes anaiUwt nt. PI1 charter to act trustee administrator, committee. any other position of trust. is a designated depository for Com-, moneys.

or transfer asent ot stoc bond, and trusts, (or railroad or other oorpora-tlon mortsaves. "fnTs'rliler booa eOM Upon deposit of cash or approval securities wJJJ tvellnir letter, of credit and ps T- CHR1STEKBEN. President. Vice-President. C.

COT.TOH. Secretary. STANLEY W. mTerrrrn. Assistant Secretary.

TRUSTEES: Iha" T. Barr. Fr.r.x Lyman, William H. Male. SifT.y Henry W.

Maxwell. Christian T. Chrlstensen, Willis L. Oa-den, J. Plerrepont, Charles M.

Pratt. CTil 's H'n. George O. Reynolds. 5Jw.t'.B,Ce,"1!'.

Chas. A Schleren, PdHn-TKDOW'ton' Henry K. Sheldon u- Lyman, Alexander M. White, D. ood.

Peoples Trust Company, ITa Hoatscse Street. PAID SliKPLLS Receive money an deposit subject to check at sight, and allows Interest an the same. Cheeks drawn upon It pass through trie New Tork Clearing House. It Is authorise, by law to aot as rxecmor. Administrator.

Guardian. Trustee. Receiver, Fiscal and Transfer Agent, and as Registrar of Bucks and Bonds. Loan, money Jlonds and Mortgages and an other approved securities Is a designated depository for State funds and moneys paid Into court. OFFICERS: fEJJX CAMPBELL.

President. fCpBG- DETTMER. First Vice-President. HORACE J. MORSE.

Second Vice-President. E1ARD JOHNSON. Secretary. CHARLES A. BOODY.

Assistant Secretary. STEE8: Solomon W. JohnaoB, James Jouruan, Robert J. Kimball, James McMahon, Horace J. Morse, John E.

Searls. Howard M. Smith. Frederick A. Schroeder Alovso Slote.

G. Blackford. David A. Boody, Felix Campbell, An.ory 8. Carhart, William M.

Cole. William B. Davenport, J. O. Dettmer.

-Bernard Gallagher, William B. Hill. Cornelius v. Hoagland. George P.

Tangeman. Frederic A. Ward. KINGS COUNTY TRUST COMPANY 342, 344, 346 Fulton St. CAPITAL $500,000 SURPLUS $700,000 Transacts a general trust business.

Receives deposits subject to check at sight. Interest allowed on daily balances. Issues certificates of deposit. Procures letters of credit, payable in any part of the world. In making your Will remember ''the Kings County Trust Company, and name it as either your executor or trustee.

Wills kept free of charge. Jl'LIAJi a. fAlHCHILIl, President. J. S.


THOMAS BLAKE, Au't Secretary, Franklin Trust Company, Stontntxao cor. Clinton. CAPITAL Stl.OOO.OMO SIHFLIS OVER Authorized by law to act as executor, administrator, trustee, guardian of committee, and offers speciar advantages as such. IS A LiiOAL DEPOSITORY FOR COURT MONEYS. ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS.

Offers its services on favorable terms, as TRUSTEE OF CORPORATION MORTGAGES. REGISTER OR TRANSFER AGENT. FOR CORPORATIONS OR MUNICIPALITIES. LOANS MONEY ON APPROVED SECURITIES. Checks on this company will be paid through tbe New York Cleat lng House.

GEO. H. President. WM. H.

WALLACE. Vice-President. JAS. R. COWING.

Vlce-Pres't 41 Secretary. CROWELL HADDEN. Assistant TRUSTEES: A. A. Low.

Crowell Madden. Edwin Packard, John Wlnslow. Darwin R. James, Joseph K. Brown.

Wm. H. Wallace, D. H. Houghtallng.

Franklin E. Taylor, Albro J. Newton. Stewart H. E.

Plerrepont, Geo. M. Olcott. Geo. H.

Southard, Theodore K. Dreler, Thos. E. StUlman, Geo. M.

Colt, Martin Jooe. B. Woodward, L. Wood fori. Schermerhorn Bank, BROOKLYN WAREHOUSE AND STORAOB COMPANY'S 335-S3 Behermerhorn Street.

SURPLUS nilMMMM) ou.uuv Business and household accounts solicited. Special accommodations for ladles. Dividends and coupons collected. Letters of credit, foreign drafts and bllla of exchange tarnished. President.


Cashier. WILLIAM H. PALMER. DIRECTORS: Chauncey M. Depew.

C. T. Chrlstensen, William H. Wallace. Gny Du Vai, John R.

Van Wormer, Henry N. Whitney. Clarance W. Seamans, Obed Wheeler. Horace Clark Duval, Eugene O.

Blackford, Hirbert L. Brldgman. Joa. J. Almlrall.

Hamilton Trust Company, 191 MONTAGUE 8TKEKT. CAPITAL. B30O.O00. SURPLUS, 300,000 Undivided Profits, Pays liberal Interest on dally balances. Accepts trusts crested by will or otherwise.

Aet. as Trustee and Transfer Agent for corpora, tlons. Authorised to act as Guardian, Executor and Administrator: Is a legal depository for Trust Fonda. Special banking facilities for ladies. Family and business accounts, solicited.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES. William H. Lyon. SUas B. Dutcher, James O.

Carpenter, William Beiri. Charles W. Betts, Charles Cooper, Wlllla-H B. H. Chllds, Henry E.

Hulchmsoa, Henry N. Whitney, Harlan P. Halaey, Calvin Patterson, Alfred J. Pooch. John Dltmss.

Wm. V. R. Smith. William Hester, Millard F.

Smith, John G. McOuire. F. O'C'-anor. William C.

Wallace. Joseph B. Whit, Leonard Moody. John R. Hegemao.


First Vice-President. ALFRED J. POUCH. Second Vice-President JOSEPH B. WHITE.

Secretary. Long Island Loan and Trust Company, 2fKt MOST AGUES STREET. Capita I ys IMMMKi KarplHi Thin surplus has been accumulated successful administration of tbe business of tit company since Its organisation In 134. and haa not in any way been created by contributions from stockholders. INTEREST ALLOWED ON" DAILY BALANCES.

Checks drawn on this company are pay.ibie through the New York CI earing House. Certificate? of deposit will be Uisued, payable on demand and Interest until paid. This company is authorized by charter to act aa Trustee, Executor, Adm strator. Gua rdlae, Committee of Estates, or Receiver. It Is al- legal depository for all Trust Funds and tor money paid Into conrt.

It acts as Registrar or Transfer A gent of stocks snd bonds and ai Trustee for Railroad snd other mortgages. It guarantees letters of credit issued to travelers, and will do any and all other bus'nes usually done by Trust Companies of responsibility and standing. TRT715TKES. Watson B. Dickerman, David O.

Leggttt, William M. Ingrahaxn. Seymour Husted. Bernarl Peters, James W. Cromwell, Edward D.

White. Frank I. fiabbott. David Barrett. Theodore F.

Jackson, Edward Merrltt, George Kdward Ids, Frank Lyman. John F. Ha.stead, Beth L. Keenev. William C.

Redflelfi. KDWARD MTTOHTTT. President. rMVTD" O. Vice-President.

FREDERICK T. ALDRIDQE. Secretary. CORPORATION ftOTICBS. THIS COMMON COUNCIL OF THB CITY OF Brooklyn do decide and ordain as follows, vis: That It Is necessary to cause the lots fronting upon the north aide of Greene avenue, between Myrtle avenue and Hamburg avenue, known aa lots Nos.

13, 13. 14, 15 and IS. Block SR. Twenty-eighth Ward Map, to be fenced with a close board fence, where not already done, to the height of six feet. for the purpose of abating a nnls-ance.

of which the present condition of tbe said lots la the cause. And they hereby ordain that said lots be so fenced at the expense of the owner or owners thereof, and the Department of City Works Is hereby directed to advertise for proposals for do lng such work. The foregoing' decision and ordinance were adopted by tha said Common Council by two-thirds rote this fist day of June. 1197. --lft JOSEPH BE'JAMIN.

CHr Clerk. LATEST QUOTATIONS. (Corrected by C. E. Staples, dealer In Brooklyn investment securities.

No. SOI Montagus street. Telephone No. S30. Brooklyn.) MONDAY, 1.

BIO. As it STREET RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS. Atlantis Ave Co Con 20S lot Brooklyn, City IPS ios Brooklyn City 1U llotf Brooklyn Heights Cable bonds 10 Bklyn. Queen Co Suburban let 104 KKiVi A Newtown Co bds 113 Bitlyn City A Newt'n stock (new stock) ISO I A Ca i p-e bds Crosstown Railroad Co fi 1 Kings County 40 Nassau, Railway 1st 5m fft GAS AND," EM3CTRIC STOCKS AND BONDS. Bklyn Municipal Rlee JJght Co ISO 16S Edison Electric Light 103W 1 Gag CoO.

105 lM'i A Gas 110 111 Standard Gas 142V- 143 Standard Gas 10 FKRRY COMPANIES. Hoboken Ferry. Hoboken 'Ferry New York A JS Ferry Co A Ferry Co 5 A Bklyn Kerry Co Union Ferry bonds Union Ferry BROOKLYN BANKS. Brooklyn bank stocr. Broadway Bank Bedford Bank stock Eighth Ward Bank stock Firth Avenue Bank First National Bank stock Fulton Bank stock 4 Hamilton Bank Kings Co Bank stock Manufacturers National Bank Mechanics and Traders Bank Mechanics Bank stocK Nassau National Bank fctock National City Bank stock North Side Bank stock People's Bank stock Schermerhorn Bank Pprague National Bank Twenty-sixth Ward Bank stock TTnlon Bank of Brooklyn stock Wallabout Bank stock 1 1 7S 97 fit.

93 109 32 J8M 10c I'M 175 300 100 400 110 szs 235 235 270 173 2S3 100 11s 410 195 100 120 466 160 213 133 105 TRUST COMPANIES. Brooklyn Trust Co 400 Franklin Trust Co 335 Kings Cour.ty Trust 175 183' Long Isiai.d Loan A Trust Co. 230 Manufacturers Trust Co 315 Nassau Trust Co 150 Peoples Trust 243 947 Hamilton Trust 230 340 MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES. Academy of Music 120 Bklyn Warehouse A Storage Co 115 Flatbush Water Works Co 6 103 Kings County Insurance Co 160 Long Island Safe Deposit Co stock GO Narsau Insurance ISO S3 Telephone 140 Pbenlx Insurance Co ....165 South Brooklyn Saw Mill Co Standard Oil Trust 340 Williamsburg Insurance Co 400 ISO 14S 170 103 BABTKINg AMP FIHAHCIAl. The Nassau Trust Company, 101 BROADWAY, Brooklyn.

N. Y. (Organized VStS.) Capital K30U.OOU Undivided Front. (Jun. 30.1897) This Company Baa No Surplua, A leg-al depository for Court and Trmt Fundi.

Allows Int.reat cm dallv balances subleet to check and SPECIAL RATES on deposits returnable on specified dates. Interest commence. from date ot depo.1t. Acts ss Executor, Administrator, Committee, Guardian. Trustee.

Receiver. Fiscal and Trapafw Asent and as Registrar of Stocks and Bonds. Wills kept free of charge. Loans money on bond and mortgage and approved collaterals. Checks on th's Company are payable through th New York Clearing- Mouse.


O. F. RICHARDSON. Secretary. 11.

F. BURNS, Secretary. TRUSTEES: William Dick. Dltmas, A. r.

Balrd. Edward T. Hulst, Bernard Peters, John Loughran. B. B.

Tuttle. O. F. Richardson. Charles H.

Russell, Henry Selbert. William F. Garrison. Jost Moller. John Truslow.

Herbert F. Gunnison. William E. Horwlll. William Lamb.

Andrew T. Sullivan. INSURANCE. THE METROPOLITAN1 Plate Glass Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. Home Office, UU Liberty Mew tork.


Capital and Ket ECGEJIK H. WHSLOIV, President. DANIEL D. WIIIMBV. Vice-President, S.

WM. BI RTON. Secretary. B'klyn Urancn Office. 2oa Hoalagae St.


114 Brotdwar, K. U. Cash Capital, $1,000,000. Gross Asset Pec lbtt Liabilities Surplus ss t- Pollcy-HoMsrs 9 1.101.4H.74 Losses paid since PROPOSALS. DEPARTMENT OF CITY WORKS, COMMIS-sioiaefs Offlce, Room 15, Municipal Building.

Brooklyn, N. October 22. 1S97 Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be received by the Commissioner of City Works of the city of Brooklyn, at his office in said city, until 12 o'clock Thursday, November 187, for FURNISHING AND DELIVERING CAST-IRON WATER PIPE AND SPECIAL, CASTINGS, to wit: 10 tons 4-inch cast-iron water pipe 30 tons 5-inch cast-iron water pipe; 90 tons 8-inch cast-iron water pipe; 7S0 tons 16-Inch cast-iron water pipe, and 50 tons special cast In if Amount of deposit. $1,000.

Amount of surety. $10,000. Forms of proposals, specifications, drawings and further particulars may be obtained at the office of the Water Purveyor. Room 37, Municipal Proposals must be accompanied by a certified check upon a National or State Bank In tha city of Brooklyn or in the city of New York, drawn to the order of the Commissioner of City Works, for the sum of one thousand dollars (tl.000); In case the party or parties to whom the contract Is awarded shall neglect or refuse to enter Into contract, this amount will be retained as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal. The checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them.

Proposals must be accompanied by an undertaking in with two sureties, each of whom ehall qualify as to his responsibility In the sum of S10.000, who shall be owners of real estate in the city of Brooklyn, In their own right, in the amount of the surety, and shall have held the same at Least one year prior to the time of becoming; such surety; that if the contract be awarded to the party or parties proposing, they will become bound as bis or their surety for its faithful performance. In lieu thereof the bond of an approved surety company, doing business In the of New Tork. will be accepted. The Commissioner of City Works reserves the right, with the consent of the Mayor, to reject any or all bids or to accept such bid or bids, or to negotiate with any bidder for an amended proposition as in his Judgment will best serve the Interests of the city of Brooklyn. Proposals to be endorsed "To the Commissioner of City Works" Specifying work).

The said pro-possls will be publicly opened and announced cn the 4th day of November. 1897, at the hour of 11 o'clock H. provided thst the Commissioner of City Works, or his regularly appointed deputy. Is present. In case of the absence of both, then on th first day thereafter when either is present.

THEODORK B. WILLIS. Commissioner of City Works. Attest: R. M.

WHITING, Secretary. 10-22-10t DEPARTMENT OP CITY WORKS. Ml "NIC! -pal Department Building. Brooklyn. October 26, 1S97.

Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until Monday, November 9, 1897, at 13 for the following purpose: For GRADING- Avenue U. from Eighty-si xtb treet to Ocean Parkway. Amount of deposit. $629.

Amount of surety, 7.130. Proposals must be accompanied by a deposit In money or by a certified check In the same amount, payable to the order of the Commissioner of Ctty Works. In the sum above specified for such improvement. Such check or amount of money to be returned to the bidder In case his bid is rejected. Plans and specifications may be seen, and form of proposal can be procured on application at the Department of City Works.

Proposals must be accompanied by an undertaking In writing, with two sureties, each of whom shall qualify as to his resoonslbllity In the respective sums above mentioned, Srnd who shall be owners of real estate In the city of Brooklyn, in their own right, in the amount of each surety, and shall have held the same for at least one year, orior to the time of becoming suoh surety that If th contract be awarded to the party or parties proposing', they will become bound as hut or their surety for its faithful performance. In lien thereof, the bond of an Incorporated Surety Company, doing business tn the State of New Tork, who shall qualify In double the amount of the penalty, be accepted. Proposals to be endorsed "To the Commissioner of City Works" (specifying work). The said proposals will be publicly opened and announced on the 8th day of November, at the hour of It o'clock M. provided that tbe Commissioner of City Works, or hie regularly appointed Deputy, is present.

In case of th absence of both, then on the first day thereafter when either Is i THEODORE B. WILLIS. Commissioner of City Wsrfcs. Attest; R. 11.

WHITING, Becretary. 10-M-LOt I ml iff (Quotations by Holmes tl Broadway, N.T.) Atch, Top F-1SH-Atch. Top ft 8 prd H. 28, 294, V4, Canada (Southern 86. G6.

C. ft 9S4. HU. S6.96. MH- Csntral of 92V4.

9214. 924 Che. ft Ohio 21, 22, 22t- Chicago Oas 97,. 97, 97. 7, S7H.

st p. ft so. sum, 80. 80, ao. Chlo Ot West 16H, 16.

1644, 1S. 15. Chic. ft fit Paul 83. 83.

93, 83. 83. Chic, I ti Pac 86, 86, 86, 86. 87, Si. Consol Oas 197.

197. 195. 196. 193. 187, M.

Del. Lack ft West 1M. U. 1- Erie 16. Erl.

1st pfd 87. Illinois Central 1(H. 102. 108. Loulsv ft Nashv 66.

W. MH. 56. Manhattan 102, 101, 102, 102, 103, 102. Mo, Kan ft Tev 13.

13. Mo, Kan ft Tex pfd 32. 82. 82. Missouri Pacific 30, 80.

80, 80. 81, 81, JV Cen ft Hudson 108. 108. WS, 108. Northern Pacific 18, 18.

Northern Pacific pfd O. 3. "2. S. 63.

53. Pacific Mail 80. 30. 30. 30.

Pitts. C. C. ft 8t 32, 83, 33, SZ, 33. PuKman Co 172.

Reading 28. 23. 28. 23. Readlnc 1st pfd 60.

St ft fit pfd 62. 53. 52. Southern PacUlo 80. 20.

Southern Railway pfd 81. 81. 31. 31. Tenn Coal ft Iron 26.

86. II P. Den ft Oulf 8, 8. Union Pacific 22. 22.

22. 23, 23. 23, Western Union 88. 88, 88. 88.

The outside securities market opened fairly steady. Glucose common, 37a38: 86aS7; Maltlna-. 89al); 75a78; East River Equitable S3b; Standard 136al; l3al7; Standard Oil. 340a34S. Sales stocks to noon; Listed.

88.980: unlisted. 18.364; total. 87.344 bonds, 340.000. New Tork Stock Exchange transactions for week: Stock, shares. 8.108.067: Inc.

3.608.42O; Governments, 8607.700; State and railroad bonds. 839.281.200: Inc. stock, scrip, 8108.400. SALES THI3 MORNING. 110O0.

12000. Arbor -1st 4s 81 1H 110 Atch. Tod ft 8 Gen 4s of Oeorfria 1st S. 2000. 3000.

20000. 1000. ft kj- con as East Tenn, Va ft Ga Dlv Ss Pac 1st Cons lis 88 8 ft So 1st F.ea- lOJi 109 117 10000, MOO street itauway uen ua. of 1st Kan ft Tex 1st 4sr. Kan ft Tex 2d ftr Ohio 4s ft Western Railway Con 4s.

Pac Pr In 4s loOOO. 85 60 72 76 90 93 120 91 93 28 47 109 10000. 6000. 9O00. 30OO0.

loono. 6000. Oregon ft Nsv Oreson Short Line 6s 6000, RaAilway 1st Pac 1st 5s 5000. 20000, Tex ft Pac 2d mc 20000. 2009.

Den ft Gulf 1st West Shore Gta 4s 'WATSON ft GIBSON'S MARKET LETTER. "The stock market, Saturday, opened strong- at about Friday's closing; prices, and after hesitating for -a while became very active and stronger, under the leadership of C. B. ft Q. and Sugar, which advanced about one per cent.

The advance In Burlington and the rest ''of the Granger stocks was undoubtedly Influenced by the excellent report Issued by the ft Q. tor the month of September, showing one and one-half per cent, earned on the stock. This gives some Idea, of th. recuperative powers of. this system.

The general belief is that the company will earn over 8 per cent- on Its stock In the next fiscal year. "One of the favorable Influences of the morning was the reassuring statement of the Spanish Minister, at Washington, as to the tenor of that Government's reply to the United States on Cuban matters. "Consolidated Gas was an exceptionally weak feature on continued liquidation. There was very little commission buying In the market, as the outside publlo are not inclined ta take any very active part in the market until after the results of the elections are known. The traders who nave been bearish were inclined to reduce their outstanding contracts, and this accounted for the strength of the market.

"Bradstreet's report exports of wheat for the week at 3.911.391 bushels, showing that the foreign demand still continues. We have exported during the last thirteen weeks 70.000.000 bushels of wheat. "The weakness In Union Pacific In the face of a strong market was on' the belief that steps are being taken with a view to further interference with the reorganisation. "The bank statement showed an Increase In reserve of Jl. 367,100.

an Increase in loans of an increase In specie of 8836,000, an Increase In legal tenders of $2,430,000. an Increase In deposits of 87,874,000, and an Increase in circulation of 8100,400. The market sold off a little after the publication of this statement, but there was no material change, and It closed strong." The New Tork and Cuba Mail Steamship Company has contracted for two steamers, on the lines of the St. Paul and St. Louis, and equal, in their passenger accommodations, which will be built either at Cramps' or Roach's shipyards.

The new vessels will cost The New York Insurance Department's examination shows the surplus of the Hamilton Fire Insurance Company, Oct. 19, to have been $100,066. According to the last statement of the Controller of the Currency, the National City Bank of New Tork maintains its place at the head in respect to the volume of deposits. The First National of Chicago is second, National Park of New. York third, and the Hanover National Bank of America.

Fourth National. Im porters' and Traders' National, Chase National, Manhattan Company and American Exchange National, all of New! Tork, come next in the order named. In making this list, the last quarterly reports of State banks named have been employed. The organization of the Scottish-American Insurance Company has begun, and it will begin operations in January with $200,000 capital and $100,000 surplus. Charles H.

Post will be president of the new company and N. A. McNeill vice-president and secretary. CFor Other Financial News Se Pages 1 and 4.) REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION. STATE OP NEW YORK, OFFICE OF STATE Engineer and Surveyor, Albany.

October 22d, 18S7. Sale of Land. Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners of tha Land Office, paesed at a meeting held on th thirtieth day of September, 1897, and by virtue of power vested in me by law, I shall offer for sale, for cash, at public auction, at the office of the State Engineer and Surveyor, In the city of Albany and State of New York, on Wednesday, the twenty-second day of December, 1897. at twelve o'clock noon, all the title of the State of New York. In the lands described as Kir kb County, Flatbush.

late Town of. Oakland, Map 682, filed In 1854. Section 34. Lots 164. 16-.

166, 167 and 168. CAMPBELL W. ADAMS, State Engineer and Surveyor. STATE OF NEW YORK. OFFICE OF STATE Engineer and Surveyor, Albany, October 22d, 1897.

Sale of Land. Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners of the Land Office, passed at a meeting held on the thirtieth day of September. 1837, and by virtue of power vested In me by law, I shall offer for sale, for cash, at public auction, at the office of the State Engineer and Surveyor, in the city of Albany and State of New York, on Wednesday, the twenty-second day of December, 1897, at twelve noon, all title ot the State of New York. In the lands described as Kings County, Flatbush, late Town of. Poplar Street.

B'd A by land of G. W. Gilchrist, by land of Estate of John West fall, and by Poplar Street, 25x100 and Flatbush. late Town of. Crooke Farm, map ot Richard Totten, No.

991. fiied June 29, 18.. Lots 74. 73. 76, 77, 81.

82. S3 and 4, and Kings County. 341 lots. In and adjoining the Ninth Ward of Brooklyn, Lots 2. 3, 4, and ft.


NOTICE. In the matter of Grading and Paving Forty-fifth street, from Fifth avenue to Sixth avenue. Fifty-fourth street, from Fifth avenue to Sixth avenue. Also. In the matter of Opening, Grading and Paving Forty-second street, from Fourth avenue to Fifth avenue.

To all whom It may concern Take Notice: That the apportionments and assessments of the Board of Assessor In the above-entitled matters have been completed and a copy thereof signed by the President and Secretary of the said Board of -Assessors filed In the office of the Clerk of Kings County. In the Hall of Records In the ctty of Brooklyn, where they are open for the inspection of all persons Interested, and that application will be made, pursuant to Chapter 363 of the Laws of 1889, entitled "An act to provide for certain improvements In the Eighth ward of the city of Brooklyn." and the various acts amendatory thereof, to the Supreme Court at a Special Term thereof, to be held at the County Court House in the city of Brooklyn and county of Kings, on Monday, the 15th day of November, 1897, at ten o'clock In the forenxm. or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard for the confirmation of said apportionments and assessments respectively. Dated October 30. 1897.

JOSEPH A. BURR, Corporation Counsel of tb City of Brooklyn, Cltv Hall. Brooklyn, N. Y. 11-1-4-14 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB Common Council of the City of Brooklyn has declared, by resolution, its intention to REPAVE Dean street from Court street, to Nevins street with asphalt pavement, pursuant to the provisions of Sec.

50 of Title XV. of the Charter, and has, by resolution, fixed the district of assessment for such improvement on the lots tying on and along the lines on each side of the said Dean street between the points above specified, upon which district one-half the cost of such improve-jnent will be assessed. ALSO, to repave Amity street from Court street to Henry street with asphalt pavement, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 50 of Title XT. of the Charter, and has.

by resolution, fixed the district of assessment for eucb improvement on the lots lying on and along the Hnes on each side of the said Amity street between the points above specified, upon which district one-half the cost of such Improvement will be assessed. ALSO, to repave Hopkins street from Sumner avenue to Throop avenue with asphalt pavement, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 50 of Title XV. of the Charter, and has, by resolution, fixed the district of assessment for such improvement on the tots lying on and along the lines on each side of the said Hopkins street between the points above specified, upon which district one-half the cost of such improvement will be assessed; and that the said Comonin Council wl.l proceed under the said resolutions at a meeting thereof to be held on the 22d day of November, 1897, or as soon thereafter- as the public business will allow. Remonstrances (If any) against the said Improvement must be filed with the Clerk of the Common Council (or otherwise presented to tha Common Council) on or before the said day.

Dated Brooklyn, October J2, 1S97. i THEODORE B. Commissioner of City Works. Attest: R. M.

WHITING. Secretary. l-a-14t riESDAY. They the royal-hearted women are AYho.iobbeloYe the yet have grace For suffering; Uvea In lowest place. i-.

i'ii s-Cteorse Eliot. BREAKFAST-Grapea, Oatmeal and Cream, Beef Balls, Creamed Potatoes, Hominy Muffins, Coffee. LUNCIf Chipped Beet, Tea Rolls, Quince Jelly, Lemon Tapioca and Cream, Tea, DINNER Clear T. Soup, Chicken Croquettes, Creamed Peas, Mashed Pota-. toes.

Parsnips, Celery, Tomato Pickles, Apple Jelly, Squash Pie, Cheesa, HOMINY MUFFINS. Beat one cup boiled hominy smooth, add one ess and beat; one cup sour milk, tablespoon melted butter, neaping- tablespoon one-half teaspoon sodadissolved in hot water salt as needed, and scant cup of flour. Bake in hot muffin- pans. LEMON TAPIOCA Two tablespoons tspfoca soaked over nlsht In hair-cup water. Add hair-cup cold water in the morning, the peeled rind of a lemon, and boil unUI clear.

Then take out the rind, add the Juice of the lemon, teaspoon lemon extract, half-cup each of and boiling- water, a pirtch of salt, and bolL Mould and -serve with sugar and cream. ONE YEAR AGO TO-DAY. Consul-General Lee left Havana for the United States. through the cab cover above Polly's head. The engine was now tearing down the track at full speed.

Polly knew that It must be fired, or it would not go far, and so, leaving tha throttle open, she sprang to the coal pit, flung open tha firehole, and with the heavy shovel in her small white hands threw in load after load of coal. When she returned to her place, she could see the first signal light of Mercer already blinking Into view. She pulled down on the whistle cord, and the engine shrieked its distress. Five minutes later Polly strained at the heavy reverse lever, turned hard on the airbrake and brought the great Iron horse to a sudden standstill. How she ever managed to stammer the story she never knew, but in a few minutes the engine was headed back with half a dozen armed men aboard of her.

Behind them came another load of men on a switch engine and two men were racing up the street of Mercer calling the alarm. They heard firing before they reached Kane Creek, but it ceased soon afterward. The robbers had gone. They had taken with them much plunder from the passengers, but they had not been able to get into the express safe, although they were at work drilling it open when relief came. From the time that the engine stopped Polly was missing.

When the rescued and excited passengers and express messengers began to crowd around and inquire, the Mercer men remembered her. A party of them went out to find the girl who had brought help to the beleaguered train. In a little clump of bushes they heard a man moaning, and an instant later they saw Polly kneeling in the sand with her father's head in her lap, crying bitterly, and they gathered up the brave engineer and his daughter and carried them down to the train, cheering all the way. Engineer Marshall was not badly hurt, and he was able to be in Mercer when the general manager of the road thanked the blushing Polly officially and offered her a new and better position in Mercer, and, of course, all the passengers and express messengers heard about Polly's brave deed and said a great many pleasant things about her, but Polly, being a sensible girl, only blushed and said that she had to do It. and that any other girl would have done the same under like circ*mstances.

Which no one believed, of course. Later, when the robbers were captured, Polly was able to identify one of them positively the one who had run the engine and through him the entire party was convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary. SHORT STORY FOR TUESDAY, "HONORABLE ANNE." COMING REAL ESTATE SALES. Sale at the R.I Estate Exchana-e. 189 and 131 Montagu, street, except as otherwise stated.

Wednesday. Kov. 3. BY T. A.

KERRIGAN, AT No. 45 BROADWAY. Pulaski st. No 13, 123 Throop ave, 20x100, 3-sty and basem*nt brk value. W.OrtO.

Edwd Hulst, et al, trustees agt Minnie Phillips, et al; Burr, att'ys, 84 Broad-way. Thursday, Xov. 4. BY T. A KERRIGAN.

AT WIIJX)UOHBY ST. Woodbine st. No 79 s. iSIA Evergreen ave, 30x100, 2-ty frame (brk filled) dwell's: assessed value, $2,600. Oarret et al agt Eugene Marryatt, et all; Baker McD, att'ys, 9 Broadway.

Marlon st. No 283, i30 Saratoga ave. Six 100. 4-sty brk flat: assessed value, 87.000. Marie Brunjes agt Meyer Myers, et al; Ackley, att'y.

95 Nassau st. New St. Marks ave. No Mel, s. 118.8 Roekaway ave, 16.8x75, S-sty brk dwell'g; assessed value, 81.000.

Maria L. Sackett agt Henry Artel, et aL; Sackett L. att'ys, 99 Nassau st. New York. Dean at.

No 2067, 16.3 Roekaway a. 40.8x107.2. Z-ety frame (brk ailed) dwell'g and vacant: assessed value. 32,260. Francis Keller agt Essie A Brown, et al; Orrell, att'y, 49-51 Chambers st.

New Tork. Grand ave, Gates ave. 22x100. vacant: assessed value, $1,250. Edwin A Bulkley, exr.

agt John Barnard, et al; Taylor, att'y, 100 Broadway, New York. Wliloughby st. No 221. s. 101.3 Navy st, 25.4xl00x-kX98, 4-sty brk tenement; assessed value, 87,000.

August A Roby agt Geo Bogert. et al; Sturges 4t R. att'ys, 55 Liberty st. New York. Fulton st.

No 174, s. 57.6 Cranberry st, runs 94.5 43.11 xwl0xn30xw20xn 27.5 40 to Henry st. No. 53 to 57, 53 to Cranberry st. 94.3 to Pulton st.

24.6. 3- ty brk store and lofts on Pulton st; and 3 and 4- sty brk stores and lofts on Henry st: assessed value, 828.000. Susan Hoy agt Mary L. Stewart, et al: Rltch, W. att'ys, 18 Wall st.

New York. Washington st. No 195, s. 35.9 Nassau st, 24.8x103, 3-sty brk and frame store and tenement: assessed value $7,000. Jos O'Donohue as Chamberlain cut New York agt John Owlngs.

et al; Wensley 4 att'ys. 10 Wall st. New York. Washington st, Noa 248 and 14S, 292 a Concord st. 38.3x131.11x36.1x131.8, 4-sty brk stores and lofts; assessed value, 812,000.

Same axt Camilla Lacy, et al; same att'ys. Fourth ave. No 210. 45 a Sackett St. 25x75, 4-9ty brk tenement with stores: assessed value, SSJMMV Vv'm Hewlett agt Andrew Lrken.

et al; Merrill att'ys. 1U Broadway. New York. Third ave. a 87 Eighth st.

32x93.9. vacant: assessed value, $600. Percy Hicks agt Charlotte A Blerda. et al; ft Haydoek. att'y, 690 Gates ave- Varet st.

No 104, 100 Humboldt at, 23x100, 8-sty frame (brk filled) tenement; assessed value, (4.200. Ambrose Ely agt Jettie Neustadt, et al; David Hlrshfleld, att'y, 10 Ewen at. Wilson st. No 161. s.

140.6 a Lee ave. 20.6x104x21.8x96.11, 3-sty brk dwell'g: assessed value, 83,000. Amelia Charles agt Emallne Smith, et al; Everett Caldwell, att'y. 44 Court st. Fifty-seventh st.

Nos 321 to 329, s. 120 Fifth ave. 100.2x100x100.2. five 3-sty brk flats: assessed value. $3,500 each.

Wm Ewing and ano agt Joseph Franko, et al; Geo Dutcher, att'y, 41 Wall st. New York. Court st. No 317, 5C Sackett st, 21x97x 21x97.6, 3-sty brk bldg with store; assessed value, 35,500. Mary Moorehouse agt Nellie Lawrence and ano; Wells.

6. att'ys, 34 Nassau at. New York. BY JACOB' COLE. Herkimer at.

No 616, cor Schenectady ave. 20x100. 2-sty frame dwell'g: assessed value, $1,900. Susan Blodirett agt Tnos Denlke. et al; Greenwood, att'y.

54 Court St. Friday, IVov. 3. BY T. A.

KERRIGAN, AT WILLOUGHBY ST. Watklns at. No 445, (0 Rtverdale ave. 23x100. 2-sty frame dwell'g; assessed value, 81,000.

All title, which Solomon Dubroff had on Sept. 1897. Sheriffs sale under execution). BY T. A.

KERRIGAN. Clifton pi. No 51. a s. 74 Grand ave.

38x100. 4-sty brk flat: assessed value, $18,000. "Union Dime Savings Institution agt Brewster Conk 1 in et al-Rltch, W. W. att'ys.

18 Wail st. New York. BY WM. P. RAE CO.

Bay Fourteenth st. 106- Benson ave, 50x108.4. vacant; assessed value, 1.0uo. Mary A Young et al, exrs, at Lewis Wood, et al: Michael Furet. att'y.

215 Montague st. Bay Fourteenth et. 150 Benson ave, 50x 108.4. vacant: assessed value, $1,000. Thus Rutherford act same: same att'y.

atariay. Ifow. BY T. A. KERRIGAN.

AT WILLOUGHBY ST. Grant st. cor Canarsie ave, 84.8x115x90x118.2. 2-sty frame store and dwell'g: assessed value, $2,700. John A.

Vanderveer and ano, exrs. aart Annie CTConnell. DIVIDENDS. THE BROOKLYN VJSION OAS CO. Treasurer's Office, ISO Remsen Street, Brooklyn, N.

October 28th. 1897. The coupons due November 1st. 1897, on the bonds of this Company will be paid on and after that date on presentation at cither the office of the Peoples Trust Company, No. 17! Montaeme street.

Brooklyn. N. or at the Chase National Bank. New York. E.


AN ELECTION FOR TRt'BTFEU of the BROOKLYN CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY will be held at No. al Poplar street on Saturday evening, November 6, 1897, to take the place cf John C.aflln, Wm. W. Wickes. Chan.

K. Wallace. 8. V. White, Howard O.

Wood and Francis L. Eames, whose terms of office then expire. Poila open from 7 to 7:30 o'clock. E. B.

WOOD. Secretary. r. g. MARSHAL'S NOTICE.

V. 8. MARSHAL'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF writ of venditioni exponas to me directed and delivered. I will sell at public auction, on Friday, the Mb day of November, 1897.

at 12 o'clock the schooner yacht Vldetto, her tackle, at the Knickerbocker Yacht Club yard at Colloga Point Long Island. HENRY I. HATDBN, V. Marshal. Eastern District, New York.

X. B. FORD. Auctioneer. -2Mt THE HALL OF RECORDS.

JATTJRDAY, OCT. B0. East Thirty-fourth st a. Aw 40x100; Germania Real Estate A Imp Cu to Daniel La iter. Gravesend Bay, being land under water In front of and adjacent to uplands grantee herein; contains 37 18-100 acres; People State of to The Norton Point Land Co letters Severity-fourth st.

n. 206.8 Third ave. patent 33.4x100; A Jarvfa Masters Lewis Clayton to Loftua; mort $3.000.... Hamburg ave. a.

50 st, 5flx 100; Mary A Wm Oulnan Elizabeth Kammer, children heirs Daniel Guinan, to Bridget Guinan Van Buren at. m. 113.6 Reid ave, 14.5x100; A Francea A Holbrook to Edwd Holbrook; morts Is'ov, 1894 St Marks ave, 225 Grand ave, 53.4 12S.6; John Potts to Geo IS tone; morts $16,000 Garfield pi, a 387.4 Sixth ave. 18.8 100; John McLoughlin, Y. to John Potts; ft a Forty-fifth at, 300 Fifth ave, lOOx 100.2; Walter 8 Evans to Anna Blge-low; mort $5,850...

Montague pi, or at, 78 Hicks at. Six 100; Caroline A Paine to Henry Sprague; mort 1100,000.... Same prop; Henry Sprague to John Hey man; mort $100,000 Same prop; John Heyman, to Jas A Townsend; mort $100,000...., Smith at, 80 Dean st, runs 20ix 95.10 a 25 20.10 5 75; EHxa R. wife, Joseph I Schweinfest to Chan Schaefer; mort $10,250: taxes 1896 Van Brunt st. a 70.2 King st, 90; A 1 Martin Flanlgan to Bessie Sims; all liens; May, 1692.....

Henry at, 145 a Harrison st. 20x110; A wife JohrH Caufield, to Elizabeth A Stebblns; mort Monroe st. cor Lewis ave. Id. 2x100; Mary wife, Briard Hill.

Chirago, 111, to Andrew Balrd; mort $7.000 Bergen st, s. ISO Brooklyn ave. 140x 100; Geo Stone to John McLouglin, mort $8.500 Same prop; John McLoughlin, to John Potts; morts $8.300.. Henry at, 145 a Harrison at. 20x110; A Eliz A Stebbins to Alex Elizabeth A Stebbins, his wife, joint tenants; mort $1.500 Sixth st, 247.10 Sixth ave, 16.8x100; 1 Greater New York Realty Corporation to Winifred, wife Bernard Conklin; mort $3,750 Monroe et, cor Lewis ave, 19.2x100; A Andrew Balrd to Abraham Brinckflerhoff A Mary his wife; mort $7.000 Sumpter st, 350 Howard ave, 22x100; A Sarah Bercowitz, to Caroline Bieraack; Park ave, 25 Spencer at.

25x75; John Schultheis to Chaa Schroeder; mort $2,100 North Portland ave, a. 220 Auburn pi, 22x100: A Ann Woods, widow, to Francis Woods; mort $3,000 Stockholm st. 330 St Nicholas ave, 20x100; A Henry Hass to Geo Lltschke; mort $2.600 Logan at. SO a Sutter ave, 200x100; Fredk Franks to Anna Gasz Lin wood at, 170 Atlantic ave, 25x 100; Catharina Kraentler A Rosalie Dyer, children A heirs Catharina Mau-bach, to Mary Math leu, sometimes known as Anna Mathieu, another child of above; 2-3 part East Twenty-eighth at. 100 Newklrk ave, 40x100; East Twenty-eighth st, 140 Newklrk ave, 40x102.6; Germanla Real Estate Imp Co to Conrad Seventy-seventh st, s.

213.4 Fourth ave. 33.4x109.4; Anna, wife Levi Martin, to John Wertherber Seventy-aeventh at, 246.8 Fourth ave, 33.4x109.4.: Blmon Stmer to Anna Martin i Columbia ave. cor Sixteenth ave. runs 108 178 129.9 to Columbia ave to beginning; Lota 334 to 352, both inclusive, map of Brighton, on New tttrecht Bay: Thos Cummins to John Farrell, Albany. all awards Same prop; John Farrell, Albany, Y.

to Thos McLoughlin, New Roc he lie. Plot begins at boundary line between lands formerly belonging to the different parties hereto at the angle of land Bfclyn, Bath A Coney laland Co; contains 94-1000 acre; Parcel -No 8 In partition deed between Stephen A Garrett Strycker; May, 1834; contains 16 acres. 2 roods A 32 perches; also right of way 195 long 12 feet under, running from road usually known as the Old Mill road, or Voorhies Mills, to point in land Schmidt, 25 from a cor land Bklyn. Bath A Coney Island except portions alreadv conveyed; Thos Cummins to Thos O'Brien nom nom exch nom nom nom nom nom nom 00 nom nom exch 24,000 nom nom nom nom nom nom 30.576 30,576 MORTGAGES, Martin, Stephen, A Oscar Abrams to Title Guar A Tr Co; Forty-fifth st nr Fifth ave; 9 morts Dill. H.

to Susanna. Dehnert; Eighth ave cor Forty-first st Schmitx. T. to Willlston; Fifty-eighth st nr Second ave Bala. to Title Guar A Tr Co East Twenty-eighth st nr Newklrk ave; 2 morts Same to Germanla Real Est A Imp Co; East Twenty-eighth st nr Newklrk ave; Hoeltzel.

R. to A Smith; East Fourth at nr Ave Salmons. to Row Reid Lenox road nr Main at. Flat bush Conklin. Winifred, to Eagle Svgs A Loan Co; Sixth at nr Sixth ave Reynolds, H.

to Title Guar A Tr Co; Underbill ave nr Park Potta. to J. McLoughlin; Bergen st nr Bklyn ave; Garfield pi nr Sixth ave Same to same Bergen st nr Brooklyn ave Matthieu. Mary, to Title Guar A Tr Co; Lonwood st: (c) Same to Kraentler A ano; same prop. Cuoco, to Blohm; Glen more ave nr Mi'.

ford at GllchriFt. to Sophia Loftier, guardn; Floyd at nr Lewis ave Seaver. Julia to Bushwick Co-op Is Co; Bain bridge at nr Ralph ave Gerhard, H. to Christian Gerhard; Meeker ave nr Monitor st Wetherbee, B. to Wert End Co-op Svgs 5b Loan Assn; Seventy-seventh, st nr Fourth Same to Simon same prop Same to Annie Martin; same Martin.

Anna, to Adrlanna Bergen Seventy-seventh at nr Fourth ave Same to Simon Stlner same Lauer, to Title Guar A Tr Co; East Thirty-fourth st; (c) Bristol, A B. to Russell; Clifton pi nr Nostrand ave i Potta, John, to McLoughlin; St Marks ave nr Grand ave Same to tame: Garfield pi nr Sixth Same to Matthew Melody St Marks ave nr Grand Rellly. to Title Guar A Tr Co; Union at nr Van Brunt st Woods. to same; Dean st nr Third ave Townsend, to Heyman; Montague st: c) Hughes, to Title Guar Tr Co; Smith st nr Dean at Fowler. T.

to MicEIhinney; Third ave A Seventy-eighth st Thorn, Eliz to Jones; Ovington ave O'Hara, to Taylor; Eighty-third at nr Eleventh ave Cummins. to Margt Murray; Colombia ave cor Jones at Hefferman, to Lahey; Lotts 33,750 300 4,000 5,103 723 $,000 500 4.800 75,000 3.000 2,3. 734 SCO f.000 4.250 500 500 00 2,509 $00 2,500 500 7.UC0 S.000 4.000 2,000 5,000 8,100 1,163 4,000 300 2,500 K4) ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGES. CRourke. to Keoyon Same to Albro Newton $03 Quln.

Cath to 3,000 Moran, Annie A. admin, to trustees for Virginia Clark. ncm Jll)(a9fESITS. (The name of the judgment debtor Is first given.) Mile. Wm Foster, admin 9t2.7l Ryan.

Wm Rnsenfeld et al 2.t9 Haw ley, Frank Duryea 7W.M Same Same 746-32 Hen-man, John Beldlng Bros A Co 49.17 Oakea, Walter Marie 27.10 Martin. Fredk Same 26.75 Campbell, "John" Neale 148-56 Dearlng, James Emigrant Indust Svgs Bank; (T i.m.71 Same Same; tD 3.317.95 Same Same; D) 2.2S4.2S Same Same; (D 2,21.9 Scheflter. Louis. A Chas Lang 105.313 Ellis, Wm Donovan 1C.0O BUILDING PERMITS. Grant st.

s. 5S0 of Etna ave, 9 20x45 frame dwellgs, by Montgomery 25 Franklin at; Corneal, architect; $4,000. Pearl st, 150 a of High at. 51x16 brick store, by Geo Drury, 115 Johnson st; A Ullrich, architect; $5,000. Battery pi.

s. 84 Bighty-eighta st, 20x14 table, by Henry Adler $0. Gold st, 210 John at, 1 chimney, by Kings Co Electric Light Co; Crane, architect; $20,000. Fifth ave, a. 25 Fifty-fourth at, 2 25x35 br stores A dwellgs, by Fried.ander 182 Fulton st; Lowe, architect; $20,000.

CORPORATION NOTICES. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Brooklyn do decide and ordain- as follows, vis That it Is necessary to cause the lots fronting upon the south side of Lexington avenue, between Sumner and Throop avenues, known as lots Nos. 85 to 88 inclusive. Block 4, Twenty-third Ward Mav. to be fenced with a close board fence, where not already done, to the height of six 6) feet, for the purpose of abating a nuisance, of which the present condition of the sad lots is the cause.

And they hereby ordain that said lots be so fenced at the expense of the owner or owners thereof, and the Department of City Works is hereby directed ttf advertise for proposals for doing each work. The foregoing decision and ordinance -were adopted by tha said Common Council by a two-thirds vote tbla fltt dy June. 1B37. 10-2-Ut BENJAMIN, CJty Clerk, were ait in place uuu mai me bwilcucb were properly set, so that the express "would slip past the station without an accident. Then she went back and called up Mercer.

"Can you get Pinckney?" she asked. Pinckney was the station which had sent her the warning dispatch so Interrupted. She knew the operator at Pinckney well. Every night he told her of the approach of her father's train and whether or not it left his station on time. "Pinckney quiet.

Can't get answer," wag the report of the wires. "What's the trouble?" Polly answered as well as she could, and Mercer made another attempt to arouse Pinckney. Her father's train was now due. It should be whistling cheerily at the lower bend. Polly stepped out on the platform and peered up the track.

Yes, there was the familiar headlight. She would have known it among a hundred. Then came the whistle, "Hello, Polly!" and Polly ran back into her office much relieved, and sat down to warn Mercer. At that instant she heard a peculiar cracking sound that sent her heart quivering deep in her bosom. Then there was the shrill scream of the locomotive whistle, suddenly interrupted as if the hand that had drawn the lever had been struck from its place.

Polly knew It was a cry of distress. It seemed to say "Herp!" in a long, tremulous wall. Instantly Polly darted ouCftide and flew up the track. Already the express should have thundered past the station, but she could see its headlight a hundred yards or more away. With a hundred terrifying questions flashing through her mind.

Polly ran on through the gloom. When she was almost within range of the big headlight, she saw half a dozen armed men swarming around the engine, she heard fierce oaths, ana then the engine started up again. She saw in an instant that It had been cut free from the train. In the cab window, where her father usually stood, there was a big, unfamiliar figure managing the lever and throttle. Terrified, Polly sprang to one side Into a clump of bushes.

As the locomotive passed her on Its way up the track she saw that 'the man In the cab wore a black mask on hlsace, and then she knew what had happened. She understood why Pinckney had tried to warn her and failed. Robbers had held up the train and were preparing to rob the express car. For a moment Polly was torn doubt and terror. Had they shot her father? She knew that he never would submit to have his train captured without a struggle.

Should she go to him? Then she remembered her station and the telegraph, and. without a moment's, delay, she was flying down the track toward the depot. She would send for help to Mercer, but squarely in front of the little depot the locomotive stopped, and the black masked man sprang from the cab window and darted across the platform. Hardly thinking what she was dolng. olly ran up on the other side the fireman's side of the engine and, raising herself up, peered Into the cab.

She had half expected to see her father's dead body lying on the floor, for she had heard much about the terrible, domgs of train robbers. Throueh the cab window she see the robber sitting at her own little desk In the depot sending a message. It flashed over her all at once that he was wiring Mercer that the express was delayed, thus preventing any alarm. The robber had pushed up his mask, and she saw him plainly. What should she do? She dared not enter the office, and she, a mere girl, could be of no service where the roboert were making their attack on th-3 train.

If only she had the little revolver that lay In the drawer of her desk! She set her teeth as she thought what she would do with it. At that moment three shots rang out, clear and distinct, from the detached train. The man at the telegraph instrument sprang to his feet and ran to a side window in the waiting room anl looked up the track. Now was -her chance. Hardly thinking what she did, Polly sprang to the engineer's side of the cab, threw back the re-Terse lever and opened the throttle steadily.

The big steel wheels began to tnrn, very slowly at first. Farther and farther the throttle opened and faster and fwiter urned the wheels, ana yet they did not half fast enough to suit Polly, who 3 Cb rl Be "it I kor jvas Tlow glancing fearfully ov whouMer. iSKd "oojn, and she saw the robber darting up Josiah thetracJf. He had his pistol In his hand. was pointing It at hsr and hoatlnc -JVyJ nr her to stop, but the engine was now wouUl, the robber could not 'catch It.

but stopped And fired, tha bullet ripping a.

The Standard Union from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.