The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer : CNNW : August 19, 2024 2:00pm-4:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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phone as if there was convention floor management still to be done in the olden days, you would call the four manager and you would order the delegates to vote this way or that way, and you get a sense of which way the delegates really any that doesn't happen quite so much anymore. i have to say, i'm not sure what i like more of the fact that every delegation still has a phone, jake or the fact that they're all still landlines, permanent how good or how good are delaware seats? delaware is ok. i mean, look, california's here, delaware is right there behind it, so not front row, but still pretty good. yeah. >> but also pretty symbolic i'll be back at 8:00 p.m. for more of cnn's coverage of democratic national convention in our coverage continues now with wolf blitzer and erin burnett, right? in the situation room we are counting

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down to the start of what will be a truly historic democratic national convention president biden, just moments ago, arriving here for the united center for a walk-through saying he's ready to pass the torch to his vice president, kamala harris. >> there was just a month or so ago that biden was supposed to headline there's party's convention. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is a special edition of the situation room. we're live from chicago wolf blitzer, and i'm erin burnett and wolf, while there is energy and excitement for the democrats here in chicago, the next few days are going to serve as a significant test for the vice president kamala harris, defining her candidacy. >> she's has a candidacy that's for weeks in one day old and tonight is the person tasked with helping her accomplished that is president joe biden/harris will be in the room watching as biden is expected to use his prime-time address to make the case that his vice president is the best candidate. we're also going to

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hear from the first lady jill biden, expected to pay a tribute to her husband calling on americans to rally behind harris and also among the headliners tonight, wolf, the former secretary state hillary clinton, will also be speaking. >> lots of important speakers coming up, not just tonight, but throughout the week, we have a lot to cover tonight. jeff zeleny and kaitlan collins are both with us. there are here in chicago and jeff zeleny, let me start with you, who you have some new details. we're told on what president biden plans to address tonight in his convention speech. what are you hearing? >> we do, know that president biden will be making a strong case for vice president kamala harris. i'm told in a forceful case against donald trump, i'm told they will not be an equal measure. however, this is not going to be a typical red meat speech that we have seen president biden deliver at so many of his own rallies. this is going to be, i'm told a forward looking speech, a forward-looking moment. but he is also building time into this that convention speech of his aides and the convention planners have built time in for him to bask in the applause and the appreciation from these

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democratic delegates here. yes, he's giving the keynote address, but wolf, this was intended to be his convention. this was intended to be four nights of celebrating joe biden now that is reduced to one evening, but look, i'm told this is not going to be a speech about his legacy, but there is no doubt his legacy is completely intertwined with what will happen over the next 77 days or so between now and election day. so he's going to be making that argument for vice president harris talking less about his record then about the future, but there is no doubt it say complicated line to walk because democrats, of course, are appreciative of that, but they're also eager to get onto the general election at hand, but what we're also watching for jill biden, she is going to be giving an introduction for her husband speaking in ways that only she can speak. and of course this has been a very difficult road for her. she's been confiding with friends and advisers that she is not at all pleased by what happened a month ago, but i'm told none of the biden's intend to dwell on that here tonight, they are

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looking forward. also, wolf, secretary of state hillary clinton coming home to chicago. she of course, delivered an address right here in this very hall in 1996 for her husband's reelection. she of course was a born just north of here and parker agilent so she very much as a daughter of illinois, she'll be coming here tonight to show her strong admiration also for kamala harris who she hopes believe was a continue the emotion to be the first woman elected in november. of course, she tried in 2016 and she famously said did not crack all those all those cracks in the glass ceiling while our thanks very much. >> jeff zeleny on the floor for a cr will get back to you joining us now, kasie hunt and chris wallace and kasie, this is likely to be, as you know, the biggest audience for president biden going up to the november election right now is going to be an important speech. what are you bracing for? what are you expecting? >> it is going to be an important speech wolf and i think jeff touched on this, but separating what clearly are some difficult feelings in the biden family about how all this played out from what we're

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going to see on stage at tonight and making it about kamala harris because it is hard to miss the degree to which this convention has roared to life with kamala harris at the top of the ticket in a way that it just simply was not going to do. we're joe biden to be at the top of the ticket, but i think there is also an acknowledgement that doing everything to help her is very important for how people will think about joe biden in the future. sure. considering he could have decided not to run for reelection months ago, put them in this position over the summer. now, we find ourselves here, you know, will the word that everybody is using to describe tonight is bittersweet it's just better the fact of the matter i'm not saying joe biden knows better, but you know, it's like you've been thrown out a window and as you're falling, hugo che it's nice out here. know he got thrown out of window and basically he was forced you know, there's going to be a lot of talk tonight about how generous it was with him to and selfless with him. he was

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basically forced out by nancy pelosi and barack obama and chuck schumer and hakeem jeffries and i suspect even the fact that there has been this surge of enthusiasm since he left and kamala harris took his place. that's got to be pretty tough to you've got thrown out of a window so in everybody is applauding the person who's now in the room. >> what do you think he needs to do to make the case for kamala harris tonight? >> well, i think the first thing he's got to do is say why he picked her and all of the things in her past. it remember as popular is she is, she is still largely unknown to the american people, wolf. and so i thank he's got to make the case as to why he picked her, how she lives. a governing partner and to try to set up the contrast which he would've between him and trump to set up the contrast between kamala and trump, i think one of the things too wolf is one of the behind the scenes dynamics that was driving biden's decision-making was that he was concerned the kamala harris couldn't beat donald trump.

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and part of what i think he's going to have to do tonight is help assuage those concerns. are those doubts and try to answer for that because the way in which he picked her also was not entirely free of feeling pressured to make sure he was meeting certain criteria because she had attacked him in a very personal way in the primary campaign, he did set that aside. he did this. there are familial connections. he sees his son, beau biden in her. they were the same generation. they will served as attorneys general so there is that connection. but as chris is noting, there is no small amount of bitterness here that i think will have to be addressed as well. >> the other big speech are huge speaks to that will be hillary clinton, speech. what do you think? >> well, i think just the fact that her presence here is kind of a cautionary tale because i think what people everybody is going to thank as i watch her is if she had beaten trump in 2016, i'm talking about from the vantage point of democrats

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who haven't like the direction the country has taken since 2016. that if she'd paton him, everything would have been different that wouldn't have been three trump appointees to the supreme court. the dobbs decision wouldn't have overturned roe v. wade. so i think to a large degree and i'm sure she will make this point to a large degree that she's going to in effect say, you don't make the same mistake again, you got to get out there and you've gotta work and you've got to be sure that your beat, donald trump this time because look what happened when we didn't in 2016. >> it also has the effect will for putting the past in the rearview mirror on the first night of this convention to have both hillary clinton and joe biden speak on this night and allow other stars in the party to help kamala harris look to the future. >> we have a lot to assess coming up in the next several hours or don't go too far away we're going to get back to you soon. the case as well as there'll be with me here watching all of this unfold. i want to go to cnn's kaitlan collins right now. she's on the floor with maryland congressman jamie raskin, who is one of the featured speakers tonight as

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well. kaitlan yeah, wolf, we are going to be seeing congressman raskin take the stage and just a few hours from now. >> but i do want to ask you about a letter that you sent to president biden that you wrote? kim last month, deeply personal and in part of it, you said, quote, there was no shame in taking a well-deserved bow to the overflowing appreciation of the crowd. is that what you think we're going to see in this room tonight? >> undoubtedly there is such a huge reservoir of love for joe biden, not just here in chicago at the convention, but all across the country. he's done extraordinary things for the country with inflation reduction act, with our infrastructure bill that is created, bridges and roads and the highways and construction projects all across him america and so there's great love for him and this most recent act of devotion to the public interest is a remarkable testament to he's patriotism and his heroism is a citizen. it's not about him. it's about the people and it's about the future and so he engaged in an

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extremely rare act in politics. obviously, you don't see anything like that on the other side where it's all me, me, me politics. i think this room is going to be filled with love and gratitude for joe biden president biden, when he was just out here a few seconds ago, doing his walk there before his speech said, he was asked if he's ready to pass the torch to harris and he said, i am. what does that look like in a speech? does it focus on what he did, what you just mentioned there or does it focus on making the case for harris? it's going forward. >> yeah. i think it's about we've got a great thing going in america with democracy and freedom. >> and we don't want to endanger it with all of the corruption can the authoritarianism, the insurrection that we've seen out of donald trump. and he's going to talk about his vice president and the work they've done together and her character and what she and tim walz are going to lead us to do in the 21st century. so to me, it's all about the future. it's the

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future versus the past. and we're not going back to all of the nonsense of donald trump. we're just not going back. >> and obviously you were on the january 6 committee talking about democracy and what that looks like and seeing those starts to that in real time. it's not something we hear as much from harris as we did in president biden when he was still running, he made at a sunday i'm told part of his campaign. do you think that's a good decision? what do you make it out? >> well, no, i think i've heard a lot from kamala harris about democracy, but what she does is she connects democracy and freedom. and this was a big theme team with abraham lincoln, who of course, launched the republican party in the city in convention in 18, 60. but he said that democracy is like the beautiful silver platter upon which rests the golden apple of freedom, of liberty. and so there's no freedom without democracy in today, both our democracy and our freedom have been besieged and under under attack by donald trump and his party, which is operating like a cult of personality and also around

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the world. but she is able to articulate and very beautiful way the connection between democracy and freedom. and obviously america's women don't need to be told that freedom in our country is under attack. by the supreme court and by donald trump, who's running around america bragging about the fact that he was the key factor in overturning roe versus wade by appointing justice this is to the court who were sworn to do that. >> congressman raskin. thank you. good luck in your speech tonight. >> thank you so much for having me wolf back to our kaitlan. >> thank you. we'll get back to you very soon as well. our special coverage live from the democratic national convention here in chicago continues in just a moment. the hear from democratic senator chris murphy of connecticut. what is he hoping to hear tonight cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage democratic national

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joe biden will be taking the stage not the 90 been planning, of course, for a month and a day ago, but now he will be passing the torch to vice president kamala harris and joining me now is the democratic senator chris murphy from the state of connecticut, and senator murphy, i appreciate your time. so we saw president biden doing the walkthrough just a few moments ago and we're going to be hearing from him in obviously, what is not the speech he expected to get? if a month ago. >> what is the significance to you, senator, of watching this moment of a man that you are prepared to back for president that you did back for president, who now is speaking? >> the first night of the convention to pass the torch on this is an extraordinary night. >> this is an extraordinary human being, a leader like this country hasn't seen in a very long time i mean, listen i hope he reminds people of the success of his first four years. obviously, you're talking about some stunning achievements. crime dropping by 20, 30% since record job growth, factory construction happening again i hope he takes the time to reflect on his entire career because this is

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someone threw his service in the united states senate as vice president, as president, who has a pretty impressive story to tell. and then i do hope he talks about this moment, this moment to restore america's faith in democracy freedom and trump, or the fact that all of these successes that i think are incredibly impressive. kamala harris has been right by his side, so he's got a lot to do in this speech. just tonight, i hope he gets personal in joe biden is his best when he's personal and explaining a little bit about why he made this choice and why he was so sure that kamala harris was the right next leader for the country. i think it will be a really important thing for him to explain and, you know, obviously this is going to be a room full of incredible enthusiasm and excitement for what he says tonight, for her that's the whole point. >> and they've got it on steroids. it is still important to note though, that it's a close race and some of your vulnerable colleagues, jon tester of montana dana, sherrod brown of ohio, jacky rosen of nevada. they're not going to

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be here. you know, what do you think of that? i mean, we've all heard a lot about how close that race for jon tester in montana and that that one he could very well be lost for the democrats will see. but are you surprised to see sherrod brown not hear? >> well, democrats like john tester sherrod brown are not going to win their races because they're democrats, they're going to win their races because they're independent. i mean, you don't win as a democrat in a place like montana or ohio without having differences with the democratic party, without being a true independent voice in both sharon and john are true independent voices. so no i think that the commonly harris is doing something exceptional here as the race has gone to her favor, it's not just because yes, there are a handful the people who are switching from donald trump to kamala harris, it's more so that there's a whole bunch of people that weren't going to vote that are now saying they're going to vote young people who are going to stay home i'm who are now deciding that they're going to participate. that's true in connecticut, but that's also

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true in places like ohio and montana. so i think kamala harris being added to the ticket is going to help democrats, whether you're running in a purple state, a red state, or a blue state. >> all right, so the other person speaking tonight that we'll get a lot of attention are among those speaking who will get that attention as hillary clinton and eight years ago right? she she failed in her quest to become the first female president of the united states, even though many expected her to win, obviously, even through that evening, her own team. but even now, and this is what i want on to ask you about, senator, there are some enthusiastic democrats who happen to be women of color, who are concerned. they still have anxiety that harris is at the top of the ticket, so close to the election and feel that the nation may not be ready for a woman as president. here's what they've told our jeff zeleny i think it's a combination of feelings that i'm feeling as a black woman, i'm excited. >> i mean, i think this is amazing to witness history happening firsthand. but i am shocked that you know, it's happening this close to the actual election she continued

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issues excited. >> but there's still nervousness that this may not happen. are they right to worry in terms of this nation truly being ready to do this well, i remember people expressing a similar sentiment in the summer of 2008, was this country really ready for a black president? >> indeed, we were the margin was substantial because this country is very comfortable and indeed very proud of breaking with tradition of making breakthroughs and giant leap as a nation and as a society. and so, yes, i believe that we are ready to elect kamala harris, one of the differences between 2024 in 2016 is today we know exactly who donald trump was in 2016. a lot of people came out and lodged a protest vote against the establishment because donald trump said he was going to come to washington and tear it all down. he did the opposite. so he came to washington and he it's only legislative achievement was a giant tax cuts for billionaires

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and corporations. his mar-a-lago buddies. so this race is very different than 2016 because there's no mystery about who donald trump is and who he'll care about and work for as president. i think that that accrues to democrats and kamala harris has benefited in this race. >> all right. senator murphy, i appreciate your time. thank you very much and here with my panel, let's just start by talking about the one point that we talked about here, which was the democratic senators who are choosing not to come because they're vulnerable. interesting how senator murphy said, oh, well, that's because they're independent. you can't acknowledging the situation. bakari, what do you make of that though it seemed i mean, we understand jon tester's in a very contested, risky race for sure, but you, jacky rosen, sherrod brown, does any of that surprise you or give you pause? >> not at all. in fact, when you look at the map and david chalian is probably more suited to talk about this denied. but when you look at the map and many of these contested races from wisconsin to arizona to nevada to pennsylvania, where we're kicking david's, but

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north carolina, even the even the gubernatorial race in north carolina why are these individuals are actually performing extremely well. and when kamala harris and tim walz went to these respective states many of these individuals, bob, casey, et cetera, came out and were rallying with her sherrod brown is one of our better communicator. he communicators. he's authentic to who he is, but i will also tell you this. there are a lot of people in this room that are american democratic and then wherever they they're from, sherrod brown is ohi in first ohio in ohio and first and foremost, ohio in first and foremost. and so, i believe he and he ancestor doing what's best for their race. and by doing and what's best for their race is best for democrats, which is best for the country. >> all right, so let me get a chance to respond then. david. best for best for their race. certainly that's what they're think they are doing because they wouldn't be doing an otherwise. but what does that say about those races? what does that say about the broader race itself? >> well, bakari is right, and i'll let mr. urban response

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hominem attack bakari is correct that these democratic candidates running for senate in these battleground states have been significant. >> i mean, they were significantly outperforming what joe biden was doing in the state. but they're outperforming what kamala harris is doing in their states right now as well. it's been this, you know, the map for democrats, for senate control is extraordinarily difficult. they are not, they are not favored to maintain control in the senate, but these numbers are pretty significant and listen, this is not new we've seen when you have people coming from a state that the opposition party wins by 20 points in a presidential election, such as montana, they're not showing up to the democratic national convention. there's no, there's no gain for them out of it. politically. and yet, there there's no indication that somebody like jon tester, if he were to win again, it's not going to caucus with the democrats. he is going to caucus with the democrats and he's going to give them the numbers that they need in the chamber. but this is as bakari was saying, this is about making sure you're putting together a race that fits your

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state or your district and not sort of one about the national yeah. >> and this certainly is not unique to democrats you look at it, larry hogan, who's running for senate in maryland, a very, very blue state, who takes every opportunity to take a swing at the trump campaign. and sometimes the trump campaign even swings back at him. so this is not, i would not say this as a reference. random on a kamala harris and tim walz. this is about running in a state that is farther to the other side of the political spectrum than you are and making sure you're being clear with your constituent it's about where you stand i don't i'm not going to disagree with all of these folks because it's true each of these individuals is running the car will see the end of the day, right? it is. dave mccormick is running a very tough race against bob casey pennsylvania pennsylvania it's a very, very tough race. probably getting it's getting closer as we get closer to election day. but in some of these races, john tester has a very, very uphill battle here. he is, he's a good candidate. you're going to get buddy he's pushing a big rock up a hill, sherrod brown, great candidate, tough state. ohio,

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pennsylvania without philadelphia, right? so it's a tough state to win these individuals are all battling. >> they were really down when joe biden was the top of the ticket, it's narrowing a little bit more with kamala harris. he's a little more popular if trump has a big win, lot of these candidates win by a big margin. trump loses candidate. so, so in pennsylvania dave mccormick is going there's not much ticket splitting these days, right. so if if bob casey loses, excuse me, if kamala harris, so this is in pennsylvania bob casey loses the fed's way historical ticket ticket-splitting has gone by the way of the buggy whip these days. and so it really is, it's a race in each individual has to fight karen, i just to make clear for the audience just the math that we're talking about joe manchin not running again, west virginia, that seat is already going to go to the republicans right? democrats are now already down a seat so they're at a 50, 50 right? so if tester and brown go down they need every single other incumbent to win there election. plus kamala

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harris to win the presidency. so tim walz can cast the tie-breaking vote given where we are right now. that's how that's how tough they are. >> sam brown, good candidate republicans actually have very good candidates in this race. unlike window, unlike last time, we had not as good candidate, candidate quality matters. that's why these races are much closer. >> alright, we hit pause for just a moment and all stay with us. we're going to take a brief break. our special coverage of the democratic national convention will continue in just a moment with what we we do expect to hear tonight. the national co-chair of the harris-walz campaign, mitch landrieu is next this fall. >> comedy is coming to cnn. >> what could go wrong i got news for you ramirez, saturday, september 14th at nine on cnn. >> she grew up in a middle-class home. she was the daughter of a working mom, and she worked at mcdonald's while she got her degree kamala harris knows what it is like to be middle-class is why she's

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determined to lower health care costs and make housing more affordable. donald trump has no plan to help the middle-class just more tax cuts for billionaires being president is about who you fight for it. and she's fighting for people like you. >> and kamala harris. and i approve this message if you're shopping for a home realtor, a real commute tool lets you find homes close to work, school, even grandma's house don't all abs do that we really trust the number one app real estate professionals trust i wish my tv provider, let me choose what i pay for. >> sling. let you do that. >> where you go i wish my tv provider let me choose what i paid for and let me i was my subscription when i was saying led to do that i wish my tv provider let me choose what i paid for and let me pause my subscription when i want and have hundreds it's a free channels sling. let you do that to mr. fish, choosing customize your channel lineup for watch

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months of turmoil, which started with president biden's poor debate performance and calls for him to step aside, which he ultimately did. all eyes will be on the president as he makes his case for his successor, the vice president, kamala harris joining us now is mitch landrieu, the national co-chair of the harris campaign. mitch, thanks very much for joining us, sir. so what do you expect? we will hear from president biden demand you know well making the case for kamala harris, i think you hear a beautiful speech tonight. >> but a man who sacrifices entire life for the people of america. i think he's going to be thankful and grateful for the opportunity and he's going to outline the incredible things that he and the vice president were able to accomplish just in for years, in large measure more than most people do an eight and i don't think he's going to in a very beautiful way bringing the next generation of leadership, which of course is one of the things he committed to do when he ran the first time. >> and she's part of the next-generation. >> she is the next generation. yeah. but of course also you remember this because you're a political guy. you know, the entire democratic branch. i mean, it's just really great,

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right? now in joe biden, help make that happen. and i think he's going to speak to that. and also talk about the sacrifice that the american people need to make an auditor preserve our democracy. because at the end of the day that is the thing that matters the most across republican, democrat, independent, saving our democracy personally, how do you think the president is feeling about this transitional moment? i think does a little bit of a conflict. but as you know, the person is a man of great faith and great humility notwithstanding the fact that at all of us have some pride, but i think that he has reconciled with himself that he did the right thing for the right reason. and as you know, you follow this for a long time, you've never seen politician make this kind of a gesture for somebody else and put their selfish interests aside and put the country first another big speech tonight, hillary clinton will be speaking tonight. >> what do you anticipate? where do you think we're going to hear from her? >> well, my sense is she's going to give a joint speech. she helped lay the framework for this as well. and my guess is she's going to talk about the credible competence that kamala harris has and the fact that she knows what she's doing

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and she's going to lead us in a really great direction. and i think she's going to she's coming after it tonight. it would be it's going to be and interesting speak before closely with kamala harris. >> i as rashi was vice president, what do you think we will learn the general public, the american people, about her that we didn't know going into this. >> well, really the first thing is, is that sometimes the public just sees us as one-dimensional people. they don't know that she was a little girl that grew up in the middle class household in oakland or that she was the district attorney who went after bad guys are an attorney general that he essentially ran the largest law firm in california and went after transnational national gangs. they going to learn more about her biography and based on what the crowds are presenting to us, they liked very much what they see one issue that has come up in their protests streets of. >> chicago anti-israel pro palestinian protests showed her emerging. how does that play into tonight? >> well, listen everybody, everybody has very, very strong feeling about that you have followed this both the president and the vice that we have a ceasefire. and then we get the hostages homes

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atas a right, of course, to express their opinion. we expect them to do that preferably and hopefully, if it's nonviolent. it's just part of the process. every convention tension has it. it's something that comes with the territory of the first amendment is, you know, is really important to us and we support it and so it'll be fine. >> let's just hope it stays peaceful peaceful the big the big point. >> mitch landrieu, thanks very much. recommend and thank you. will appreciate it very much. just ahead, the excitement building as the democratic national convention is about to kick john we're going to take, take you back to the floor in just a moment cnn is live from chicago as democrats tonight to offer their support to a new nominee and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention tonight at six on cnn, and streaming on max need new glasses by one what works i, i'm just telling

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consultation, again, that's 1871 to 3,800. >> i pete muntean at reagan national airport. this is cnn and welcome back to our special coverage of the democratic national convention where president joe biden will pass the torch this evening to vice president kamala harris, john i'm berman is here on the floor of the convention where the excitement is building more and more people getting, got the music going now people coming in and i guess the

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reality though is where you are and you're i'm looking around, not all seats are created equal. >> john? >> no, not really. erin upstanding in the florida delegation, which is kind of empty right now. and of course, floor florida is currently the home state of donald j. trump, its war mar-a lago is, and there are no seats further from the podium in this arena, then floor florida is absolutely the furthest away here is it a coincidence? i don't know, but california, the home state of vice president kamala harris is in the front. i just want to give you a sense of how long it will take me to walk from the florida delegation to the actual floor itself. so i'm walking i'm walking. i've got to walk over here. i actually have to run if i'm going to make my head over here is louisiana. you just had mitch landrieu, the former mayor of new orleans he he's got better seats than the florida delegation. colorado. you're starting to get purple, a purple state, a little bit better seats as you get closer to the floor we're in arizona now, erin because pezzola is a key swing states, so they

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definitely get better seats. and if you can see me, i'll jump up and down. i'm here. >> this is new york. new york is where we have the house minority leader hakeem jeffries, the senate majority leader, chuck schumer may get better seats for sure that in florida, i'm not sure you can even see me that. well, but then as he a closer and closer he get illinois that of course, the host state jb pritzker, the governor here. he's responsible for bringing the convention to this day and then the very front you have california, the home state of the vice president. so kind of the hall geography, it tells its own story, erin, you know, it's i turned around, i'm watching as people hello, are filing in here, watching them, watch john berman dance down the halls. i mean who is that crazy guy tried to get down to the floor from florida. no one does that that shows you one thing. florida is not in play. we know that right now. i'm john berman. >> well, at least i don't think we've been hearing bakari that it isn't play that way.

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>> you're not hundred seats i didn't not do the floor design i will tell you were making up ground shout out to nikki fried, who is one of the best state party chairs out and we're doing well in south florida, florida definitely it's going to take her down to the floor of a pass to get on the floor from florida. >> i met you might not even need a pass to get on the floor if you're sitting in florida in florida. florida is doing a shout out to the villages. i saw everybody going on there buyer. >> there was jackson. duvall county. i love it any advertising dollars? >> he's been spent in florida don't want we don't see a candidate visits in florida right now. that is not a state that is currently in the seating assignment shows us definitively. all right. now, can we talk about the also this? seating assignment, though? interesting, you do see the swing states he was showing, you know, colorado purple, arizona, you got closer and closer. it is interesting, david, that the design of the floor does reflect what they

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proximity says summoning. >> i'm looking at the sign right outside our booth here. it says new mexico back here. the trump people are always tried to claim that they're going to be able to put new mexico in play. clearly, the democrats do not believe that mexico is in play. >> i mean, everything is politics, right? and where would politics just get laid out? life? life is politics and where would politics manifests itself more than literally on the floor of the most democratic your coming here, though. it's important where you sit yes, but, you know, is there some you got to take into account? i know john was talking about, you know, we've got the host state upfront, delaware still up in delaware is still up front a quick got. >> simple. can wait. >> can. i just say it's not as simple as overlaying the map and saying we're gonna put the six battleground states upfront. there are a lot of factors that go in there. a lot of people who've worked really hard for these candidates over the course of for president biden. and obviously now kamala harris and tim walz there's a lot that goes into determining thing where people sit, but is it political? yes, of course,

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very political. >> it's going to echo the point, but it doesn't necessarily mean that a state is not in play. >> yeah, but i am saying yes, you take you take the greatest state in the union for example, this barrel while i breathe, i hope south carolina, they actually have prime seats that are right there. right in the middle because south carolina is what catapulted joe biden to the presidency. yes, i love south carolina now eat ice cream in kiawah island? >> yep. often. and so south carolina chooses presidents and south carolina is right there in the front and james taylor from north carolina may seem carolina on my mind and this is not just a democratic convention phenomenon. if you remember just a few weeks ago when we were all in the lucky j.d. vance of ohio had to play to the michigan crowd even to the booms of ohio, a ban. and he was like, but we gotta win michigan folks. and they were right up front. and so even though big deal play all right. >> so in the context you've got this and it does matter. you had joe biden speaking tonight. i mean, just so people understand kamala harris is going to speak. proximity does

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matter. that is why we're seeing and what we're seeing what do you think will be the highlight of tonight other than james taylor we heard it i mean, first of all, what i mean, this choir made oh, no, i wish somebody can tell me who they are and somebody tell us that they are in her ear because they were i mean, they were going to blow the roof off. national anthem. it's, that was beautiful but i will say this, it is going to be an amazing night for two people. hillary clinton and joe biden. and the reason is hillary clinton's because hillary clinton can do something for kamala harris, that kamala harris could not do for herself, which is lean into identity kamala harris is not running a campaign that's built around identity politics. she doesn't mention often that she could be the first. this are the first that she doesn't mention that hillary clinton can lean into that they are still many people around the country that still had the i'm with her banners. the other is listen, i heard the word bitter. wade's many times because this is not bitter for joe biden. in fact, joe biden is going to be extremely, this is a prideful night because

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there's going to be so many. thank you. joe's in this place. they're going to be people crying, they're going to be babies yelling for joe biden. he is going to get all of those applause and he deserves every ounce of it. joe biden has the character, whether or not you're democrat or republican that this country needs you want to lead it, and it will be a clear contrast between the man who served this country admirably for 50 years, 60 years, and donald trump, but don't you think it's a bittersweet boat? helmet for the guy, right? >> so he's so close, he got the nomination. he's the guy that actually, you know, we've got the votes. he's the man, it's supposed to be his night. his names on the its david said his name there's on all over the platform. they couldn't change it. they couldn't change. >> let me show. >> don't you think don't you think it's some in his heart and his heart of hearts, he sat, his people are saudis no, he should have been you know, you're saying he's not going the guy's going through is running through the tape here at the end. and yet here we are on monday night and he's talking and he's given his farewell speech and he's kinda riding duff to sunset to someplace in california, do you

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mean listen, he made a selfless decision, i think. is there a motion around it shore and i think when you know, you've done the right thing, though, the primary motion is pride. >> and i think it was it feels like he had no other decision. he got pushed. it was noticed made that nobody that's not true. >> plenty of elected officials who've gone through tough political time, you've said, you know what, i don't care, you know, if i lose or not. >> i don't care we get lost a lot. >> she said he said the moment is too serious is to signal if again, i'm not willing to jeopardize that, that is a selfless thing that's something that he can be and should be very proud of. >> and i think we'll see that on display sign of bakari is going to get a hearing rosa walk on our piggyback on k1. >> just just tell you one thing why we know. joe biden and we also know kamala harris and one of the reasons why this isn't bittersweet, which is why i wanted to chime in is because he adores kamala harris absolutely. >> he has this affinity for kamala harris, like i said earlier this morning, because he sees a lot of beau biden i didn't in kamala harris and for him that gives him a sense

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of completeness night, his story will be complete. >> yep. >> all right. slowly, right. well, thank you. all all staying with us of course. >> coming up, senator amy klobuchar of minnesota will join wolf and myself. what is she hoping to hear tonight tv on. >> the edge, moments that shaped our culture coming this fall on cnn, one of my favorite supplements is kunal turmeric. >> turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support and qt all has the number one doctor recommended form of turmeric. kuno. >> the brand i trust you know, what's crazy. this is better than cooking at home i mean, more affordable than groceries. >> of course groceries are expensive. photo was in trouble

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and promo products, all backed by our guaranteed the cnn this morning with kasie hunt tomorrow at five eastern we're back with more of our cnn special live coverage of the democratic national convention were reporting now from chicago joining us now from the convention hall, democratic senator amy klobuchar of minnesota senator. thanks so much. joining us. thank you. or it's just great to be on it's a really exciting time. your situation room has gotten much larger big, big situation. >> what i like to save whatever room i mean, there's a sick juror duration. there's got one on right now. let's talk about this historic night. what is the message that president biden needs to send to the american people tonight. >> i think the first one and we'll be about democracy and how democracy is on the line.

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once again, no one can speak to it better than joe biden. he saved our democracy by running last time by beating donald trump, by taking on the torch of voting rights the other thing you're going to hear from him in addition to going through everything that has happened the last few years and taking on the pharma companies, you're going to hear pretty big, strong endorsem*nt for kamala harris who has receipts and he's going to tell us that. and i think it's really two-pronged. one is going to be loved for him, but the second is he's not just looking backwards. he's also looking to the future. >> she's been vice president for three-and-a-half, almost four years now. but a lot of the american public really don't know much about or what do you hope they learn about her? not just tonight, but the course of this convention. >> well, i think the first thing and you're going to hear from hilary tonight you think about what it's been like for women running for president if it was so easy, we would be able to play the game, name your favorite woman, president and i think you're going to

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see comma in the light of a leader. it isn't just going to be about breaking the glass ceiling by any means important. it's gonna be about what she's done. she's been on the international stage. she captivated international leaders in munich. i was there, i saw it you are going to hear people learn about the domestic policies, what she's done, how they've taken on drug prices and the like. but most importantly, you're going to see someone who, if there's ever been a test how about the last 28 days come on. >> she launched her presidential campaign. >> she's cinched the endorsem*nt of the party she raised over $300 million. she picked a great running mate and then to add to everything else, she is surging in the polls, moving ahead in this doing states and filling up arenas with 15,000 electrified people and donald trump off as you like, or i, well, i'm just saying, if you want to test of a leader, that is the test of a leader. >> what do you want to hear from hillary clinton i want to hear, first of all, hillary always has a way.

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>> i think it's going to be a fascinating speech for people just because so many ways she broke that glass ceiling and showed the nation that you can lead and you can be the candidate for a major party. she did win the national vote, which i hope she mentioned the popular vote in that election win the electoral college. we know that i'm not yes. she lost the election, but she won the popular vote. so to me, what this means is you're gonna have a woman also passing the torch and talking about kotlin, what she could can do and then you're going to i think one of the things that i don't know that you talk about this in her remarks, but is hard running as a woman, you get a text that men never get about how you look and what you wear and the like and what we've learned from all that from 2020, elizabeth camila myself hillary, back in 2016, is that you take it on head-on. sometimes you laugh at it and they're doing a lot of funny things about what these guys are saying about him sometimes you ignore it. and that is a difference. then back in 2016,

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when everyone was horrified taking it on front-end in this point, they're going to make fine of around coconut trees were now have coconut tree means they're going to make front of our laugh. we're going to match it up with bianna the it has been a different approach and it's working going to be historic night tonight to be sure, senator, thanks so much for coming and thanks wolf. it's great to be on interest during okay. look forward to let me close to shore and stay with us. aaron and i will be back. we have a lot more of our special coverage as the democratic national convention continues. our special edition so the situation room. we'll be right back cnn is live from chicago as democrats unite to offer their support to a new novel money and her running mate fellow cnn for complete coverage, the democratic national convention. >> next on cnn, and streaming on backs i've spent my career working in tech and today i run my own software company. i'm excited about the future of american innovation, especially

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>> a re-energized democratic party is coming together to celebrate a historic presidential ticket. and sealant unprecedented passing of the torch. that's transformed the race for the white house tonight in chicago vice president kamala harris and governor tim walz put forward their vision for america one of the most consequential and tradition shattering presidential contest ever entering an urgent new phase with these high-profile speakers in the spotlight? former secretary of state, hillary clinton, first lady, jill biden, and the main event remarks by president joe biden nit one of theemocrats credit national convention begins on cnn. right now we are

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alive here chicago were democrats are about to kick off a convention that's far different than they imagined just one month ago. >> event organizers scrambling to adapt the whirlwind changes in the party's presidential ticket that flipped the script inside the arena. delegates are anticipating a very dramatic opening night kamala harris expected to make her first convention appearance as the dimanche replaced as the democratic nominee president joe biden takes the stage welcome to this special edition of the situation room. i will flick her at our location right inside the convention hall. were on the convention floor right now and with us in the cnn skybox box above high above this halt my colleague and friend, erin burnett, erin, i love this evening from where

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our purchase we're going to witness a symbolic and we believe in emotionally charged handoff because it's going to be the handoff from president biden to his vice president kamala harris. we're told by tsa president will appear with the president after he delivers his mark, his speech tonight. so just that a motion. one can only imagine and it is the highest profile opportunity yet for president biden need to address his party. and the entire nation as his long political career begins to wind down and biden aides have told us wolf that the president will use this speech to try to lay out his argument for why he supports kamala harris. he'll talk about the record that they've achieved and emphasized that it was done together. they'll stressed the need to defeat donald trump and then the spotlight will shift vice president harris as she appears with the president onstage and that show of party unity for historic, her historic presidential bid. wolf, fit. no question will be socially charged moment very emotional and very historic indeed, aaron, our political team is covering every moment of this. cnn's jeff zeleny is

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just offstage jeff and cnn's john berman and kaitlan collins are following the action on the floor as this convention is about to get underway. let's go to kaitlan collins first, though, kaitlan set the scene for us. you're there, you're inside, you're on the floor. this is a pivotal moment for both vice president harris and president biden and for the democratic party, wolf, i mean, we are watching the delegates now make their way into the united center. it is getting crowded in here. the doors have opened and we've just been talking to a lot of these delegates about how different this convention looks. and it was just a month ago when the democratic party was finding itself in this to existential crisis of what to do before biden dropped out of this race. but now with his exit, it is totally changed. everything that you are going to see at this convention especially when it comes to the speaker's, i mean, vice president harris will be entering this arena tonight in a very different capacity. did she ever imagined over a month ago when biden was still in the race now, she'll be in the audience watching as

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president biden delivers his speech, passing the torch to her. tonight, something that he told us earlier as he was doing his run through on stage that he is indeed ready to do he said he expects this to be a memorable night when he was asked if he's viewing it in a bitter, sweet lens, he said no, he believes it's going to be memorable. and that is a speech wolf that i'm told by his closest advisers and allies that he has been working on fine-tuning and crafting and obviously changing because now instead of making the case for his reelection, he'll be making the case for vice president harris's election to not just the delegates here, but everyone who is watching at home and wolf, just in a sign of how they are treating this as a moment with a respectful nod to president biden. i'm standing here in the delaware delegation section. we are standing right here of pennsylvania is right to my right. and that is a nod to present is it a biden typically, this would be where the nominee and their delegation to be california is right over here to my right. well, if i will say president biden is a delegate for his home state, so he does have a

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seat designated for him though. we don't expect to see him given of course, he has quite a large security concerns centered with him with the secret service on stage. but what i will say, something that we've noticed and reporter certainly the white house of president biden since he announced his exit from this race, is kind of his mentality is how he's talking to reporters in a very loose and sometimes carefree kind of manner earlier when he was onstage and he was telling us that america will have to stay tuned for his speech. we asked him about president trump's insistent foreign president trump's insistence, that is a amounts to a coup. the fact that he is no longer the top of his ticket, he just laughed and shook his hand and said that donald trump's stability is in question. we'll see what he says is he's making the case though, and a vision for vice president harris in just a few hours, wolf for kaitlan standby. >> we're going to be getting g nt to go to john berman right now? john what's happening where you where you are right now on the convention floor? >> yeah. i mean, the new york delegation just passed and i

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wanted to give you a sense of what it feels like to be on the floor it's pretty crowded and they've just started to let the delegates in. so it's going to get even more crowded than this. i'm gonna try to give you the good feeling hello, has walked up to the front. if i can, as i approach. actually, one thing i want to point out right here, those two tv screens you see right up there, those are actually part of the teleprompter operation here. so you're onstage, there will be letters, the speaker's can all see that they'll have their speeches there in addition to the glass teleprompters, you normally see we'll keep working our way up to the front here. everyone you see in these yellow yellowjackets, their part of the volunteers, they're here working the floor right now. i just had one of these five volunteers. i had a sin they're giving away signs to all the delegates to hold up at different times. i had one, but i had to take it away because you're not allowed to show them on the floor just yet in all these volunteers making sure that everything goes well. i'm going to work my way around some of the delegates here again, very, very very tight. you can now see, i'm so sorry, i'm in the california delegation. are you enjoying yourself high? am having my

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life. >> thank you very much nice to talk to you. >> sorry to bump into you, but you could see how hard it is to move here at the convention. now we're all the way up in the front. there is the podium. you can see the glass teleprompters right there. the speakers will all be approaching that microphone not too long from now, are jon excellent work. >> thank you very, very much. i want to bring in our panel to assess what's going on. kasie hunt and chris wallace, you're both with me, but let's start with you a month ago where there was supposed to be a very different kind of convention. president biden accepting the nomination delivering his remarks, but now he is going to be speaking tonight and he's going to be throwing your support obviously, for the vice president. yeah. well, i think it was james carville who said that had biden remained at the top of the ticket, it would be something like sitting shiva, which of course is a morning ritual, which is something i can't quite get out of my head having heard at once but i will say the biden team is being very careful to publicly project unity to embrace kind

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of a celebratory atmosphere of this convention. >> but behind the scenes, it's clear that those hard feelings really do persist and that's why i think all of the dynamics that we see play out on the stage. you're going to be very closely scrutinized and watched because the reality is compared to a shiva. i mean, this is a straight-up celebration and that has to be a little tough if you're joe biden to realize they want to celebrate her we weren't ready to do it. >> you know, it's interesting when we were in milwaukee for the republican convention where there was tremendous enthusiasm for, for, i think a feeling at that point in an immediate aftermath of the debate on cnn that they were in the path to victory and that they loved their nominee and they loved where he was going to take them back to the white house. and at the time i thought to myself because there was already this push to defenestrate, if you will. joe biden what's this convention going to be like and i think it would have been very, very difficult convention to hold with joe biden as the

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nominee now, it's a celebration. i mean, they've got a new candidate i think there's a feeling that to have switched to the younger candidate, the 59-year-old, while the republicans are stuck with a 70 the 8-year-old, is that very much plays to their advantage. and i think that there's a real chance that they think that they could win this election, which i don't think they were thinking in 29 days in, i think there's been a lot of pent up energy that has been very depressed by the trump era after what happened in 2016. i mean, that's the other thing i keep flashing back to hillary clinton on the stage tonight, how they thought that they were going to everybody that you talked to on that on election night 2016, thought they knew how that election was going to end. the sense of disappointment was crushing followed by four years of donald trump, the pandemic all of it, it's kind of all coming out here at one time to kamala harris is benefit. now she has yet to make any sort of major mistake that might tamp it down. >> she does have the debate

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coming up as well. >> so that may or may not hold going to be a very, very lively tonight, very lively session. there's no doubt about that guys standby much more coming up the democratic national convention officially begins just moments from now, stay right here to see vice president harris president biden, and the big speeches and guess what celebrity appearances as well. first, a quick break this is the dnc. i'm seeing you're still going to win class president will be slogan, wow, working on campaign posters yet, well, in my experience, the best campaign slogans are short and memorable, like, well that's definitely memorable this wants to get back to eating the food she loves. so she's been thinking about getting dental implants, but the cost seems like it's out of her budget clear choice. we specialize in

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delicious gummies the off association, what to my off. this is why we walked there, why we want we walk in the alzheimer s association patient walked, went all timers because we're getting closer to beating rafael romo at the georgia state capitol in atlanta. >> this is cnn closed captioning is bronchi by you, cora, help maintain a healthy urinary tract with you, cora, having utis for ten years. you cora, we make uti relief products. we also make proactive urinary tract health product. you korea is a life stage right today at your and we are back live in chicago for the kickoff of the democratic national convention standing by for the official call to order, which will launch formally this four-day showcase of the harris-walz ticket and the historic handoff from president biden to vice president harris. and it is a glorious day here in chicago. as you could see, sparkling out there on the water or the weather is

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absolutely perfect and they have there they're convention here are going to be gaveling in, in just a few moments and we're going to take that jamie, when it begins, but you we just were talking so much about president biden this moment for him, hillary clinton tonight but you also have some reporting on something else that we are going to be seeing showcased just tonight in these hours. >> so over the next week, we're going to see some of this. but tonight we are certainly going to see the next generation, a big part of this week's message is turning the page and you're going to see younger politicians profiled some of these people were up for vp, some of them, if biden had not run, would probably have been there and here is the list. so obviously house minority leader hakeem jeffries, we're going to hear from transportation secretary pete buttigieg, commerce secretary gina raimondo. she's speaking tonight. and then two new ones that have not been announced. michigan governor gretchen

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whitmer pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, both from battleground states. kentucky governor andy beshear, who we all got to know through veepstakes and illinois governor jb pritzker obviously were in his home state. but there's going to be a real emphasis on week he'd got a deep bench. >> this is the future that's and that's that's what they want everyone see, obviously, but they're going to see the elder statesman of the party. they're going to see hillary clinton joe biden the last two nominees, 2016 and 20211 and one loss both won the popular vote, both won the popular vote, 111 loss. and then i also think it's fascinating and it's not an accident you're going to see a lot of african american women here for maxine waters, again, part of the older generation speaks, saw congressman lauren underwood is here. congresswoman joyce beatty is here, the mayor of los angeles, karen karen bass is here. one of the reasons kamala harris has made this race competitive like that is the energy among african americans, especially among african american women. and so, and then you also see the

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pieces of organized labor here. this is about organizing, this is about registering and turning out people the pieces of the democratic family that are most important to pick up the phone texts people knock on the door, they do it. i'm old school. i used to knock on doors back when i started, they'd a lot of it now is done with technology, but there's still knocking on doors when you find people who are a little reluctant, you go see him face thanks a lot of pieces of that in the program tonight, you can tell getting right off the bat, we have a lot of work to do. >> so, ashley, you know, but it's interesting that joe biden had we were talking a few moments who at joe biden's walked through and what was the look on his face? and jamie was describing it as steely i felt that it was yeah, i guess that's kind of resolute but but yet there was a melancholy there i guess for lack of a better word. and it's interesting that anita dunn, right, who is obviously right hand and central to the debate prep and everything and is now leaving going to the kamala harris pac told dana bash something really interesting about what he should say tonight was it really what some people might expect? let me just play it this is not a time

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for legacy. >> this is a time for arguing why kamala harris is the best candidate. and also for his aren't his making a strong case for why the choice that voters made in 2020 was the right choice. >> i mean, that's got to be i mean, this is hard enough for him, but this isn't even a time for legacy. >> well, look, joe biden will still be the president for several months, right? and i'm sure he will have a fair fair farewell tour once kamala harris or donald trump wins the election in november, but requires what anita dunn just said that prior such great self-awareness and selflessness in a moment where this is going to be his convention and it's not. >> and so he realizes the moment and in a country right now where to john's point you have black women that our live rallying behind for an elder

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statesman and older white man to stand up on the podium and say, i support this black woman that takes courage, that takes leadership. it's not about him actually in this convention and he knows that and i know people probably want him to make it about legacy, but the way you build legacy is how you actually treat other people people it's not about how you treat yourself, but the political trick this week, i think for this, for the democrats is joe biden. i heard him say he's going to, he's going to talk about the accomplishments of the biden/harris administration, what they've accomplished together and a lot of people didn't like what they've accomplished together. that's why he's not here to its he's not here on thursday night. and so he's going to get give that talk tonight. and we're going to hear all about that tonight. and then on tuesday, wednesday, thursday, we're going to forget joe biden never existed because that's a kamala harris has to do to be successful, she has to separate herself from the failed policies on the border. >> israel immigration, the economy, inflation. >> she's got to be completely different person at a different candidate than the current vice

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president because people incurred, including the current president said the former president say her day one was three-and-a-half years ago all stay here because we are waiting again for it to be formally gaveled in and to begin his delegates have been gathering and we're going to hear the national anthem in a few moments. and can i just tell you we heard of a rehearsal? it's gonna be wow, it's good for good as well as an expected appearance by vice president kamala harris also expected to be in the room with hillary clinton and joe biden tonight, we'll be right back your soul comedy, is coming to cnn. >> what could go wrong i got news for you. >> for me. >> or saturday, september 14th at nine on cnn and then when you get a pool with dr. time, you get the real deal. this time real deal maker thanks, tim. i can't let you customize the real down payment and monthly payment in the car you want to buy super smart and

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chicago. we're standing by for the country invention to officially officially gavel in. let's go back to cnn's kaitlan collins. she's got a special guest on the convention floor, kaitlan. go ahead. >> yeah. wolf, i'm standing here on the convention floor, the tennessee delegation is right to my left, here to my right, i find justin jones of the tennessee three. of course, this is actually your first democratic convention. you're speaking on thursday night and slot not long before vice president harris will will speak. what do you plan to say onstage? >> i mean, i think we're lifting up very critical issue that is very connected to my generation. the issue of gun violence. last year, we were expelled for fighting for common sense gun laws. and the next day, by suppressing kamala harris came to tennessee's said in solidarity with us, hauling you know, our fight for democracy, fight for common sense gun laws to protect kids, not guns. that's why i'm here. i'm the youngest. black robes of my state. my first convention really excited to see so many young people here particularly young people from the south, because we have the south, it's an important frontline for democracy. >> and what does it mean for you given that relationship with vice president harris and i remember that day went when

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she came to visit is it you what does it mean to have her at the top of the ticket? what do you want to see? be different about the democratic platform? would maybe a younger boys, given, of course, what you've been pushing for. >> i mean, i think it's what is so powerful that we have a vice president who has committed to uplifting young people. i went with her on her college tour to south carolina. where we talked to college camp. isn't so this is a vice president who has sit in salary with young people, amplify the issues that matter to us. gun violence, environmental justice, fighting for lgbtq rights, fighting against book bans for our democracy. and she stood with us. and so i think that's why you see a lot of young people here, people who have decide last minute like myself to come re to witness history and not just history but board movement in our history to make america a multiracial democracy that lives human rights and human dignity. >> yeah, you decided last week to come here, right? >> decided last week? so it's been it's definitely been a whirlwind, but it really excited. it's my first convention ever. and just to see the energy here, we had some events last night and to see this multigenerational movement has really happy and to see people who are excited, who have joy, who are saying

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that we can fight for a future. that moves us forward and not just talking about what happened in the past and leading into this history that's a myth like the the other side of the aisle, but like looking at what can we be as a better american make america what it ought to be? that's what we're talking about. >> justin jones. thank you for that wolf. obviously. a notable moment and you will be speaking on thursday night just ahead along with the rest of the tennessee three before vice president harris takes the stage where we will be watching for sure. >> kaitlan. thank you very much. i want to go to see senior white house correspondent mj lee right now, mj, i understand you're learning a bit more about the speech president biden is set to deliver tonight. >> yeah. well, you know, it's been exactly four weeks and one days let's president biden announced his decision to end his 2024 campaign. the people close to him do not deny that this has been a challenging and painful moment for the president and what i'm also told that those four weeks have already helped in the healing process. i'm told by a person close to the president about the past few weeks that even though they we're very difficult, he has come a long

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way. multiple sources have told cnn wolf that the president has made very clear since he made that decision public that while this was certainly not the path that he sought out for himself, he very much fully intended, of course, to seek a second term. and win in november. he is now they're very determined, a very clear about the fact that he ultimately made the right choice. he has been very eager and happy to see the enthusiasm that we've seen around vice president kamala harris in hurricanes and to and while this evening is going to feature a lot of tributes to the president, including his family members, introducing him on stage. we do also expect that president's speech, according to this source, is going to have one very main focus and that is to convey to everyone in this hall and any american that is watching that kamala harris must win the election come november. this person put it this way, his number one objective is going to be sending the message of how important it is to get harris elected. now now we saw the president doing that walk through of the sage earlier

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this evening on a totally different night than the night that he was supposed to speak. it was supposed to be the final night now he is keynote speaker, a speaker for the first night. >> we do expect that as with any major political speech for the president, he will be putting those final touches so he starts making his way back to the united center for that key speech, while florida, jake, thank you very much. my panel is still with us and be with us for the next several hours as well. let's talk clark a little bit about hillary clinton. she's gonna be delivering a major speech tonight. what do you anticipate? >> well, she's obviously going to make the case for kamala harris, but i think just her he shouldn't share is going to be a statement and that is that if you don't win you end up with donald trump. she had more popular vote than donald trump. trump and 2016, but lost in the electoral vote. will hear about the cracks in the glass ceiling, but you didn't break through. and if you're a democrat, there were a lot of things you didn't like about what have happened to this

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nation, both when trump was president during those next done as an ex esident in the last four years and so i just think the fact of her presence here is going to be is going to be a powerful statement about the stakes of what, what's at stake here in terms of if kamala harris wins or loses. one other thing, you know one of the subjects was, i know she will talk about is the question of rights and freedom and one of the strongest selling points the democrats have is abortion and the overturning of roe with the dobbs decision and we're going to hear tonight also from what i would call some abortion witnesses, people whose lives have been directly impacted by the dobbs decision and the rights that were taken away you that they haven't gotten treatment or are they packed them, go to another state to get treatment. so it's not just a matter of politics here. it's a matter of people's real lives. >> people's lives. look to chris point. i mean, i think it's it's very noteworthy that clinton is here. hillary

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clinton is here. she of course was the standard bearer. i also think it's noteworthy that she is on the first night because there is something think about kamala harris that i think is contributing to the excitement in this room. and that is she represents a break from the past and look to the future that hillary clinton didn't read it present in 2016, hillary clinton was very much at the establishment she had. in fact, pushed aside joe biden. she had been seen as waiting patiently in the wing this is the first time in decades that the country is going to have an option of a presidential ticket without a bush or clinton or an obama on there somewhere on one of the two major parties and i think that's a big part of the energy in this room because i have to say i covered hillary clinton's campaign in 2016 on the plane and the final days of that campaign, the level of excitement that was visible at events, it came nowhere close to what we have seen, what we saw in philadelphia when harris announced her vice.

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>> it's interesting, haven't covered more than a few conventions as you have this. well this is a traditional thing that the outgoing president speaks usually on the first night, and then they got them out of town and i moved to who the nominee is going to be. the difference of course here is that 29 days ago, joe biden hadn't thought he was going to be speaking on the last night, not the first night. and he's leaving right after he speaks tonight. and he and jill are flying out to the west coast then they're going on vacation for a week because basically he's going to be a viewer like everybody else i remember in 1988, ronald reagan, after two very successful in terms his father okay. i believe on the first night and then george hw bush has vice president was coming in the old fashioned way, succeeding them, not in a sense, pushing them out they had to turn over the next day at at the airbase bush told reagan that he was a naming dan quayle was vice president. reagan was out. bush was there

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are about to have the call to order that this convention is about to begin. officially, your fact, let's listen in and watch for a few minutes. as the democratic national convention 2020 this war begins right now please welcome permanent chair of the 2024 democratic national convention mignon for and chair of the democratic national committee. >> jamie harrison hello, everyone i am on more permanent chair of the democratic national committee it is a pleasure to welcome you all to my hometown, chicago this pension is a celebration of our

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hard work and a accomplishments . and up the american spirit that makes this party and our country great that's the spirit president. biden reignited when he did when he told us we were in the battle for the soul of our nation throughout his term. he has brought us together and revive dark country. and our country's soul and last month, this convention is now officially underway. >> we're going to continue to watch it unfold as this okay, not tonight. a lot of drama, let's take a quick break and we'll continue our special coverage as convention chair with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, my skin was it's no longer mine. my active

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coventry direct redefining insurance. >> we've all been programmed to expect some radical streaming exclusively on max they one of the democratic national convention officially underway

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here in chicago and a few moments, we'll have the pledge of allegiance gins the national anthem. and of course, those crucial speeches this evening john king, as we are here formally can feel the energy in the room. delegates are here. >> we're hearing the complication now so what you go through, each of the states what are you focused on now, when you look at the fact that this is the third time that the democrats are going up against the same person, donald trump. >> this is my tenth presidential election. this has never happened, right? my lifetime. people the long lifetime, third time same republican nominee three elections in a row, three different democratic candidates in each of those elections. so what does this convention about protecting the 2020 map? just take a look at it. these are the three blue wall states. pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin georgia, blue arizona blue. why do we focus on those? because hillary clinton, for years before in the first race against donald trump, lost all of this now, arizona and georgia were viewed as red states then they were surprised

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us in 2020. but the blue wall states are the backbone of any democratic path to 270 electoral votes. and she lost them. why? why, well, the third-party candidates are one factor, but she also did not perform as well as joe biden did in 2020 when you come back to 2020, among white blue collar workers, joe biden performed a little bit better. that was enough to flip those three states. the three blue wall all states down in georgia and arizona, it's something different. it's the population shifts is the changes it's the fast-growing suburbs, it's more diversity, it's higher education. those, those states, the sunbelt states, you could add north carolina, there's been frustrating for democrats, obama won it with historic african american can turnout. back in 2008, that's this one here. but you see it's been red since, right. so the democrats were looking at a map that demographically the sunbelt states are moving in their direction, but the rust belt states, the blue wall states are actually getting older and whiter, which is more of a challenge so can kamala harris keep the joe biden map or at least something close to it or

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does she go back to the hillary clinton map? and one of the interesting things for me is number one, can she keep senior citizens? that was a biden constituency. he performed better than it's blue-collar white voters, right? she's got to perform better than biden, most likely among black women and probably black voters overall, can she get young voters back the protests outside this arena or whatever problems in this convention, pennsylvania's job just because we've talked about this a little bit yesterday, but what you just said about white working class voters, she's gonna have a tough time, right? so that does doesn't bode well for an erie county, missouri in lackawanna county where joe biden did very well those are the places where he did he did better than hillary clinton did not expect kamala harris will not do as well as joe biden in those counties, maybe in north hampton county. so that's why i still think that trump has the advantage in pennsylvania. it's, it's his to lose. >> so let's just look at eric county. if you look at it right here, right. this is pennsylvania 2016, hillary clinton just barely loses 49 to 48. you look at every county again, she just barely loses the third party candidates matter. you fast forward to

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2020. joe biden wins, not by a lot, but again, the margins are going to win a state by 80,000 votes. you win that county by a little bit there. it's a challenge for her. he thinks she can't do it. i'm not sure we know the answer to that question. one of the reasons you see all those organized labor people on this stage tonight throughout the week is to help her. that's a blue collar union placed. she needs their help alright. >> we hit pause. here is his program is underway and we're getting ready for these crucial speeches as well as the national anthem. the presentation of the colors all coming up in our cnn coverage of the democratic national convention. we will be back in just a moment five good things. >> listen and wherever you get your podcasts they say seeing is believing, but with stearns and foster, that's only part of the story. we handcraft every sterns and foster using the finest materials like indulgent memory foam and ultra conforming and telecoil for a beautiful mattress and indescribable comfort every single night during our labor day sale, bring home incredible

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locking wheels included hurt deals end soon this is. your team you have the right set of individuals. >> they're going to take us to the next level hard knocks training camp with the chicago bears, streaming exclusively on max pledge of allegiance underway right now, i think democratic convention liberty and jon, cornyn are all please

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welcome the sole children of chicago to sing our national anthem lose it was so extreme

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that was a beautiful, beautiful national anthem it was great oh my gosh, a little boys saying the pledge of allegiance was very touching. jaime harrison, the dnc chairman one of those little boys, didn't put his hand up to his heart daddy but as they head down to as far also moving a great way to start this democratic national convention here in chicago. the pledge of allegiance, national anthem all now we'll be hearing some more speakers coming up as well, including hillary clinton, including hillary clinton. >> and again, i think the thing that struck me and that i'm here here's how it kind of carries through tonight when we are hearing from joe biden and hillary clinton, is the level of excitement, chris, i mean, i when i was covering the vp ppi announcement i when when tim walz was announced theast time i had been at a democratic event with that much enthusiasm was an obama event in 2012 and this it's just a much different level. i'm curious to

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see how it sustains as they say goodbye to president biden. >> yeah, it's going to be an it's gonna be an interesting night. and i thank everybody not to be unfair to joe biden, but everybody is going to breathe a little easier when the evening is over. he's he's got an important case to make. he's got to make a case about what this the biden/harris administration has accomplished over these last four years. he's got to make a case about kamala harris was a governing party and are these last four years, the mayor of chicago is speaking right now on a quickly listed it on where democrats will celebrate president joe biden and nominate kamala harris for president of the united states of america as the son of a family that worked to make ends meet i know that kamala harris, the daughter of a mom, who worked hard every

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single day she is going to look out for the interests of everyday people i know that as a fellow former social studies teacher, that governor tim walz will never three from standing up for our democracy and for those most in need and as a black man raising a little black girl on the west side of chicago i know that my daughter, braden, will see not only a reflection of ourselves in the white house, but he will experience the deepest part of american values think about it what will it take to build the middle class and make it easier for families not only to get by, but to get ahead it will take someone with toughness to

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stand up for us and let me tell you, america camilla's got it what will it take to defend our fundamental rights and our freedoms it will take someone with leadership who would fight for us and let me tell you america leadership, camila sees got it what will it take to defeat maga republicans and move our country forward? not backwards. it will take everyone let me tell you all. camila sees god from mississippi so pennsylvania to delaware kamala harris, she's got us from mr. kim to wisconsin so nevada to california. and right here in

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illinois kamala harris she's got took a child care workers so the tip workers topola harris she's got us to make sure that this country ensures that families will have access to real affordable housing create a pathway to the american dream. kamala harris she's got us together. we can build up better, brighter future. and there's no better place to start that, then right here is the greatest frequent city in the world. the city of chicago. god bless you all. thank you the mayor of chicago, brandon johnson, opening up this convention. >> very exciting. these folks are getting very, very excited right now. ahead. we're going to bring you all the big moments from the convention floor. you're watching the opening night of the dnc in chicago, and we'll be right

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burnett along with my friend wolf blitzer and wolf tonight represents it's a crucial night and it's a turning point. take for democrats radically reshaped campaign in just the past 30 days and of course, their number one goal now still to defeat donald trump and hold bonta, the white house. >> i got kamala harris elected president of the united states, aaron expect this evening to be kept by a very emotionally charged passing of the torch moments sources are telling us that vice president harris is set to make her first appearance at this convention and joined president joe biden after he delivers his big price i'm primetime speech democrats celebrating harris as their new standard-bearer and saluting president biden's decades of service to our country in his game changing decision to step aside also giving high profile speeches tonight first lady >> jill biden and former secretary of state, former first lady hillary clinton will be speaking as well. erin all

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