Kris McPeak on LinkedIn: The I Hate (what's happened to) Higher Ed Podcast: Episode 2 - It Truly… (2024)

Kris McPeak

Career Higher Ed Professional - Work/Life FIT Advocate - Skilled Presenter, Key-Note Speaker, and Event Host/Emcee

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The I Hate (what's happened to) Higher Ed Podcast: Episode 2 - It Truly Doesn't Matter WHERE You Attend College...(I'm serious)
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  • Kris McPeak

    Career Higher Ed Professional - Work/Life FIT Advocate - Skilled Presenter, Key-Note Speaker, and Event Host/Emcee

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    This quote from Adam Grant (professor of organizational psychology at Wharton/U of Penn) is giving me a great deal of comfort right now, given all of the turmoil that's been going down the last few weeks.Yeah, I know, I've run all over that and picked on a lot of younger people out there because of the ridiculous protests, etc. But in the grand scheme of things, I need to give these kids a break.When I started college in 1986 (OMG), there were two big rules I tried to follow as best as I could:1. Study two hours for every one hour of class.2. Don't get involved in any campus activities or clubs during freshman year - get used to the academic rigor first.That's exactly what I did. And for me, it worked! I graduated with a very respectable 3.43 GPA while being an RA for two years plus major involvement with Angel Flight. Went to graduate school, started my career, etc. I can't quote much Shakespeare or remember how to balance chemical equations and I've forgotten everything I ever learned about quadratic formulas...but I learned how to balance my checkbook, be a good roommate, find friends with shared interests, apply for jobs, and go on interviews. I also learned how to balance fun with school - went to football, basketball, and baseball games, enjoyed the University of Arkansas' all-night "party" known as RED EYE, and waited until I turned 21 to get drunk on the weekends. These concepts aren't being shared with high school and college students these days. And it's not their fault. When I received that award the other night from the PCC Honors Program, I told the students in the room that they should be honored to have all the opportunities they have now - and that they can't take themselves so seriously. So - yeah, that's what I got from this quote. what about you?*#highered #highereducation #education #college #university #collegelife #elearning #onlinelearning #studentlife #studentsuccess #studentaffairs #studyabroad #distancelearning #worklifebalance #higheredhappyplace #youearnedit #wellbeing #goodvibes #instahappy #instahighered #instastudentsuccess #youmatter #dayjob #sidehustle #gratitude #happiness

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  • Kris McPeak

    Career Higher Ed Professional - Work/Life FIT Advocate - Skilled Presenter, Key-Note Speaker, and Event Host/Emcee

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    People, you must know that voting is your civic responsibility. You must know - especially for us women - that having the right to vote was not always an obvious thing in the US.You must know - there are countries out there more corrupt than the US (for now, yikes) and voting is a cause for stress and concern.You must know - the best way you can feel more comfortable about the issues in our country is to become an informed vote and then...GO f*ckING VOTE.This quote from George Jean Nathan implies that a democracy needs all of its eligible citizens to participate in voting.It encourages all citizens who are eligible to vote need to take action and participate in democracy by voting for the right officials and candidates who would bring the country in the right direction. The reserve of this is that apathy would damage democracy by bringing the country down because by not caring to vote, people who do not deserve power will end up in power and taking advantage and doing whatever they please for their gain.You didn't take Civics in high school? No problem - there are dozens and dozens of books to help you figure out exactly why it's your civic duty to vote. Go get one now.*****#regsiter #registertovote #beatbiden #electionday #yourcivicduty #vote2024 #votehimout #voteblue2024 #votebymail #votesaveamerica #voteforchange #pleasevote #dontforgettovote

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  • Kris McPeak

    Career Higher Ed Professional - Work/Life FIT Advocate - Skilled Presenter, Key-Note Speaker, and Event Host/Emcee

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    Honestly, this is by far the strangest of conundrums that I have noticed in my "middle-age years." Although - I'm 56 now, so unless I plan to live to 112, I guess I'm past my middle-age years. And now I'm depressed.f*ck that, here's what I find so funny about all of this stuff...As much as a person can be "liberal" in the state of Arkansas, I had built myself up so high as to be THE liberal of my graduate program both in the classroom and in residence life. Because I had gay friends. And I was that graduate-level hall director who did programs at RA conferences called, "Let's Talk About Sex," so that students could get over their issues and taboos about having sex. And since I was a virgin at the time, yeah, of course, we covered that whole virgin thing. Did “liberal” also mean “controversial?” Or just “flamboyant?”After grad school, I moved to Bellingham, Washington for my first full-time Resident Director gig and I got my ass handed to me in the "liberal" competition. Of course, liberal had now changed to politically correct, which we hadn't covered in my grad program or residence life training. My learning curve was high and I was in trouble ALL of the time. Should that have been a clue right there?? Yeah, probably.But I would get my ass handed to me again throughout my journey as a higher education professional. And part of that stems from my dad telling me, along time ago, “Kris, someday that mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble.” Yeah, should’ve listened to my dad. So long story, short, here I am now, feeling like a square peg in a round hole. I am that person discovering that I have more conservative values in a world where higher education has been taken over by liberals and progressives. Therein lies the problem. But I can’t possibly be the only one…Can I?#generationX #fabulous50s #postmenopause #childofthe80s #womenover #genxwomen #votewisely #leadership #womeninleadership #womeninpolitics #instapolitics #goodgovernance #endbadgovernance #moderates #moderatepolitics #nolabels #reformcalifornia #freespeech #notwoke #GenXgrownup #getahelmet #adulting #GenXPride #thinkforyourself

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  • Kris McPeak

    Career Higher Ed Professional - Work/Life FIT Advocate - Skilled Presenter, Key-Note Speaker, and Event Host/Emcee

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    Where are my fellow lefties at????International Left-Hander's Day—what a fabulous occasion to celebrate the southpaws of the world! Left-handed people make up about 10% of the global population, and we certainly bring some unique qualities to the table. Here are a few interesting facts and traits that make lefties stand out:🫲🏻 Creative and Innovative ThinkersLeft-handed individuals are often associated with creativity and artistic abilities. The right hemisphere of the brain, which controls the left hand, is typically more involved in tasks related to imagination, music, and spatial awareness. Some of the greatest artists, musicians, and thinkers were lefties—think Leonardo da Vinci, Jimi Hendrix, and Albert Einstein!🫲🏻 AdaptabilityLiving in a right-handed world, lefties often have to adapt to tools, instruments, and everyday objects designed for the right-handed majority. This adaptability can lead to greater problem-solving skills and resourcefulness. They’re pros at thinking outside the box (or using the box in ways that righties wouldn’t even consider!).🫲🏻 Athletic AdvantagesIn sports, being left-handed can be a game-changer. Left-handed athletes often have the element of surprise on their side, as right-handed opponents are less accustomed to facing left-handed rivals. In one-on-one sports like tennis, boxing, and baseball, this can be a real advantage.🫲🏻 Unique Brain WiringResearch suggests that the brains of left-handed individuals are often more symmetrical than those of right-handed people. This can lead to different ways of processing information and may even be linked to enhanced cognitive abilities in areas like language and spatial reasoning.So, whether you’re celebrating your left-handedness or the lefties in your life, August 13 is a day to embrace and appreciate these unique qualities. Where's my Left-Handed High Five!!!!!

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  • Kris McPeak

    Career Higher Ed Professional - Work/Life FIT Advocate - Skilled Presenter, Key-Note Speaker, and Event Host/Emcee

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    It might sound silly but I WANNA KNOW!Here's the context - my sisters and I once had a total knockdown drag-out debate about my decision to hire housekeepers so I wouldn't have to do my cleaning...which they saw as lazy so I had to explain myself. But I kinda went - WTF, because why do I need to explain myself about my decision to buy my time back?Seriously - ever since I discovered Ramit Sethi's stuff I have been all about figuring out "My Rich Life" and which things I value where time and money are concerned. And so - yes, I would rather pay for my time back and have someone do my house cleaning for me.Okay - your turn! which of these sounds like you...or what other activities would you pay for to get your time back? I want to know! Comment Below!!*****#timemanagement #elevateyour8 #podcaster #podcastlife #podcastshow #podcastersofinstagram #podcastlove #careerwoman #newcareer #careerdevelopment #womenhelpingwomen #womenwhowrite #womenpodcasters #shepodcasts #productivitytips #productivityhacks #productivitycoach #productivityhabits #timemanagementtips #timemanagementcoach #planningahead #prioritize #youdoyou #getyoursh*ttogether #worklifebalancegoals #2020goals #mygoals #noexcusesjustresults #careerwomen #youvegotthis

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  • Kris McPeak

    Career Higher Ed Professional - Work/Life FIT Advocate - Skilled Presenter, Key-Note Speaker, and Event Host/Emcee

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    Okay, raise your hand if this is your favorite series so far. It might be mine, I haven't decided yet. But we sure are having a lot of fun.This week, for The Professionals Series, we are talking about our favorite characters who are playing Actors. That's right - actors playing actors, who knew? Talking about these characters was great fun for us. While he didn't make the list, I continue to think about Leonardo DiCaprio's performace in a little Woody Allen movie called CELEBRITY, from 1998. This was, of course, coming off of Leo's huge star-making turn in TITANIC so it's ironic that he's an actor playing a typical celebrity actor. Maybe not so many women in his bed, though, I don't know. Just like any other role, actors playing actors dive deep into research. They study the mannerisms, speech patterns, and body language of actors both past and present to capture the essence of their character's profession.Actors portraying actors might find themselves reflecting on their own experiences in the industry. Drawing from personal anecdotes, struggles, and triumphs can add authenticity to their portrayal and create a layered performance that resonates with audiences (Annie and I had 1 bit of overlap in this show, and it's a reflection of this point here.)What do you think of our list? We'd love to hear your thoughts -

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  • Kris McPeak

    Career Higher Ed Professional - Work/Life FIT Advocate - Skilled Presenter, Key-Note Speaker, and Event Host/Emcee

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    Okay Gen Z - listen up!!!!! You've been getting reboots, sequels, and comic book films rammed down your throats and you THINK you understand filmmaking and storytelling. No offense, y'all.Classic films offer a masterclass in storytelling, drama, and comedy that can be super beneficial for Gen Z, especially in the current cinematic situation...Here's the scoop:Character Development:🎥 Classic films often take their time to develop characters, giving us a deeper understanding of their motivations, flaws, and growth. This can teach Gen Z about empathy and the complexities of human nature beyond just the surface level.Plot Twists Done Right:🎥 Forget predictable storylines! Classic films are full of unexpected twists and turns that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Experiencing these twists can help Gen Z appreciate the art of storytelling and the importance of keeping audiences engaged.Dialogue that Sizzles: 🎥 Classic films are renowned for their sharp, witty dialogue that can make you laugh, cry, or ponder life's mysteries. Exposing Gen Z to this level of wordplay can enhance their appreciation for language and communication skills.Timeless Themes: 🎥 While the settings may be vintage, the themes explored in classic films are often timeless and relatable. From love and loss to ambition and redemption, these films tackle universal human experiences that can resonate with Gen Z.Visual Mastery: 🎥 Before CGI took over, filmmakers relied on practical effects, set design, and cinematography to create movie magic. By studying classic films, Gen Z can gain a deeper understanding of visual storytelling techniques and the art of crafting compelling visuals.Okay, the soapbox moment is over. Are we okay now?? 😉*****#topfivepodcast #popularculture #movies #music #filmcriticism #rockandroll #classicrock #cultclassics #epicmcpeak #instainfluencer #instapopculture #ouropinions #neverwrong #lifestyleinfluencer #popculturedebate #createyourself #creativehappylife #creativesoul #creatorgram #socialmediainfluencer

    • Kris McPeak on LinkedIn: The I Hate (what's happened to) Higher Ed Podcast: Episode 2 - It Truly… (17)
    • Kris McPeak on LinkedIn: The I Hate (what's happened to) Higher Ed Podcast: Episode 2 - It Truly… (18)
    • Kris McPeak on LinkedIn: The I Hate (what's happened to) Higher Ed Podcast: Episode 2 - It Truly… (19)
    • Kris McPeak on LinkedIn: The I Hate (what's happened to) Higher Ed Podcast: Episode 2 - It Truly… (20)
    • Kris McPeak on LinkedIn: The I Hate (what's happened to) Higher Ed Podcast: Episode 2 - It Truly… (21)


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  • Kris McPeak

    Career Higher Ed Professional - Work/Life FIT Advocate - Skilled Presenter, Key-Note Speaker, and Event Host/Emcee

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    I would completely understand if you decided not to vote this November...I mean - what are our choices anyway? We're stuck with another rematch and none of these politicians get anything done anyway, right?I believe that is exactly where "they" want us to stand this November. If "we" stay complacent then our Two-Party System can just move ahead with forwarding their agendas and we will just sit here. On CNBC's "Make It" website, I recently read, "Deciding not to vote is not an uncommon stance in America. In recent decades, the number of eligible people who vote for president has hovered between 50% and 60%, according to Michael P. McDonald, a professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Florida. And non-voters can affect outcomes. In 2016, when President Donald Trump defeated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the run for the White House, almost 100 million Americans did not cast a vote for president — more than the number of votes any individual candidate received."Suppose half of those 100 million Americans voted for a Third Party Candidate or another candidate on the ballot. It could very well have swayed a state's electoral votes and things could have been different. I started voting in 1988 and have only missed one Presidential Election - I missed voting in 1996 because I was at a conference and hadn't requested that "absentee ballot" in time. Now that we can Vote by Mail everywhere, it is much easier to get your vote counted without having to stand in line. And with the internet, there are so many sites dedicated to helping you become an educated voter. Sites like Ballotpedia, Vote411, and Rock the Vote. and I recently found an online quiz that helped me figure out which political party supports the issues I care about most. Check it out at I Side With ('ll likely get tired of all the Biden/Trump talk between now and November, but there are still a lot of local and state ballot measures and candidates to research. Don't fall behind this November.

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Kris McPeak on LinkedIn: The I Hate (what's happened to) Higher Ed Podcast: Episode 2 - It Truly… (26)

Kris McPeak on LinkedIn: The I Hate (what's happened to) Higher Ed Podcast: Episode 2 - It Truly… (27)


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Kris McPeak on LinkedIn: The I Hate (what's happened to) Higher Ed Podcast: Episode 2 - It Truly… (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.