Infinite Campus offers a comprehensive set of tools for students and families to manage academic information effectively. These tools include features like the Weekly View, Assignments Tool, Grades Tool, Grade Book Updates, Attendance Tool, Schedule Tool, Notifications Dropdown, and Transportation Information. They provide users with the ability to track assignments, view grades, monitor attendance, access schedules, receive notifications, and manage transportation details, all within the platform. With these functionalities, students and families can stay informed and engaged in their academic journey.
- Home
- Calendar
- Weekly Overview
- Assignments
- Grades
- Grade Book Updates
- Attendance
- Schedule
- Notifications
- Transportation
The Home screen displays all of a parent's students and summarizes information needing the parent's attention. Here you can view the following information:
- Assignments Due Today
- Recent Assignment Scores
- Recent Grade Updates
- Recent Attendance Updates
- Recent Behavior Events
If you have multiple students enrolled in the district, you can click on each student to view their details.
The Calendar displays data in three different modes, Assignments, Schedule, and Attendance.
For Assignments and Attendance, dots display below dates that have data. Select a mode and date to view data for that day.
In Assignments mode, a button displays to show the Weekly Overview, which shows all assignments for the selected week.
Weekly Overview
The Weekly View filters the Calendar to show a student's assignments for a week in a simple, single page overview.
In this overview, view assignments for the week and see scores. Assignments display for the calendar day on which they are Due.
Flagged assignments, such as the Missing assignment above, are also shown. Scored assignments are shown with the points possible, if applicable, or the percentage or rubric score earned.
The Assignments tool collects all of a student's assignments with the focus on today. Click assignments to view details and scroll to see previous and future assignments. Use the Missing and Current Term buttons at the top to filter assignments.
The Grades tool shows all of the grades earned by the selected student for all tasks (such as Trimester or Semester grades) and standards. Posted grades are displayed in bold, with In-Progress grades indicated as "In-progress." The student's Cumulative GPA also displays at the top of the Grades tab if enabled.
Show grades for a single term or for the whole year by selecting an option at the top. Expand the Settings menu to Hide dropped courses, Hide rows without grades or assignments, or expand or collapse all courses.
Where the grey arrow displays for a task or standard, click the task to view the Categories that contribute to the grade. Expand categories to view all included assignments. Click assignments to view details.
Grades that are part of a composite or rollup grading setup are indicated.
Grade Book Updates
Grade Book Updates lists all of the assignments that have been scored or otherwise updated in the last 14 days. Click on the assignment or the course name to view details.
The Attendance tool lists the absences and tardies for attendance taking periods in the selected term. Navigate between terms using the options at the top.
Click on a period to view details. On the detail view, absences and tardies are divided by type (excused, unexcused, exempt, or unknown), with all absences and tardies listed below. When attendance is recorded via present minutes, this attendance screen displays the total Present Time and Expected Time by section.
Click on a section to view the Time In, Time Out, and Present Time recorded by date.
The Schedule tool shows the student's schedule for each term, including any day rotations. Schedules are shown for all the whole year, all terms, and all of the student's enrollments. Each schedule includes the student's courses with the teacher's name and room assigned. If a day rotation is in place, the day is indicated in the top right corner of the schedule. Choose the course name to view details.
There is a report available in Campus Student and Campus Parent that lets you viewscholars' schedules in one place. If the scholar is taking courses in multiple CPS buildings, you will finddirections for multiple campuses at the bottom of this page.
The Notifications dropdown list shows a simple list of notifications the student has received, such as graded assignments. Click the user menu at the top right of screen to establish Notification Settings.
To view a scholar’s transportation information click on “More” then “Transportation”. The transportation screen shows you what year and school the bus is for, the effective date, pickup times and location, and bus number. To switch between multiple scholars in your household, click on the person icon in the top right with your scholar’s name next to it and select the desired scholar.