1859. wKt fTT R. V. AND WESTERN HP If. i 1-MJ m- -r mMSu bate been commeneea on AT.
NEWb. JL JLJLJL-B 111 111 I 3evein Valley line-In the PpllneS-Affrehft8 refiirned from hto travels aa a nufr XhancaibroiVBuchyW He.rose.Wltnput a. srieoB, uai uwa wiiuoai Be A ffrfttichBj'aBhtM DoetBVforgot the word, and said, de butkr bf poets." salof that WsiEwgllBb "8i County voora mo -WeW'tOwn shipmanpttBd is now Com 'Circular states, Jf ctWaihMA LaoyaeveraVtfabnknd pounds to the m.W$. and The formal; -mFSTSL am jl Vnnr nnrresnondent is lnf error' respeottn'a eommon'ealt' BaUway WW tana piaoe oame WOBN 'WEDDtNG-iaiSQ. w.a: r.
Aaavvrtfn; nh. flnmmerS nPt BfOW. gut'fhe flrst sod of the CoDser.vaUTO im i vu 'i' last. Slsjlnorjuisotiori' With' alteinfalllbie. Yours truly, oase was.theeaecatoro" times snrgeoDfof BrltUoHai'dbn mm IS? put it on-your nnSer flrstvtaave pass And: love, what changes wp.naye seen-wbat cares ana pleasures, 'pemnroke, July Tlt-.
thnUn day 'training onjdey, an wM 4jmel became, my wife, when this old ring was new, ji" ,11 vttmw 11(7 I lueyuBYBuu.ucc, RAILWAY, mv wing AcorreSpofldS! To Me Editor of The iMmtoh Mercury. i SmWiltyoa allow me; tbrooghUbe columns of SS3 Svtb.gKlng of Ithl MtoBrilJ olroulatea'and to'aSk'lbe dlretotors'of tbf n.ici aa. ffiiEpfw Rsllwav -CoroDanv on wbat aroandu the; Yonriealt wUlesythe same; I know i that fSJ'was That day that madame dear wlfii, tirhen this oia fMHl new; How WeU oo'j remember now, your young ftonOTeMulSraiy How fair yon were how you were my tongue isTBOHOMiOAii Aoometis awpd deal like the woan of ime of Si e-raill head; 1 lanbe't; and dpens the vein An AMBiouons VEBraoTi'Dp ybur tblnkme soi'lt falsehood askeH SirKuott of a ientleinan 6eBB a n's'e'df 'to Ife-wbrih al(cth6, 1-1 took. name of t0S, i 6 horn Durham in fly tltae. "Wao.
liFS61'irb-ar'-toB8 Which iHmai' bappy in life. The. first teNeyer t0, vex whft we oan'thelpl" 'ud; dfBoohd' Never tb-' sUB'iNoTHEEoraTOer, a drWIngover this bridge a -Pfeeaeter than a walk shaft 8 1 whibipBran. betoeaifldoUata Ave IktfeeVW ihtvekatt. to is fafowwJ tlp0 mtUtiJSf: FoiiTE and GopDrrAt -a recently, which' n'itar.
when the offiolatlns orlett'-nttr A 'r ohBfge passenger from Westoatenper-Mare to aUtoptUHMt ui.u'J..JI.; atinuvlnnanf' fn the the: testatrix. TW.a ti. ihat she wasbom. about 1788: in i JR and whose oaurt is situatea seven wu 3 nf Kelso MsjtyfVMIn h's Sth-year, possesses noeffe Jn tbat town, aaye 1 Jujaffirlps Thev are not only i. Nor how I doated on yon fibebaCaBi le uia-tiu Ohlld uuo i and am 1 1078 yon more applying, umn, btthe cnmpa onrl nnt fthnlloablBto anVJ-pluoO bnt I w.
at fi rM dearer oe to Baker, and who tt, ftr the in'ormauou uv uu lam von loorisider my'(jBlf to bye been, victimised, tp.the extent oJt i.n tii Mi brother's-pnttarens; mey BiSdS 5to Coart.of iGhanoery; apd.ip Wtf, $9: If? JLbii mn of see. she.WBS married, tfp itbe allow, me.w asK tne 1 aninpnues .91 jne. oriu Ana aear as uie mo iu now It is, tis truo, -As sweet your face might bo that any now WM B8W But did I snow your heart well when wis or partner of my share Tears brlngfresb links to Wn Jlfrtyet dear, -baiie remainB." TTiistJtlct sppiied ana wtwuawnr pf'a flrst-olasB oarrlagei only, paying eeopud-class. fore, for the B'akef eSperimMtv'to'BBoktain'whetheV the' stuffea seata'f the1 former-ara 'prefewble'td'tbe-wobden boaHs of the latter, whether' tte-esbuse tit experiment -w6uldhbe e'ufflolent Que for defrauding the pompanyf i rimiiih.iRir. vour obedient eervont.
to" Derbyshire, he onffArea pmory auu "SSlmbntat oonsisting tbe reiievinwc.r.v-- Bian tobe was ZEJ'X'im. ana a.Dnrseof 120 ting a Ulement. whlph was oppoaed.by, the -nPfnWj July 28, 1859... CIEOBGB MAYH. now 'received for bib miiMa.tl sovereigns, '3d (he1 Editor of The' liiittei Mercxtru, withors the Lbrd.C uanoalior, ooserying sh Is: that lW-W'tott)e her trust for her sepa- wbioh lent ner ou 6'ttce "Piled.
TJl A FOSThom*o08 EMSTiCE.v-An Irishman, on arrirta-i" AnTertbBV toof Ithl8' lr1 Bd KTorBh-i-'TheBe melancboly lines at.toha4.jfl? sUuirgled throaffh bld was new. 'SinSomeneraons-are under the impresslon-tbat if we-were- niococwi Tia mn name Bewfey ish*te toiltt a iiigy cur'and having oivi fi mT and. rare hnr BDoointmentj by the; to docklse our uoairiver as prDBtf pj new bntlet'for the sewage, it summertime become as tnt'S' little oon- that I dled.yeaterflBy.-Buu uUl, ui jfUU are enjoying Uu ti.J.i t. to marrv Jemmy aetermipea BW.wt" -TafcWtJora the fjeathof Mr: Kieuara -xatwnu deed or wm.r WJf'SS TTSiSSMC -vinbe them that they' are In tn the, flra.t place, the oases. dfen.r.,FrPm'curaffeo,iionitsnBiil5i takb Wob'd birVbf tbVpBildien, little animal Magendie harbour wbnld -always fie with; the Thames ittkjogt titumatv- Moreovervit sBouia: bebofne in 'mind that the population of Bristol Ib' less than two.
hundred iS J. a Mi.t wf ill nrinalderablv more tnan two iits, Ahnntf 1S36 'the, olalntiff, Mr. roamuei' IilOHTS at the btf, ttas plebding in a samtbo'ftt PoUlsfpnoaee. Toe casp taraei thejfact Tof oORBibf mmM MgHte. which to tt? oaose of the aoolclent.
Oo5bnrHtInel8tlng on thu, woond nn ifia efolue-Bttttgument witMtiiaMMk: 1. tmv WS- -'tfe been more Biore te' TVnmr nv''rBiA1i5SOHOF "JOHN And 0, when death shall come at lastto Mtt me my Tiinnif in in thnsftovea. and resting on that He wTthe Tbaniea; bat therlts'tide-HBea'ao and'faUs. few, that ItBj fabbut thcalze, Pf blhptblrfs! eggs. yon, was new, Bebneit.
ooloBr, IIBgea with ii guiUy bed Isand'conld alwayre thttrottgh yBconre liked them, and was Jealous 'of them, In 1845 one qt. rs. im for mtttltWi1 waras a motWr.to wbom'ehe had, tho1 water 'bfthepropoaed new aoacftonrwqwdi neyer: n.Z'mo"intitr!nri tn the healtfi. Bnd by having-a, bridge, urtn Aonation of 50c0- i bbBBidfratlon oL a pond 'which applies the iron-works witSXnbVn- Just to thbPrinoe'a tb be riding that way, wJ drowned. His brother, 'Bi no'selufferrnlsiS thSufa bf Commons in Committee.Pf ASd affair bahe; following imhf of our to.
aoimiiiioi aoaisHuon'oemg' iitwc" nuvy harhnnV niicler euuh oomolotei control; that its ever and'ibot! beooinlBg; 6fienBive mlgbtibe rend'eredian Impossibility; whilst the nrst oi aeoeaseu kfwWojJrit fnr'tinme time ineffeo- ehbuld bave property Mr. and U'tiaTO aia hp, Mf; a surgeon; 'oeinv, slonawffi and drinking to' exceas. In 1851 she' baSithe. dropBy to legs, whioheoame ulcerated, and she had an attack of apoplexy tn ru nntidv state, the furniture' and'! the Visitors to UllltOU Wuuiu nuua new uuureo ut helbff Overfondof'Iavorersrwe'OTiriaKe wnoi ffi pl lbbBtter instead pfj beli ofitbe folloWlnpday casp- Si- Fanbtoke Docks thiit, ttie befit aofidmiB Of fa'rthtfftCOOm- atlon fot fittiamerr-ii the one about fe vBub beds being placed along IpBtead, of the -proper, plaoes, and. she was very, slovenly in her toBa.
indoors. big a little dogi which acouBed tier husband of poisoning It, and ibsf Btea upon Its Bg opened.Mr:Chandlerioutofburloslty,exanilnedit,andasOertalnedi tiiat brewers in; some as much as 8s. aj Si fir water. Tbe tanks, are-all' and the spr nge IPS maai river, ito eawuti oilman nniva atl InQMndcnhln nhlPAHoil.to' ifc ftfci rrr ah onn tcinnnru uubiui uo ipoptalar oi wintii," a. Woman-n i.ThbuSts 'abbnt WytitofM, announced by MeIBte: Hmjit labd BTabke'ttrte be ready with the magazines for Attest; Divoeoe in tede WpST.ft-The MiBSisslppi Legislature tai 1 passed a law divordng allraarried persons within thelhiltsof that state wbo live apart for the period of three tressed" bearts-'wiU'riow take the road leading to Mlssleilppi, The 'toiFFEREHCE The brother of BtethSven Bigned ills name', tb dietingulsb, btrosclf from his brother, 11 Vm Beethoven, The immortal composer retorted oj sterling Bee'thoven, brain-owner." '3 Anti- Snobeb," Ab jpventive Yankee has produced an apparatus: whioh he -says; is a onte for snoring.
Eefajteoj 'opon tbef irioath B'gatta peroha tube leading'io the tympiinont bf-'the' eari- BnoreB.he himself teceivei'. i thelflrsimpreasion, flndhow disagreeable it is, ebbrb, bfcriif '0iirfos4o WiTEB. During the process ifY 1 recent, lfl rerrttbatei. good etor'y was told by, Judge, not long deceased, being Dlied to-by faiat and wanted a little; water, fald: ITBeJlaWiistagalnati yoni it says that yoo shall (m8 neitber'fefod nor: tut after-a-llMle consideration to lord8bipr)ad'debv: Still; at I don't -thinkf warer is meat, and ajl am it isn't drink, bavb.the water." op account bf, bis.eonrsge and ability, to' the rankbfCommodp're'ln'the Erenpb Blavy. Wbenhltpro.
rbbtion took' plaoe, Jjouls XIT. said to him, "Oh, Barth.Ibrre; A SABBATH DREAM: One Sabbath eve I.sat withln'a ohureh, Listening to 'the organ's solemn 'strain, As It poured forth' its swelling sounds of And thanksgiving td the Bternal One. Ming ed with many a feebler human note. And i while I listened thus, a oalm (Socb as ia rsreiy. feH by mortal men) Was shed upon me.and my spirit Arieast it seemed to.me) from earth below, For golden.
haliVstobd open to my. view. Peopled with Being of a rarer sort Than ever graced bur dull terrestrial sphere The faoes of them all were not One who was dear to me when in tneiworidj Youthful injears. but ofarpauly He long had been toy leader ana? ray friend But Peath bppro'aon'ed: and though be etruggledhara, His efforts were in vain, which when he saw He bravely met his fate, and, murmuring not, Quietly resigned his of life Unto the great now- he, Btood Serenely firm, me olammy.Bweat of death, Smirched notbisbrow. but all was pure and fair.
A radlaBt light beamed brightly In his eyes, And snob a peiioVful i That who had In passion asked of God If this display of might Were just Bd Bemalned proved. While, awful. feDgs bound. My tongue; and ere the breaking of the. spell, otdT rinnld adartss the form beloved, tiirieVandlt canViot be denfed, that further qooornmoaatlon could r'aTnpou Courier a'ware, wre killed on Friday -J 3iOTfliMrfii ond Baring at' Stratbgarve.i her husband with habits of dissipatlbui and with having oourse wlth other women.
Cbandle.r,Btated.:that,thS6e. ohargeB were not altogether, without foandat pa. the of November, 1854, Mr! Otehdlet.faa mm fflf, Mt nf oiliaiiBtinn.iB'nd the house in. such for a new. and strafght oould be gout for the: river between-Se and deeperied.f i The oobrse of river'lying between (be abovenamed, places; oould then be; converte'd'Jntp a dock, slmply.byiplaolng: gates at; eaoluend, ndnthe upSer-o; geS Mills end might be connected with the oity Jy.a watet-sW The fornSerwelgneds "olea.nl respeptly.ely, 163trilb.j nd UBt! Tliey 'wero'ivery fafcila better condition, than Castor Aofon in a mitigated rorm as rd a oonditlon- of fllthhat he1 thought' it Advisable' Dr.
Budd, and they oatne to the ronolasloB -that the' 1.:. hr rAintiwil, So the The bVAtrYXWetuor BWB WBM-r "6 iMa'rnuiflJ heirr anoarent afl has i offerad-j; ed to the exterpal-ou A knAn' nanaan mMiM im.tnksn of They gaveinforma-, uw7ao' Kt. ttcduitted render it both'neoesBar'y'anb feasible' B'dpbthe'yboie. tidal river. o'i ybar'oWdini fkrofy; 1 habd to? aotreBS Oiymplo Theatre, nine, rumour tan only" apply to oaeiof fonr' noblemen the; eldest eons of.the, Dukes of, DevoBaBifeLeeds, KoxbHrgh, and, UD5eln.La,"","u thrfonrothSMisonersBuilty His.
tion to the.authorities,.isnd Brlatol4 July 27, 185.9, Totmb BBiSTOip tne oase. ue rouuo, am r.uxfms-mn pvtirmtns crate unoiTa quantity of ashes', etrfeam pf arterial ZlJfimTMli Edward Aoton, there jnae yon a commodore." ypii'baya clone rlgbti flowing from 'Jegs In a dreadfnl cpdditlon. Her bnsband was sitting on a ohalr In a state of partlal intqxioation. Tho mnm nr full nf. emntv ibeer-bottles.
land it 'ooatalned ft on, Th. iottjfninlui EtidaB: obbirniatt: of V. Wn.TwA. -frito Tlnlra I- 'a llfhterbenieta 'on hlmUhafa He shoBIff do omtneotBer setvitudei -Tin pthenprlBonersi FeredBy.TAlleD; Watkine, All vanished from my wondering, longing gaze, And, eighiug, from the reverie I woke. mlngham'GaB tlKht OompaByr of sWday'lasreiatlve to" Glas.Q'ieltibn,': reo'en'tly' Issned, demands 'repjy, I forward ypajfpr A- The 'atdne of the Royal Dramatic CoHegeJ will beJaifJajlyVia'Abpa'CAffiong'the Insiit'ntlbn are twp clfrgymBpJ i The funds, obtained preBeht'flme amount to 3570, besidsLfive aoreB of land, eight "several.
smaUeri.gift8.,,rrn;add!tion)to,tbesp,tpp1 there" areiannnal'sub'soriptions promised, to tbe mtnatsftMHu i A'let'ter "from Gibraltar states that activity; prevails, the; gairlspn in; oo'nseqiirenoe- of some Buspioion1 that; the SpanlBrds are the aid of tbe recovery' if to oom; 4K'ai: Ruanlfth' pHblnaerR have lately quantity of human excrement and filth of other klndBi and appeared not to have been, oleaned for months Dr. Evans, had' her removed to (he OliftoB Union, wherBj she hair was out, nourlBUtri.ent was.given rtq and rallied! She made frequent complaints of her ill-, 'a Ww iib $Bmu iin -'nttkaiinit '1 nrnlnh from -the wbiie 'norAt' tolbe at large in tow mf, Spasn was riding oat with hie a shower of rain fell. Turning to. tbe ordbrly was; behind he asked lor his icloak, but not, getting; it ilmmediately ho said, Quia )' Irbu oan't have it till the stiaps are undone," said the rasa sharply, to wblbh the Dakeanewewa with a nod bf the hetd, saying, tp the That BIS 'own tiUrdrgGyelte. Thomas The Bev.
Mr. Baylies, pf. New Bed-fnM ori'ajate Sunday that be rOUNDAitlON OF A STEW CHURCH AT BSDMNSTEB. n- nWof nnrnpr stone of theOhnrOhof St. Luke, Mhtaii-M niit-inrthBiieoorBtd fiothiOiStylb ofi laid bv Mr.
T. Inaklp, one of tbe.nahers. of, been observed, traelog tba site- of the, oamp, iha Spanish 'army last siege of; Wobld' remark; tbat.were same slight Inaoouraolesi to, appear Brbhltebts, was openea inTh Jn our Court of Bankruptoy. in the presence of a large ooncourse UiDraitar. Getivase SmUh.pf Brlatpl, preaobed a ppwerfnteermon, the aftSSe L'prpich In the afternoon with reference to the nnfortunateiSair i arreongBt the many faots ana ngures iaia Deiore'-tw roici-ujrcio byltbe, oounoll of the aBBOOlBtloB, euph not invaMatetbe-'gbneral veraolty of their statements.
In the At tbsliambethtpolicecoiirtjon TKyirsday, Mr. Samiiel nA rfr.i,,Moh;iirAntif;-flli'flnin-m'6riea -for nhamXai ninA arVt rrantiet. has been long, felt; owing to the dcndely-orowded population of was unwilling to Bee'-'him She' had ntervfewsi wito Withers and Mr. -of Withers, who was absent at and, desired to-make her.wlil and Ieave-her property to, b.er.god-danghterj MarJSusannalsj.i She was also anxious about. eoma money, which she had house, boiBg afraia tb'at K6r husband-wdBld had oonbealea wiatake poateslon bflt.
An attorney, Mr. Klngi was sent folf, Bud-on the 4thpf Dboember, 1864, took her.lnBtrnotlousWtho.wIll and'dtew It np. 'IW effeOt tvas to leave all the property over whioh Blie bad a power of disposal- 1VTni. auappWri Rdmiesion, whan that mMhhwii'inM'd''4er4ilwl' atatewents of. the nnsBie 1.1-i.b 'trmHev.
illlam' Mbrley bavlng "nnlawfBlly and falsely, taken aBd -used the name and title bf a not. being take Anrf hra th iiarn'e7 aaainat the flBc pt W8B receiDis ana'oaymenia ui uuiuugu Lobdon, preached an eloquent The completion afldl od frnm Sflntpmber to Seotember 1st, 1868. at page consecration or tnis siruoinrw under the head pf to her god-aangniet, anu reiappvmi, bonbratnlation totbe wprsBippersJone SLt'SPiit-. driven from It for. want of room.
The Imposed, wlthf Ss.BbBta.' At Limerick Summer Assize John Baleign 3 a looal preaeher of the Prlniltive'Methbdlst Society, alao tfeaaBre IflAniuin'an fiJ.f. AH' hoAtl AAn t'Annfld rtft Bitthteen' of Brother requcBwu uc ouvum be asked no questions. This esoited much Curiosity. Eray-body Jfeerl 4 W.iiatrhBs Brbther 'Thornas done n'' Hepreaoted from But ThomaB, one of the twelve, called Didjmus, was not when' 'Jeans SubJeBtNoa-atteadanoe at city swelliiwbilst-waitliig for the train at Torfci'Wbht into' a tavern and TOt' bbpnt for some amosem*nt seenre in 'tbe jossesslb'n of the most ttbbey, he made ths follbwini offer drop ntoney IBtoa hat with any -man in the roomr The maa who holds out the longest shall take toe, whole, and treat the "Tlliio Itf said an old famtr.j The cookBcy dropped ia a shilling; the farmer followed vritb Birmingham uaa Her hand I was guided while she signed as her, legs so; ho Ih nnf Mi nn. "The attestine.
witnesses were a vj.ii. MU-iftttWat ia onnlh vw.j 1. the distriot in wnica ii'is to tie uunicu, Of someaffluentlnhabitants of Bristol, amongst whom rank bb orinoipals theltrnstees, Meaars. B. Drake, J.
Cox, J. Drake, W. 3. Qos, and E. T.
Insklp, For some; time past divine service has been held In temporary wooden edlfloe, tajWhioh the impressive sermons of tbe Kev. D. A. Doudney, theinoumbent of the new church, have been listened to by crowded and. attentive congregations.
1 The site of the edifloe Cthe land pnrotiafiea by the liberality of the trustees) is situated about midway between'the Bedmlnster and Bath bridges, on the fnrther Bide of the New Cut from Bristol. The arohlteot Is Mr. Norton, of London, whilst tbe exeoatlon of the building oontraot has been entrusted to Hfr Thn fnllominf.we be tound new bniidins tthibbbc oBv.iiMh.p". rr, froBt nnFnoobnlmbaate'' abbntOO cMldreni A gteat1 nBmber month's' hart labourfor having forged the nameBofpyerwenty. bf the leading noblllty.and gentryb aWaaa- i rhA vanT.nauon.'ae wtfii-au-i-uo- buuubuu tbb amorratatated by themBOotatlPB.
nlmlll ihoi nhnotwrt- oikt nnthlni ls cxMesaed of Implied as tb' vdefraudlng; the Bank of Ireland in blUs to the.amoupti Ct.BeBWj JW. Kintt'aBd Mri'Webb, and, these gentlemeu, as. well as firtoPKft Mr; Mayor, -'the surgeon' of the Clifton tlnlori.iMrliFarrV tirt master of the'TOioB, the the nurees wIuJinjalted on ber had np doabtthat she sb erKotly sanest up. to the dayof'heMeatb. Mr.and Mrai Withers loonfirruea tbla opinion; obtain 'information Tntil.
after tbe, death of ot Biajajjai. pral9p Is- also -to Mr Aubrey, tbbse payments being mdde'oB acoon'nt duebut tbby Brb glvenvand; must''be' dBb.w.essiffi rpnother. "'Gb on said the' cooUney, dropping anoiner. At the Staflbrd Assize, on Haturaay, air. justice ayiee referred to a oase of maaslaugliter'la which the deposItiOBe had not' been returned by t)ie coroner till thb trial, haa.
oommenoea, and positive totals wBllst in-'tne -general etBiemea uuii; "I won''BaidtbeXorkBhiremanj-tsKeiaewBoiesnu minus oorbpany." i.A.nrii niisea anu.t. annears me imow to' be a pretty aocurate description of the ohnroh as It is to be. in r-hiiji nnbllo.lamns.- 'Sd, Mr. O'Hara, SfBfl-SBtvived bis wue aopm a (mvfmuuw. 'A 'ftHb tbiii hAin-iV n'nhelii.
there will be furtber ana in whioh tne inquiBitioa hbbii nui reiurueu uuu, iu AiAiniAnr. wan river." His LordehlD Bald the rrn. -non, Tn amuu ureavnuu i- 'iKti. lamm lvr.nl oW In tbKteflWotKe'fflStl I NFEREHCEB JL HKeo. your ocriuuu ici a siBgic said a wbriby pastor toinm rninlster whb bad oconpled bis "Well, "what was thbespeptloB ft you njed rather top maty 7 bbroner referred to lived hod committed question, to'b6 dlBposed or by BBotbet1 trlbanBl aato howrntfoh of Mrs.
O'Hara's property is; affedtod by it whole amount of property In diapute is Bald.to be from 8000 to Mri' O'Hara, by his wiU, left a large portion of hlB.property! to public The iengtn, as regaros me unyo auu "ili. will be 107 feet the nave will be 26 feet 6 inoues wide, and the alelea 16 feet 7 inohes.widd. They will be divided ftora tHe nave by six aroheB on the south side, ana by five on the north. The main entrance wlil be from Spring-street on the in the oentre of the nave, wblMherji, will beanotherentranoe.on nf. on th north, in the third bay.
Attaohed to the pier, :) Tbrflfl Cabinet Councils were held last week. It is la nnt noAoimnrs.rnr eoHnioaI ronrepeatedly.epoBpoiarawing inieftDBjr, Now. th'at waa Greek' to many ''purely ataqat ever-, otalpfl that a unnd deal of hindrance bf bBsiBeBS was experienced Thb weather: beings very surr'bandins-tonsJ8nd villsgesf was very and the-wbole townmemed to rejolceat the hafp of the lt. v. Trii.
DOrOuEU-treauurci imii thrbuRh tho unpunotual habits "PF sorne of the members of the -lut wtiiir Ciiblnet7and that tife-saiue 'lniBedlnrent bade fair to. and.neat to this there wlllrbe a handsome one snows wuoi wo iuo" mistaken. I do not believe one-naif of my aongregatlonflnoet-Btatid the nbrase. Sow there is Mr-Smith," pointing pat a man rSlghbonra of Mrs-'trtlarSlvare OBlled, whp said that sha was, otejagaiBibBd. lord PalmBrstpn jattshed iJifcdilatorj- t'KatoTOii ran oai thtE Central Somerset line OOrrecr, amounts.
of toWftngti' of Birmingham, like oMer merobera of th'e'bodleste sivblyelled upon for their esplioltneBS or aoonraey. an s. r.nnan Sbbb not Impuca tho-other iBorHons of always very peoullar in her maaner ana aresBj Bomeumes Being Blothed like lady, and sometimes llkeabeggar. ShewaSoBbe hn a mitnooo ntnnrllnir nt her door with nothlnpt on ber "sTonped at onr station b6.iiW more than a quarter mlle.in vJawow murdererj john "Shaftpe, Wiiaef, irlVi at Dnrhsvn Assize on1 Tuesday. Tbe nrlsbfaer rbsiSed at of.tf.mBnt- felBtlVB to tbe btfarw fotr'tHe'publlbJ'ambsin 7.
hd'oilf nlta' tflbik. rSiiirow with hiB Weir ohiidreB. ariel liis'lfe'S brother, minguam ejcbept B'few pieces ofoarpet round her.waist. A servant named Stone, who had waited, upon the O'Haras and done needlework for them for last 20 30 years, stated O'Bara u.iXi at tai, hiiohnnd. and before he neat into the will' overtake-mm, ana- wmi bo uiu j- Infeirenoe.
and I do' not beHeve that'he- will naderiland Aoobrdingly, the two. ministers Sewd nff thejf cam! up to Smith, the vioar said to bim "Mr.8m.Ub, oan youldraw an lBlerenoer Well, I suppose I coaldj' was the donbtinff reply I have got a team of horsea that can craw anypnfto whibbtheyarl hitched; but I shouldn't like to try them on riaBea and contained ulroot zoou-pansengero, uenny uuu ui whom alighted hero thp otherp vfbntiORto Of those who went on, hundreds, retprn.e1 by threp olclock train to hbve's sight 'mount the'Tpr, and to see theneWmBsoBIP Arnong the passeijgerswc'eB 'great, nurbber of freemasons, whose ga'y dresses and nppeBranbe were by no means satonlSted to mind us 'of the hero'deploted in iror tne satisracEiou.oi.wu of all who may'-feet sri- interest' in- the the Bir-, nnttK frir insnentlon at outlbiswlfe'Sithjcoat a.razbr. Iay.BBleep.ln:bed,- and afterwardsiat'tbmptid'jb obt bis pwhthroatiin.wbiphjbowever, be bn'ly partially, succeeded, Jealousy, iB-eald to have been the pause of the act. The jury foBBd the prisoner 'guilty, sad he streets generally madb hlm' swfeai; Bpb'n a bbok t.hat.he would not speak to sny'wo'mbn that she often, uaed lock him more than half 01 tne seats oeing free, while, as tbe alBleB are-nnnsnally wide, more than another 100 could be accommodated on amergendles, the oentre passage tolhe nave being aw -net In width. A small gallery will, be made at the west end of the nave, and only extend to She will not, therefore, Interfere with the nrohlteotural effect of A.gallery was obliged to be provided by the oonBeqjenoe.of each inch of the ground-flop Baying been ooyered, withont the requisite number.of flitting befog provlded.by at ieastSop.
At, the east end of the ehuroh is the otianoel. by 20'feet, opening into the nave by a handsome and lofty aroh. On the north side of thB arch wilLbe the robingobaraber ana vestry. The pulpit will etana againBt the north cbanoel pier. The total height of the have In the Interior will-be 66 feet, and of the aroh into the aisle 30 feet.
Opposite each, of the arohea will, be a handsome fbnr-light winaow.sddlUonal height being obtained vn hnin nn a aarlniiof dormors on the north and Bouth sides. Thb New Needj.es? H. Vambb, Patentbeioc the offloes, ot tne, fltietoitsa.iepayerai i utcviuu joouuioivu, KW. .6, may- satrsfjf tbemeelves! i inooiinniinn ttmf. thin, an Well'' as In the maoy other w'bb the Moniteur de la Flotte (Paris goyerament journal) np IB' a-'baoa' room1 tor nours-iogeuei, -auv mow hiJfiading.moaey whiobahe bad boncsaledHnthe houBeiRBd-tb nrflventhim.looklnc for iiMPeatedly.made hlmlie "npona Ibed' Bunyan'S'reBOWBea worsr, or oi muso uumunni'" to trBdge annnally to Jeraealem.
Nor did the very Bumjrtqous. i-Ana'nt whioh Brother" Ballv brovided for, these STOSio53ali ii MNu mnRt. hichlv aDnreeitiw. mattere wbioh come nader its nptiqe, is mBst and tabkedibipi.to it by his clothes. iSheibept a hammer byher modern pilgrims Bt all' obr reap'ond' with the idea, 'we ehtertBln ijnportane tidings; President Bubhanan, for the United; aptually purohased from DeBmark the, 'ith.
the; adjaoent Islets i-irifino in lav ronly facts be to knoSk OBt his orsins li ne sam maj jwjnaMrry ws5-feianS She was very fond of her and when it died improvemeni, wuiuu oxuyoii. f'a noanffp fur Theridge, just the eye, opens te.WW the threan, slightly extending the. hole Jif(T. 4S to pass Bte reliednpbn for tfielEEr4btulnjs teMeinV'tfll -''l if, -jM; rare oi mwinuuioMi, we hope In some respeots fo.r,- batter, this as it may, oari little towniappeared Bntisnally. for nine obtainea'anoiner, wnwu euo wvu.
she used to dress In'flannel, to-feed "wlth'tfellver spoon, aid -jl. irtBrllnir BiiBBlB." 'and- taught them td' 01 Ob, tlUUU HUH KJAUliA Vu, MX. wm g.uwu ooEiing station of our Royal Wast India mail steamers, and is a formidable military position, in the Antilles. The purchase is meant, it lo as a pilot balloon for the aoqolsltlon of 1 SelyeiltKeSomar The total height of the Wwer will be 88'feetrWhilst- the of July 27, 1859. Bath stone, will oe aisono rem iu uoiguv.
fF' bark at her husband. 1 She oooaeionally asfie Mre.i Stone to 'Bit1 the tower Is to bo an ootagon beliiy. flanked by ootagon spwewee, whioh.witU the. eight belfry windows, will have a.yery handsome effect. The ohuroh will be built of the bine Pennant, Tha'eoiden" rectory oi istunaope, in, xarnani, down for an now, Jn praet! tnat sua migm bdubo uer, ami then 6bU befall aorts of vile names.
-Dnelpg fbe night aftetfMr. hk'd KeanHh the house, and Mr. Evaas's hitherto the'seb'bnol riobbst living In EDgland, Valaedtati hours oontalned nearly aonnie its on population, rue gaiuer-inKOf MasoniobretbrenwaBfpr tbe.parpoeafppnseoratlng a new lodgefto beoalipd TUebrsthren met; at tbe St; George Hotel. (Brother 'BailyW, where tbe oonseoration took; place; Craft Lodge was ifirst opened at ten o'olook by Brother Randolph, BBBlBted-by theprovljooIalgraBdoffioprs, Brother Peach, ondTBrother T. P- Thb: B.GSM.
proceeded to perform the oeremony of oonseoratioBr which he did in a most imnniilvB manner, belnc attended by tbe El W. Brbther Vernon, niH hn fitted with low. oDen becobeB I' Cardiff; Cattle Dealer. On tbe -BboK 4410 a-year. ls-abOBt-to-bereduoed-lB.
inpome to and transferred from the patroriage of the Bishop of Dorham' to'that mi i.1 .1 0ara, aocordiBg to Mrs. Stoae's 'dfinking from' brandy bottle, and throughout. 1 -The oontrhot for the the inoludlug 88 feet of the tower, bas: been taken for SOOO, by Mm nvnarAftn'mltri the work has Btfordea' oaUon of ana wltbfthb consent of MeB8rBiW.i BeSanrjGirlfnisrBnd FreBS, sollpltbrs to the 01 tne rJISUOp OK Aipuu. Juu uiyoi, vaiunuiv, uv.ub iu Augiauu la the annual Income of whioh jJr.iBBddj who bad seen -Mrsj O'Hara'on' tbe BltiTHSi. MARRIAGES, DEATHS' BIRTHS.
At Prospect-place. Swansea, the wife TreJTa soa-AtGower-street, Swaasea, tje wift-ot Bonff, a son-At1 Oollege-street, Swansea, the wife Jaobbs, a daughter-At Frog-street, -Swansea, the witeo Thoinas low? daoghter-At "'M'Jffi -BIOBBe. Boa-i'At Cambnan-p ace, Giiersonl IdaughferxAt tlandaft of 4 Efq, "a daughter At IS, Spuirell, a son-At Caatbil Pigin, the wife of Lloyd twin aangtiters-At Carmarthen, the wife of toe Kwose. Taylor. Vice-Princlpal pf tha Training ge.
a son ai Angfel Inn, LammaS-street, Carmarthen wife of J-' ia nt 7308 ir. la initne ens o' i ftonvate eentieman. a further, iJu last esammauon cook piaoe, to en4ble an arrangement: for superseding the bankruptcy to be 01 November, oeiore uecremuvat rum. vwu, hwuk thi niiftnn TTnlon. and on of after her paw nt wnrAABtAmhlre.
After thecoBsecratlon. Fope Sir iH-. eytbrjj aridils at present held by a mbmber bf his family, great BattBfaoaon. The labour la making the foundations' has1, been far heavier than upwards of 30 feet ofolayeysoU, thrown np when tUe New Cut was formed, haying had to be dug op and replaced by solid masonry. The remainder of tbe tower' and' the erebtlon bf the spire will form the sabjeot of a fresh oontraot.
rt Ctv tint iPanmhrM era 'fhla tiaari) ki.J teas duly instaiieq as aiasreroi iubJi iujHns.m.vfMK removal Mr. Bernard, Burgeon, wbo bad her orTlthe 29th' with a view of testing the statO jOf mind Tne espiBnauon' or ine -enurmuuu lytwim ui bum iiviug id, we -believe, tbat'lt'wbs'PrlglnWly endowed ffomfen labdailwhloii a-hat time tlatiw: not liiriw. now. Iha lodge tnen. aajournea ior snori, thus iffbrding' tbe -brei'breo op'pbrtUDity of tbei tmsteerntoer.aeedbf mobthalof ttie Wnoned Dr.
Bleeok, who h'ad'also' esainified Bar when Bbe thp, nnjon, before the mitklbg bf tbe will, stated ttiat'ln their opinion. Bhe Was deoidedly of nn'Boondhnlnfi pn'tfioseobbasionB, Wat ner' ha thonorht tBken' to inrougutVUU prugreottui Mnvyo a Tha-iiflit waalthiast- are -those also in visiting tne ui vkk-reassembling, -the D.P-.&M. viaitedtBeriewly-oonseorBted lodge, anM nrnnAAdAi! with iha. bualness bf -Itbe day, which included, Wba ''and 'KBl'd-'varibus As thetlme.flsed for the oommencement of the proceedlngo drew near, the assemblage grew more nnmerons. o'clock 8 prooesslon of olergy started from the residence of- the anS, tianoasblrei- the- inbomes bf- i Annvr Anenn 1.
burt that- thalaw did mmiin the vollditv of nnv 'that. snK tbb nnipn byiher nephew, Withers'; who tiad 'dragged! her nnt of the window of her house, andi thBt She as; subject wnion arje, respeoiiveiy, 10900 ampngat'otber matters, the enaning At fous'tfolook abcat one; hundred of the brethren sat down to an exoelient dinner at the St. George m. a .1. .1.
il. T. 1 'Jaot to any allowances ttiinigkaJlbe of Gloaoesterawre. tne wue oi tne "owMri MABBIAGESi At Penmnen. William Phillips, daughter of the late Jwf the Ker.
v. uouaney, wmou is wuum a ouon distance, and proceeded, to tbe site. The followlDg wero tbe members of the procwion TbeBev. Canon Uadan, Revs. D.
A. other Dr. Bleeck andr.iBBraardbad sea her by the and they bad sigtied a certificate of her ineaniiy, lit brder that If sbereboTered siifflbiently she might Time wis when 1 earnest of asaimiiatlng' bar eb0)eaiaatloal' institutions to those of 'the Kotnermtne, sat, j-uuui CjntlB, anu uciuh.uuuujiicu. u. ia Bandolnh.
who bad offlolated' during the day lit the'rbgretted bben reoelved most De paid over onwuBnoigaee. awansea, to uiw-BiHw-jnmw i.uo Tnninia 'Oa'vibb. Nawnort. Woollen aad Onti be removed to' lunatic asylum; Philip Joy, to, Jsmma. bikibs, yu.B? s-gj, mgs abobnoe of the venerable G.M, of the: Province of iSomersetsbire; Colonel C.
K. who: wasipreoludedibylillneBB from Dr. Dsane summett' np, tne aeienaanra- eviuenoe, uuu jut, mnaev. laie oi me wiian, kuiw 1. liBU, hast nitlMnr Mtfot'li) nn wnvVanC! flliifAll'iSWlnb'Iri fhA AarnA; am fold Will Stmner repuea.
fltter.The last examination of the sajSarnea, some negotiatlOTOor "arinnlirng the adJndOBtionrbang In joDr.T.T am mpb. LlaBwonnbi- oal Master. Hir (i. snmmeo ud. ana The lurv found a verdict on both issues for the plaintiff, estab- Hri Cbbbn's ottftoWn'Mr'BMba' 'tW Mot so deoided.BAtheySera-a fewjpears ago.
-Frorii wliatbea.awand heard: of, niode-jhi religlousi equality! Is abused by thai Hew York, he must have pome tb the same oon- Cardiff(3; Isabella; Frances BeVBn, cl to hobse', Penarth-At'llandaarog, MrPSSeWe- Mleb Mary Davies, Ci wen-issaf, a. At HaverferdweV; Mr. William'Edward Pembroke.dpok,!tp Miss Mary'Evered Pooift llohint. Iha vnlMItu of the will. Doudney, D.
Cooper, Cogblan, Edwards, J. Hollins, Kuapp, Ash-win, Day, Turner, Bankes; Messrs. Inaklp, Pritobard, Moore, 3. Ayre, sto. Oa their Brriv'al thb service was at once Oommenoed.
The 117 th Psalm having been snng, two verses from the 127 th Psalm were read1 and appropriate prayers offered np by the Eevs. Canon Madsn, Cooper, and Coghlan. A plate was the stone, Ur. Doudney. first reading the following inscription, whloh was on it, to the people: TO THE TKIDNE JEHOVAH.
This, the chief Corner stone of the Choroh for the. DIstrlotof 8t. Lulio. in tbe Pariah of Beamlnt6r, In the City and County of Bristol, w.a ldM nn thn 9Kth flav ftf Jlr. 185H.
JtXIS XrijrOlBaip aeorctiu luuni, uuu KVBaETVU lug vtugoeiyu vi The bankrupt barn np onhls laflt The-balance three years and eleven meBtha'ndi obminenbes with a bapltal'of :l1.0 2d. The debts owing tn Innwnnrnil oreditnra amount i8720 19s. 2d.r and to ooats, 'olhslon -tpywhlbh 'j 'a majority of bur most; ardent Liberals are fordWeat-- At HavertoraweBt, Jar jama popeUUi JohiiBtonfe, Pembrokeshire; to Miss Sarah Parcu' i A Child Monday an raptoiy coming, jnainto Dnng.reiigion completely, unaer tne inflbenbe of tho competitive nrlnolplewouia not either, make religion or, polltloa more pore than they are now. A Dhtenteri or'edltora holding security "llabl(itlea are jajnj n. onA preBent.
The dining-room was, deoorated with -varlooa banhere, together, devices and appropriate were B. W. Brother VernonV P.GlM. of Worcestershire Bev. Brother MaJ'or '6f ''Bath, DK' F'alpoBerl Colonel Shute, PiG.M.
of Bristol i Brother T. Pbivell, D.P.G.M. of Bristol; V.W. Brother Vines; and Brothers" Wblte, Tunstall, Oliver, Marshall, Peaoh, Amery, King, Oakley, Hort, Jbrbes, -MPBtrie; Milsonr, After I the removal of the cloth tbe usual masonic toasts were given, and clrunk with er.tbuslasm;'bnd the iprObbediBga; whibh; had': been successfully oars-led on throughout the day, were, brought to, a sajiefaotbry termination's In pursuanbb of 'Bn- official notice, -the visitors, and half of Glastonbary with them, assembled at tbe railway station at 8 p.m., but owing to the delays whioh in the (transmission of suoh masses are perhaps unavoidable, the InqueBt was, held.by.the asnonBeB shbwlBK a Iobs In the trade: of 6D8 near -naverioruwcai, .0.1, vnuwAwu-juAwrr-ri nf Mr, yvu-Thote'Westbn, to daughter LbMrf, Mlll-At West Uam. EsseK.
Bg Mr.lr; Byron, -of Liverpool, to' Bhoda, fourth WJj'. BathAt Liverpool. John PercQfj, son bf the latfe' PerclvaV SwanVEsq, of Baldwinston.cp. rr -Ireland, to Faith Anne, eldest daughter of Thos. HrEd- body of tniam aaugnterot jot.
isavia, aiiuuuurue-terraoe, St. met 'her- 'death, In-' the following melanoholy On Sunday morning, the child appeared to ha anfferlntr from! a Bllaht- attack of dlarrhoaa.nd her mother In the 23rd Tear of the Reign 'of her Majesti- Queen Victoria, By Mr. EBWAEC TnOBAB iHSKIf. thought it'advisable'to administer: a issqi Jjiverppoi aiBo; wuiiam iiewis, yuuuBj" -rj TemarsB on me uaaauian, lauujirr ---w-- bearlb'g Severity bn bur The imports, at while, those bf the bbrrespondlng period last year were Bhowing an increase qf only twenty-Beven percent. ThedntieB bolleoted IB'th'eBme'pertoa'in'lssiwerb SioSile'li'andin'lSM, augme'ntation ba ths burthens of the wara Bmitn, or, juursicy, daubbfer of Thos.
John' Oi The Trnstees whereof are Blchard Drake, Eso. I John Cox, Esq. Joto Drake, Eso. WUUamHInoiesCojt, Esq and -Mr. Edward Thomas Insiip Incumbent, the Kev.
I). A. Doudney; monstre train' did riot start from here till; after 'nine, and our Benjamin Bristol frlendSj greatly to their annoyance, did not reaob home, till half-neat twelve. Amons the many aumbtuarles provided for' tbe dinner was a line turtle; it was purchased In London, ooat Mr Norton then handed to Mr. Iusklpa splendldelWer trowel, mannfaotnred by Taylor and Son, College-green, and besrlBg 17e.
id. The losses ampnt)t tb.Ll,471 3s. anathb private; esense.of the banfcrnpt.wjfe. son, and three servsntsto 1488; 118. or an average of 366 per annum the and the.defiplenpy B969'17s, '4'jrnb)eot to diminution by any: surplua'th'at mby acoue from the mortgagbd prbpertynd also by any portion of the amooat of liabilities whioh may not be prayed; Tbe Bankrupt wad briefly exsmlBed by Mr.
PrlohBrd, bn be-, half of the asslgnses, and at some length by Mr. Pfees, for Fowler, oredltprs, aa to an. alleged partnership. Ultimately, the bitnkrbpt passed, all queationa being, reflorved for consideration at the certificate Be SybsET Dan jEHkiiis, BriBtol, Newport; and Cardiff. Mridlinifbr the aBsigneesstated that slnbe meeting of last an arraBgement bad.
been entered into with Mr. EllioTbyTwhloS that gentleman "had agreed, to pay-a'sBm of 350, and to pay ail the -dents dab to 'creditors; of thebank-rup't's ship ohandlery at (tbe. Iparned counsel) askedHbe'i Court-to saBatibn'tbia-'aWangement, and stated that there was.npw np pppositipntp.tbe of a Anvil A a a a'. Q.C;-Aged only dauehter Bis guineas, and weighed nearly of a owt. The.Filgrlms' Inn was; beautifully decorated in front, and across the road, at a the followluc Inscription: "rresentea to rnomaa ir wn vm.
Arlov-hili. Bristol, the'reoresentatlve neasani, ijiuueuy uivw- 7- iflteot the Severn, at theTNew Jones, ffsler noxtonei near ROss-Aited 66, at Washfleld, the QuartleyiBectbr; Washned, DevffljS, bf an unknown donor, by.bis oo.trBatees,JBlohard Drake, SL, rir.t.. and -William Hlnokes Cox, people of veryhearly seventy ipbfccenti Tbb exports during' the als months'o('i859 were' ouly S310'69 leas'. than: in 1858J JeS8 tbBn we.pahlin dnties Wltb' deoreaeed rasns of payment, we have Imported more ana paid more tb'the'jgb've'Bibcnt' thBn last How'oan a oountry prpBperndbrBBphartheBS as the gresant Gbvernmen't' baye imposed?" 'y Building in the above? traderbave been for some time for reduplng their 'dally'fBnb'ur'tonirieour's'Therb the IpteEent time, resisted the proposed alteration, and final memorial from tho workmen was'presenteil to the'nrin- syrup, as sne una oiieu uuHe uaiore. ouo luoiuiucubohcu ucr hasbaBd tb give her.
the bottle from a shelf close by. Mr. Davis took down tho bottle, pbBred.bat Jts and. administered It to the bhild; perceiving ber to be agitated aad her breathing ohecked, be suspected something wrong had been given, and on tastiBg the liquid -lb tbe. bottle, wbb horrified' to find it ooatalned elixir of.
vitriol! which bad been presoribed for ihis own benefit, Mr, Davis at once procured the attendance of Jfr. who -administered remedies, but gave little hope of saving the ohlld's life, aad it died within less.tbaa twenty.fonr hours. It was proved at the Inquest that thQ rhubarbVsy'rap hid nsuully beeii'kept In 'thb bottle from, wbibb MW DavlB poured the elixir of vitriol, und thatiB his innate bb had forgotten the different purpose to whioh It had been applied, Tne jury, returned a verdict of it Accidental Death." -I Sm -WttMAH' Don is AmBBioal-We extract; tbe following from the letter of an American correspondent of the Bath Journal The reported eoce'ntrlcltles Bf the Scotch Baronet, Sir William Don, Induced; me to etroll lata In the evening Into tbe. theatre- af On entering a storm of biBBes greeted my BBtonished earB, wbioh I found were. intA (omnia Sir was vainly endeavonrins to pore, me wiaqw.oi bk iw au.
Brunswick'-stfeet, Swansea, Mr. Samuel Jama tin's, Haverfordwest; Mary, widow of the 1 late KoWlandSi of the Star that 'town-Aged the ohnroh of St. Luke's. Bedmlnster, on the 26th dBy Joly, 1859 i the Bev. David Alfred Doadneyv Inoumbent." then-proceeded to apread the mortar, adjast the level, to wdl bavlng aaoertalnedthatail was right, the corner-stone was lowered into John Vicar, bf Garstang-At januwi frwn.
WAAler av considerable altitude, was thrown a line, irpm were aue-pended namber bf magBlflcent flags. Mnsio thb Dstii.By, tne last aivices from Amerloa, we learn that Bn English opera and ballet company was1 drawing crowded, houses' at the; Arch -street. Theatre, Philadelphia. The operatic troupe induded jLnoy Esoott, Mr. Mirsnda, The" operas had The Bohemian Girl," M.
and( Madame IrtDlard, bad been'stnging in operas at CbBnectlont. Sfapoleon was also'giylng; in the same' place. Soma of, the jonrnalB speak in high tei-mo, Cortesi, an Italian, donna. In Paris pll ihp, theatres and preparations are being made, every where to bring out At the Grand Opera; Madlle. Boighl-Mamo ond II.
KoBer have taken leave for the aeaeon IB "Lb Dorset, son of Mr. EttFoyv us place, ii Mr. TtiaMn than aolrl hA folf. It WBS BB OtBCB Of BO Sma 1 buldlBg.flrrns,;requbBting a )'' His HbBPtir (rianted an' immediate cerafloate, of toe' second Alalia; 1 bononr that had been oonferred on him, In being oalled on to lay the flrst stone bf their new Intended ohnroh. It was a plaoe Be John Wyatt; Chipping oaae; was adjourned! from Weaneaday laBt fsstliiW HiJteter VAiym avu av FTniciei -Ji C.
Wbeeler, Esq.r-Aaed 78, near London, W.BJ"" VearB a resident' at Bathwiok-Aged S7, Eliza Maris kr.iBebjainlsLCjii-tis,. of ViBeyartL-cottage, Snaglitrt United States, Emma, fowfn Thomas Green. late of-Birdllp. Glpucestersmre jed where the ereotibn of a temple for God had long been tbougDt desirable, and it had pleased God that the hearts of His servants shoold be moved bountifully towards the wants of this particular the probability of concealing a bag containing in- 'aH sb to wnether they would Concede -the points In dispute vfz.i nlne honrsLwork per day instead of ten, at the sanie rate the workmen have decided on strllklngi and the men In the; ifmploy of Messrs, tTrbllopp- arid the; nnmbor of 470; Ithelr. cmplpynient pni Monday.
The men'appeal for asslsti, inoe, and their plan is understood tb be to shut np a single firm at a time, so to corcpel lt to consent to tbe redubtlon, whlob It Is espeoteS'wIU prodBoe'a bettor e'tTeot than one grbat obtain a' At length, ordeif. having been somewhat restored, be addressed the audlenoe, as nearly as-I thoBB-words have'beeni 'ladles'and noie in tne oanKrupi's garaen.j.ixms jnaij'jieertjBoaeiJbut the C0BCsalrqent7wa8 yery bankrupts 'respecting' bis alleged Iobs was from aatiflfaptory." Propbeta;" Bellini's by tu.b xiniuu-ierry, auuo, huoui Aherffavcui- M. wuitter into1- Komeo juiiettej" is in rehearsal 'for theJ aa-pgnterc -his Honour, in Eivincjummsnt. sain tnamasa nnio years in.this opnntry, and never, before 4n my theatrical career have I received of disapprobation. am; i nB0 heart or tnetr msnop, anu oiuoro tuUanthropto virtues with himself, and here they wero 1 0ttt tholr 6ood wishes, intentions, and ow'to Pt8V that the blessing of Him who1 hands, might reBt on that tempie iTK Si? wlthithoso fopr walls many might count (hear, The now they were 1 THE CIRCULATION OP to BBd'waBnotsBfflo altogether, to'refnse the oertlflbate.
HeverthWss-tbe- banki' bondaot was soiblamewortbyj that ihboonid OhW ohsreed In this olty.nlth the crime, of elng iebai of Mauame yestvalur also, it. is said, wllljlie'revlyed. la busy making arrang'mentB for ppening the Albonl Penbb, Bprhi-Mamb are already sebured, and TambeyUk engaged for at least twenty repreBentatlona. Auber is writing a new -opera withM. "Scribe, for; the Aretha nfhtre A- ilia ai jiu.Tiiauvyii,TruB uiunu vvuutf both' be.
respects Illv'es lost; nndl.trje, amount of -property in, the town for many years ipaeiVtobk place bnTnesday at the North Shore Rtna and Flonr Mills. -flt-the north of. Llrarnool. The ue ginmcu a umiuvuiDiv- "yJ.MItvAoo,'niMjr;a.'eu8nen6IOn Of twelve months, without Intermediate i. simpiy oeoause jl Huuwif "T-V iT me dnrlng my resld.eiaoe in the United', States, and selected dine In my own room' in suffering the Buffooatlrig ZiflL Zt flininff-rnrira of Ihe Clty hotel, already 1110 laaii complete irAiii.iAM,r, aa of MEBOVM to he, for the pap' Two Thousand per Week above that of any ot her Kb: aentlng the iZ2'Sffirf- They W6re Iprique, tbe current bills announce the prbdupflbn" of -''Dbn.
ITS nKEBEMT ISSDES K. rapidity with WhiPh the wh'blbliremts'es wbrbdestrbySdi and the snrrender; he was outlawed in due form. THOUSAND r-'Jf SIX- monopolized oy files', and mherej In 'to the other guests, I oouldi not appear ray coat, sad leBtlemeB, if yonpait, completeness 01 1 rum saneea oy iae names, ara quite uneaualled in this nelBhlionrhood, many thousand rjounds.wortb KE-Ki ffl; dabston, uroper. This bsnkrapt nasaed his last examination i point or oraooiATioff ul, Tgi1; THE iMSROURY TAKES THE LEAD Off SniiSS, bf property anaseyeralliveB being lost witfiin'alf 'an 'hour of own room, witnout bis ooat, anu wnu r---r mA hktfAi nntlitnpa. I moat nolltely BBS more than sayraSS aesmlKa9'lpoke Tolnmea' opportunity of addresslrfg some oHhiSkI1f nBPe'; haw; an' proceed to read It.
Mr. InsSJ tag the W0'Byer: once aooepfed the pnrpose of Solomon Qod noting doubting but that Bf0V.hfe"n' PAPEB8' IN THE WEST OF ADVEKTISEMHlMOCS are received; by the teilewiM alee Fans may be seen Barker O. Barker, Blrhut-" gon-fM; what you 'Pall tbe demobratio mode of dlnlBgr I bye always wua maaame viaraot as vonna'Anha, Madame Mlolan Carvalhb as' Zerliria; aad 'Madame 'TJgaldeas' Elvira. number of volunteers whP joined the army of inde-paiiaance In Italy, a son' of TBinburinl hab rendereS' b'iniflblf condpionoBB throughqnt the campaign. The- Slaters Marobislo, who have been oreating-so great sensation "ait" Florence plspwhere, are engaged, at the Grand- Opera, and arc coming bat, on Hi, in whlob Is to be produced on thb Frenob rtage fbr 'tbeflrst time.
At the Italian! Opera, oh Tuesday, Meyerbeer Dlnorah'Va8 the greatest Bucbess'b'f the season; All the efforts of therBnagement had, been devoted its pro: dUOtion, aBd lt8DreSentatlbnWaaof the mniitAnrnilAA'nKAriiafAr. wniou nas reoelved my humble euorts at aonag this work of ours, to lonna ana ereot tb tne nrsc creuBiug uut oituo xue miiis were ouui on Bite and partially with thbrBins bf an ekteBsive obttoi factory, whioh about bIs years ago was. burnt' to the' ground, upwards' pf a hundred thbuaaba pounds', worth of. property being, then The building just debtrbyed was. of immense.slze, as may be estimated, by the foot that 160 persons were at work on tbeyarlouSjfioors whentbe Jire.
broke The flames broke-but lb the fifth floor, from some unknown flaose, about 2 o'clock on Tuesday nftenoon, and the place was Boon on-flre from top to mi, ujrssst 0. Oltyr Hammond KepheW, Lomb-' oarti -Keel Lion-court, Fleet-street Newtoa COy WgSSf. jCIoeP'' EeyneU.Chanceiy-lanei-'jV.homas.Catkefmo-stre?'''' "Finch-lane; T.Scrlpps, ItonthmoltonrSireat. Mlnwjne pWS BuaBiueration and favour. It, In the present iubh.ujo.
offendeei yonr preJudioeB, I an sorry for. it, Blthough I we, therefore, lay tblafoundatlon-stonein the naoeoTtES Jebovab, the holy, holy, holy, undivided Trinity. ffather Slr A. ft Elton; and; E. J.
H. tMire-: hbbse, Esqrs. Edwin Tnoker, ClevcdPn; brought up in ons-tbdy ob B. ohttrgB. of bigamy, was for-tbe atterjdanoe of tbe i neoesflBry witnesses; James Pool, of Beaminster, charged with stballng boat -belonging to William' Browning; whilst he' was Lock'tf was oommittbd for trial the ensningi Samnel; adwint releasing a horep, whilst on the wa' So be1 Imponndodi In bonsp-niiAnAA nf the same having been ffOBfed depastured, In.
a BaM in uuve wisqea yon woala navo- taken oioer v- nn mill UUU MV'J W'VCuVS gyf, more; liONDON roete rjjiaoyu ana jsw rr'iz How i 2T atu.r tKa-jBstibo to' ieiy appreciated bis The hisses wereexohanged for explanation. Jl Be nisaes were esuum The Eevde. D. A. Doudney and Edwards thenread the 8h and In" -r.
iTi lT I juo- jwi ly equal io, not in aavance pi any- 87th Psalms, after wuion proper wnhoainns. nhan a. wero read by the Eevde. J. Hoi Dottom.
nearly au loe worKinen Euuutjcucuu escaping, out through some unfortunate acolden'tseven'pebns were found to be confined in -the npper portion of the bnllding, the means of having besB'but off ere, they could 'avail themselves bf It; llns.KnaoD. and Tbe 67th1 Psalm was readby the the bepupation bf Eliwar wbiob was 'i 'nnwaaabb charged with obetruatlBe the hiffhumVnt tuiug iiubi, iuo sumposer nas, -written some of tncmusin is 'Madame MiolBn Carvalho; the priwio pro-duped a very favourable Impression. Her voloe, although not powerful, Is very sweet. brilliant; Gardonii and Mdii'e. -Didtee.
Bn horse; aaf cart tp remaln'on'Jt'fbr an llnie' for whioh Offence he Was finbd lflsiMnnlhilin if have, Calvert wp wonderfnl afd nf eotr oitVi' Mr. They bad tbblr cin'd 'heart'-'renaing shrieks: being ieBrfui 'nb aMBtanoe-eo'nldB rendered, the-heat making It-Imjpbealble to Epproach wttbinU oonBldarable dlstanoe of the bornfng edl- Eev. D. A.Dondney sfterwbloli a hymn was Bang, ana tnrtoer prayer offejed up by the Bevds. B.
8. Turner lervlMwastheubronghttoaolosebytbeslnglngofanotherhymn and the benediction being pronoonoed by the rey.lnoBmbent In the evenine. atoameetlnginoommemoraUonof the evenj opntHbateai'greatly of opera7 Tbb 'buthor and. nrlnAlnAl 'nfMW vonkktoAiv 'thAH. A.
Me, -Dyer was' 'Beauohamp 8c SfereV M2r' -Bookseller. 67ieuon6aro W. Crui; Postmaster. WofKgifSdBdgti Hismx. g.
Merse, Postmaster. Q. JtaStfL Mrs. COM BlOK" Tanner. 7 Htiu 'SooW- Waxa gyWfcaigg K.IayJor,BosfieUorr.,ClAtk?PriBW-W jwtK -MonmMf CPssensj oostsbr.
-in; aefanltiof'paym'bnthln'y days' lmri8onmeni. ouwgeo xLtiil in a nnrt on-the haninir noe. niueu bu iueit awxoi position asiipng ai-nbBstbiei'bnt bne.by;0nei they Jumped from their fearfnlaleva life tnepveBsel'obSamed vlcln tv, of st IffaJLWSi-Wi mlaslfe faHIBc In tb. hd nnn to aoide the horsee drawing the flB. n.B was held In ateat, ereoted in a neignoonriag bbioj, hv wuiu.w"j loon persons were press nt and where snautber of toteregtiBg (tioni ib itbai ground As, might have been antlbipated musketry, woald SWgaW.
oufltom, have shown Mr. Culvert thuS h. ika nnrt-'Mriial intauJ'. whereas auareeses were aenverea. Thn anJ nttiASA MinntfliuHifc 'olft aa materially HuuiEiiiiQ, iuo vpera Qiu not conoiuue unui ueuny uu j.iuur, after: midnight.
Atithe Adelpbi Binew bnrlesqae Thb Babes In the Svood, by. Mr. H. F. Byron, has; been' prof duped, and Its sbcoSbb, testified by hearty applanse at the end, -and a call for the author, was unequivocal; A now corolo drama, In two acts, oalled An Old Offender," has also been has turned out to be another adaptation of an old French vaudeville oalled Le Capltalne Volaar." thjse of taem, two men ana's woraon, received suoh Injuries 88 to oauee their 'deBthj while thBothers snBtaltfed serlbus.thoiigh' iin tb thb' present time not fatal; Injuries.
Tlie damana shii. BbngreBbuiy; ohargea anbl s's. andiscBts, whibh waS pald. An aMIatipn.prder was mBde upon Edwin Vowlbs of as.fdi perweek, to eespeptof the Contributed to tha 'arantlbn is. we beliave.
Mr. HollSBS, Of -Bridgaut: W. Iieyshon, rained by this bsiamity is oaWatcd at 40,000 for the bnlldinff. Oothanj. Mrs.
Prltonara, bert3ookaeUer7 awantea: Turtle, AB.O.Jonwi0"".