Nevada State Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)

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Disillusionment With War at Peak Sunday Jun 6 1971 13 Nevada State Journal in 60 60 50 A 50 40 1 State Park 30 30 20 20 fftr 10 10 0 it Taylor Topper i South 4 4 WURLHZER the wiry A Pralgr Way Sparks 358 5372 1845 tray Elect 5 Convenient Credit Terms Available NYE SBRAGIA 4TH WARD Paid Pol Adv Bl SHOP DOWN TOWN RENO com play Councilman 1st Ward it 17 15 16 LOSE WEIGHT ASK OR REE PARKING COUPON PER CENT SAYING US MADE MISTAKE GETTING INVOLVED IN VIETNAM WAR East 2 Pass Authentic Background or Bridge Cassette CITY WEST 4 A72 KQJ87 104 4 A94 NOT ANY LONGER I The fun playing starts with the very first any of Wurlitier's new Electron Laboratoi ies I TaylorToppef IJui! 5 minutes from Son reed see Uft Akporf llaa tanJ mA wHKaU Bfl NW conducted five and one If years ago in August 1965 comparable percentagesvere 24 per cent 61 per cent and 15 per cent undecided Republicans during the last five and one half years have changed their views about US involvement to almost the same extent as Democrats This fact could spell trouble for President May (latest) Jan June Aoril Jan Sept March Ocf Aua April March eb Dec Aug April March eb Dec Oct July May eb Nev Sept May March Aus older were interviewed in per son by trained Gallup interview ers working in more than 300 scientifically selected localities across the nation Interviewing was conducted May 8 through 10 This question was asked in the latest survey and in 21 pre vious surveys taken since Au gust In view of the developments since we entered the fighting in Vietnam dp you think the JI I A In the latest nationwide sur vey 61 per cent of all persons interviewed believe the US made a mistake sending troops to Vietnam compared to 28 per cent who say we did not make a mistake and 11 per cent who are undecided Comet was first charted properly by Sir Isaac Newton PIANO MYTH LEARNING TO PLAY THE PIANO MEANS HOURS AND HOURS INGER EXERCISES Prospectors Elect Warren Wally Warren was 1 president of the Prospectors Club riday night succeeding Charles Gepford Robert Helms was named vice president Named directors were Larry Devincenzi and Rob ert Ring The election took place during the annual dinner at the club's quarters in Hotel The club now has 400 resident and 96 non resident members would leave the ace of hearts 1 the dummy South would draw the last rump would lead a diamondo the king and would try a finesse with the jack of dia monds When West dropped the ten South would return to dum my with the ace of hearts in order to lead another diamond A finesse with the nine of dia monds would then assure the contract The actual opening lead knocked out ace of hearts but South could have made the contract by playing the diamonds more carefully He should lead a low diamond from the dummy at the second trick to take an immediate fi nesse with the jack After this succeeds declarer leads trumps West wins and leads a heart forcing South to ruff South draws trumps and eventually leads a diamond to the king When West drops the ten the situation is clear Since declar er is in dummy he leads an other diamond to take a finesse with the nine" and there is no further problem We even lose any background noises for the cas sette because South would im mediately start to brag about his forethought North would agree with him and the oppo nents would break in to urge them to shut up and deal If I close my eyes I can prac tically hear it right now! THE ISSUE IS: Continued Good City Government THE ANSWER IS: CLARENCE THORNTON His record is worth repeating US made a mistake sending troops to fight in Vietnam? Vtataam a MHfaka? Ne Yes No Opln CT ion Al 59 1970 56 51 57 1949 58 52 1 1941 54 53 48 49 46 1967 45 53 41 49 44 1967 45 44 41 37 32 1944 31 35 36 25 1965 24 RE ELECT THORNTON 51 48 59 61 15 73 per cent of Americans sup i port the Hatfield McGovern plan I to end US troop involvement in Vietnam by the end if this year with two in every three Republicans (64 per cent) ex pressing their approval The plan is expected to come to a vote in Congress in the very near future The increasing disillusionment with US involvement in Viet nam is clearly recorded in the i following table which shows a dramatic change in opinions among key groups in the popula tion: i A rich addition to any home Service includes 9 cup coffee pot covered sugar bowl cream pitcher and 13 round that offers unlimited uses for serving convenience JSLTHI INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY ft Wm ROGERS SILVERPLATE COPYRIGHT 1971 American In the first survey on the is Institute of Public Opinion A rights reserved Reproductitr in whole or part strictly pro hibited except with written consent of the copyright hold ers Pel 61 58 44 60 59 60 63 61 61 63 Before Clarence Thornton was elected as a councilman the NEVADA STATE JOURNAL on May 3 1963 said thi: Kidnap igure reedom Asked 1 Pending Appeal A convicted kidnaper sen fenced to 20 years in the Ne vada State Penitentiary in March may be freed on bail pending an appeal to the Ne vada Supreme Court Robert Sheridan 44 was con victed in January of the kid naping of wealthy Las Vegas realtor Dean Petersen in October of 1969 Petersen was abducted in Las Vegas driven to Reno and held for $800000 ransom Petersen escaped after two days and two of the kidnap trio involved were immediately apprehended Sher idan was arrested in July 1970 By Nevada law a convict may be freed on bail pending an appeal on the recommendation of a judge after an evidentiary hearing hearing set for June 24 in Washoe District Court under Judge John Bar rett must decide whether Sheridan is a menace to so ciety whether there is probabil ity of his fleeing and hear testi mony on his character Sheridan who has pleaded In digency is now represented by Reno attorney Paul Lamboley appointed by the court Chief Criminal Deputy rederick Pin kerton who originally prosecuted the case will again represent the state at the hearing Alphonse Beitillon a rench criminologist devised a system of identification based upon body measurements Call Sandra Sennes HYPNOTIST 329 5822 972 8811 Commission Posts illed Journal Carson City Bureau Gov Mike O'Callaghan filled out the State Park Commission riday by reappointing two members and naming Clifford Segerblom to the seventh seat A native of California Seger blom has been a resident of Boulder City since 1938 and is a part time art teacher on the University of Nevada Las Vegas Campus An author and nature photographer he has written numerous magazine ar ticles dealing with parks and recreation matters using his own photography and art to illustrate his work Segerblom served on the commission from 1960 to 1968 Mrs Thalia Donderno Las Vegas widely know for her work with the state Parent Teacher Association has served on the board since 1967 as had former Elko Daily ree Press Publisher Chris Sheerin A native Nevadan Sheeran lived in Virginia City and Tono pah as a boy Other members also serving four year terms are Robert 0 orson North Las Vegas Mrs' Jean ord Las Vegas Mrs Audrey Harris and Thomas Miller Reno Miller serves as chairman BALD? NOW YOU CAN BE WELL GROOMED AT ALL TIMES! LOOK AND EEL YEARS YOUNGER IN SECONDS WITH A PRINCETON NJ The pro portion of Americans who think it was a mistake to become involved in Vietnam has reached an all time high of 6 in 10 complete reversal of opinion I from five and one half years ago A Hollywood entrepreneur re cently marketed a cassette background noises like the sounds of a crowd at a ball game or the noise of bowling balls and pins in a bowling alley or even the cl ack clack clack ding of a typewriter You play the cassette near the tele phone when you call your wife to say that you're out with the boys or detained at the office but it give you a plausible alibi if your better half knows that you tell a bowling ball from a tennis racket What this country needs is a plausible casette of bridge game noises It would start with vigorous riffling the sound of the cards being cut and then the thump of the cards being dealt out heavily by a football player (We'll get the right man for this effect from Rams football coach Tommy Prothro a very good bridge player) (her the thump of the dead hear the snarl of the peevish partner: million bridge players in this country and I have to pick the only one who take a simple Another voice chimes in: can't blame him doing the best he knows how But hanging is too good for the idiot who asked him to If your wife hears material of this sort when you call up to explain that you get home until 4 am know that playing bridge with people who really under stand your game no lack of material for such a cassette or exam ple we might use the nients that followed the of hand Wcit dealer North South vulnerable NORTH 64 (7 A43 K53 J10872 EAST 4k 83 $2 10952 Q876 KQ6 SOUTH 4 KQ 10 9 5 (7 6 A 92 4 5 3 North Pass 2 NT May 2 1971 Thopton has been a steady cnnsist ntlv good councilman for eight years He speaks his mind and the voters knpw just where he You can be sure of what you are getting if you vote for CLARENCE THORNTON He keeps city services high and taxes low 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS CONSOLIDATE BILLS Reduce Monthly Payments Pay Of Bills ANY EQUITY IN YOUR HOME CAN MEAN A LOAN Call 786 1414 COMMUNITY MORTAGE COMPANY 1890 LOCUST ST RENO 2246 Kingston Avnu a San Bruno California I Dept 66 94066 i A Pleat tend me rewimeuf an my Tapper in plain anveiopa NAMt ADORES i VHtoym a Mutikif Pur Cant Saying Au '65 Lstsst rtt NATIONAL 54 Republicans 2 Democrat Independents 24 21 29 years If 3O 4 Years 22 50 8 over College 22 High school 22 Grade school 28 In the survey reported today a total of 1502 persons 18 and West 1 0 Pass AU Pass Opening lead Declarer took the first trick in dummy with ace of hearts and led a trump to drive out the ace West led another heart and South ruffed Declarer drew trumps led a diamond to the king and then returned a diamond to win a finesse with the jack of diamonds finesse suc ceeded but' the hand failed South still had to lose dia mond and two clubs North wasted no time in giv ing his view of what had hap pened knew a man before the North began reflec tively like you too have played the diamonds just as you did got his brain in a bottle up at was wrong with the way I played the South demanded took the finesse didn't Did you want me to eat the last diamond? The answer to this question belongs on the cassette per haps' but not in a family newspaper South would have no trouble with the diamonds if he could have reached the dummy late in the play Suppose West had been eccentric enough to begin by leading the ace of spades and then a low spade (instead of his very normal opening lead of the king of hearts) This Temper Tantrum Causes Death LAS VEGAS (LTI) Whffl Otis Smith had a fight with his wife police said he had a temper tantrum that caused his death Smith 28 broke the windows in his apartment and severed arteries in both arms and legs on the broken He died Wednesday on the way to the hospital EDITORIALS individual stands out among those contestants as a solid candidate? He is Clar ence Thornton manager of the Washoe County is completely honest and nomination and election would give Reno a city councilman of wide experience broad knowledge and complete ATER eight years as a councilman the NEVADA STATE JOURNAL said this about CLARENCE THORNTON: ebruary 14 1971 'v i of the councilmcn facing reelection (Thornton being one of them) are member of the council elected eight ears ago to supplant what was to put it charitably one of the poorest councils in history The people got in its stead one of the best in the Sparks Sparks Resilient for 56 years Paid Politiral Adv ate journal Morning ond Sunday Newspaper Whal Buy! 0 0R TH18 exquisite 4 PIECE OOTED COEE SERVICE in famous "Quality Jeicclers Since 1920 Our 52nd lear! CORNER VIRGINIA SECOND STS 313 7117 DOWNTOWN RENO 4 NO NET NO SLUE NO USS NO MESS flexible contoured hast rakes Taylor Topper the only practicd teirpia till IIL4 AekeU ed tiMi'r ek M4Aa uiirar Il 5 so J'K'iie 4hiu urcaw yuu stoh tf it yet it so secure that it will sty oa throufil work or play ontil you want to take it aft Taylor Topper's soft casual hairline and skilled Mending of SEMO colors to match your own result in a handsome nature REE looking hairpiece absolutely endetectable ROCTWWB 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 laru Over the last five and one half years public opinion on the Vietnam war has un dergone dramatic change In Aug 1965 icnly 24 per cent of Americans believed US involvement in Vietnam to be a mistake Today the figure has reached a record 61 per cent Nixon In the primaries next spring It will be recalled that one of the factors in President Johnsnn's decision not to run for re election in 1968 was the emergence of a Democratic candidate Eugene Mc Carthy in the New Hampshire primary Disillusionment over the war undoubtedly underlies views in the withdrawal of troops As reported earlier this year 61 Per Cent Now Say War a Mistake Ng PctxPet I oo Ir dvr MIj ek hYrMtikMBA vr Jxw MAH 'dAfe zx KI iU a V' If 3 28 11 31 10 34 8 34 15 33 10 32 39 9 37 9' 35 12 40 12 41 10 42 12 44 9 35 12 40 12 41 10 42 12 44 9' 44 10 41 11 50 13 52 16 A 1 NOT ANY LONGER I The fun of actual playing starts with the very first lesson at any of Wurlitier's new Electronic Music Laboratoi ies.

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Nevada State Journal from Reno, Nevada (2024)


What is the median household income in Reno Nevada? ›

About. In 2022, Reno, NV had a population of 265k people with a median age of 36.9 and a median household income of $73,073. Between 2021 and 2022 the population of Reno, NV grew from 259,913 to 265,196, a 2.03% increase and its median household income grew from $67,557 to $73,073, a 8.16% increase.

What is the poverty rate in Reno NV? ›

12.7% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Reno, NV (33k out of 260k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.5%. The largest demographic living in poverty are Males 18 - 24, followed by Females 18 - 24 and then Females 25 - 34.

What is University of Nevada Reno ranked in the US news and world report? ›

University of Nevada, Reno's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #195.

What is the race population in Reno Nevada? ›

Reno Demographics

White: 66.1% Other race: 11.24% Two or more races: 10.64% Asian: 6.85%

Where is the cheapest place to live in Reno? ›

Check Out The Top 10 Cheapest Neighborhoods To Live In Reno:
  • Smithridge. ...
  • Wildcreek. ...
  • Stead. ...
  • Meadowood. ...
  • North Virginia Socrates. ...
  • Double R Boulvard. ...
  • Mae Anne Avenue. ...
  • Wells Avenue Neighborhood.

What is considered high income in Nevada? ›

Upper Class Salary in Nevada
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$90,928$44
75th Percentile$71,896$35
25th Percentile$41,234$20

What is the most popular major at UNR? ›

The most popular majors at University of Nevada, Reno include: Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Health Professions and Related Programs; Biological and Biomedical Sciences; Engineering; Social Sciences; Psychology; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services; Education; and ...

What is UNR known for academically? ›

About University of Nevada - Reno

The university is known for its very high research activity, particularly in the fields of civil engineering, earthquake and large-scale structures testing and modeling. It's also home to one of the most powerful lasers in the country.

Is UNR a Tier 1 school? ›

Both UNLV and UNR first reached the prestigious Carnegie “R1” or “Very High Research” classification in December 2018. Today's news is part of the latest Carnegie Classification's update cycle for 2021 and is considered preliminary.

What percent of Reno is Mexican? ›

In 2022, there were 5.93 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (298k people) in Reno, NV than any other race or ethnicity. There were 50.2k Other (Hispanic) and 36.5k White (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups. 25.3% of the people in Reno, NV are hispanic (124k people).

How many Californians are moving to Reno? ›

Furthermore, among Nevada cities such as Reno and Las Vegas, there has been an increase in employment opportunities which do not come with very high living costs synonymous with life in California. Since 2020, about 158,000 Californians have moved to Nevada.

What is the male to female ratio in Reno? ›

Reno Sex Ratio

What is the average salary in Reno Nevada? ›

Workers in the Reno, NV Metropolitan Statistical Area had an average (mean) hourly wage of $29.80 in May 2023, compared to the nationwide average of $31.48, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

What is a living wage in Reno NV? ›

Living Wage Calculation for Reno, NV
0 Children1 Child
Living Wage$22.13$23.14
Poverty Wage$7.24$6.21
Minimum Wage$11.25$11.25

Is Reno Nevada expensive to live? ›

Reno is ranked 63 out of 273 cities across the US in terms of cost of living. The cost of living in Reno is 105.1% of the national average.

What is the average family income in Nevada? ›

Median household income in Nevada is $71,646. In 2022, the county with the highest Median Household Income in Nevada was Lander County, NV with a value of $92,388, followed by Elko County, NV and Storey County, NV, with respective values of $87,755 and $86,932.


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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.